Login failed. Could not connect to server.
I wanted to try this game - my friends are having lot of fun with it, but i encounter one problem after another.

First ANY site from Warframe (main website, support, forums - anything) wont open no mater which browser i use. Any other websites are working good - only warframe related stuff does not load. Finally i registered and activated account through my phone.

I hoped that would solve the problem, but i came up with another one. When i tried to log in it says "Login failed. Could not connect to server." every single time i try to login. I changed password, tried to create new account - still the same. Finally i tried to log in from my friend's computer and it worked perfectly - so my account seems to be active and functional, but when i came back home i recieved the same error.

I tried to forward/open various mentioned ports, trun of firewall (both windows and router) and antivirus - everything that could somehow interrupt network, and i still can't log in.
Reinstalling, checking integrity, restarting etc. didn't work either.

Anyone could tell me what else can i do to make this game run at once?
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Same issue here, if someone know the solution for this let us know! Thanks!
i managed to gain acces to their website - quite simple. It turned out that i had to switch TSL version used from 1.2 to 1.1 at internet options in control panel. Wonder why they are using outdated and "cracked" security algorithm on their website.

But i still cant log in to the game :(
I've searched trought forums and seupport topics but none of their solutions worked for me. Most of topics there are related to trivial errors or server downtimes. But i know that server is up now, coz i constantly talk with my friends via voice communicator.
I ended up sending ticket to support. I hope they can find some solution... before end of the month.
Отредактировано UfoL BeerSeeker; 15 апр. 2013 г. в 8:43
I've no problem login to site, just to the game I still can't login. My friend can login without problem, this is really frustrating!
Im having the same issue, i got so pissed i uninstalled the game.
Автор сообщения: edwards.taye
Im having the same issue, i got so pissed i uninstalled the game.
Gosh that escalated quickly

I cant download the update. so maybe the server droped, or i dont know... Its a beta. ♥♥♥♥ happens.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ me... you would not believe... i think i've found a solution.
I remember that one time i had some problems with League of Legends. Their support told me that i should trurn of few options in IE settings.

I said - worth a try. And the same solution WORKED and i managed to log in and launch the game.
The solution however may be annoying to some, because it slightly lowers your security settings.

Ok, what did i do? Try doing this:
Open Internet Options (from control panel or IE) -> Advanced -> scroll down to section security
-> here i unchecked 3 checkboxes:
- warn about cerificates adress don't match
- check if server certificate have been reverted
- check if publisher certificate have been reverted

Actual parameters name may differ from what i posted here - you may use other fersion of IE and my system is in polish language so my translation may not be ideal. Anyway i hope that this help at least some of you.
If you cant find this options you may try unchecking all of them and checking them back one by one to find optimal configuration.

Damn, I'm gonna blow their support heads when i tell them about this! Why the hell should i lower my security settings that much in order to play their game or even view their site? Or they are careless enough that they haven't notice that their certificates are outdated/missadressed?
And why the heck i found a solution and their support had no idea?
Does this also work for 64 Bit???? Cus I Dont know WTF i have to luck at ( i am bad at Computers D: sry)
Yeah it's work on Win 64, as I'm running on it.
yes it should be, im running win7 64x all the time.
If it doesn't work for you, you could do something wrong or it is possible that your issue is different than ours.
As i said before actual parameter names may be different because i had to translate them and i am not sure if they are called the same on english language machines. Try turning off checkboxes one by one and see which ones will fix problem.
If it wont work maybe visiting game forums or support site could help you.
I am having the same problem. I couldn't log in and after restarting the Warframe client I was able to log in. But I after I logged in I wanted to buy the platinum but I could not get into the site at all. Even when I tried to get into the Warframe site from just my browser ( which is Google Chrome by the way) , I keep getting something that says " Unable to access the network". No matter what I do. I dunno what esle to do. I'm going to try restarting my computer and how that works but other than that I dunno.
Автор сообщения: UfoL
Ok, what did i do? Try doing this:
Open Internet Options (from control panel or IE) -> Advanced -> scroll down to section security
-> here i unchecked 3 checkboxes:
- warn about cerificates adress don't match
- check if server certificate have been reverted
- check if publisher certificate have been reverted

Fixed it for me, thanks
Worked for me, weird problem, and weird fix.
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Дата создания: 15 апр. 2013 г. в 4:26
Сообщений: 34