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[DE]Zach  [desenvolvedor(a)] 19/ago./2021 às 12:59
Dev Workshop: Yareli Movement & Stat Changes!
Yareli improvements are incoming, Tenno! You’ve been patiently waiting for word on what changes will come to our latest Warframe, and this Dev Workshop covers our current plans for her kit. Read on!

We have 2 areas that are being buffed: Stats, and Utility.

Utility Changes: We are introducing a foundational change to Yareli’s movement: Merulina Dashing (tap Roll/Dash)!

This can be executed in any direction and is effectively a new way to close gaps (or quickly retreat!) and alter the direction of Yareli aboard Merulina! This also enhances the way you can traverse vertically with responsive directional input while in the air. We’ve made a handy .gif to demonstrate just what we mean:


What you see in this .gif is a vertical traversal that’s currently tough to do with Yareli. However, with the forward dash, the momentum movement now allows for directional maneuvering. Then, we see Yareli Dash both Forward AND Back in the .gif, showing how you can certainly take advantage of this new movement tool!

This is a change that’s best experienced in your hands, but it is certainly a huge improvement for navigating all of Warframes tilesets!

We have also made some changes to the general Merulina movement by allowing for shorter jumps and reducing overall jump charge time.

Yareli Stat Changes:
We’ve made some Stat changes to Yareli’s abilities as well. These are buffs across the board, and details are as follows:

Sea Snares:
Increase seek speed by about 60% and slightly increase bubble visibility to better register your casts.

- Increase range by just about 25%
- Increase damage and duration by 50%

Bigger is better. The bigger we Rip, the more enemies, the better scaling, and so on!
- Increase radius by 25%

You can look forward to this in our next update, Tenno!

Chat with your fellow Tenno on our forums here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1277697-yareli-movement-stat-changes/?tab=comments#comment-12265186

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Exibindo comentários 110 de 10
花信风G 20/ago./2021 às 0:16 
LadySolystra 20/ago./2021 às 21:50 
Alright, imma just throw some ideas out there, Yareli mains jump in if you guys got issues:

-Yareli can use Primary Weapons while on Merulina, but they have increased recoil and reload time (Say 1.2x longer reload time, you get the idea); just a negative to put less incentive towards using a primary over a secondary
-Number of sea snares scales with ability strength, doesn't have a cap on the total, better pathing to not crash into walls, and if no non-ensnared targets exist are near, they will attempt to ensnare the oldest targets to refresh the duration
-Damage reduction of Merulina is based on your ability strength, making it able to reach numbers somewhat near Mesa's Shatter Shield
-Aquablades now affects any enemies in the area from Yareli to the edge of the blades, like high-velocity water, allow the area to scale with ability range, and give the slash procs have better scaling (either more procs dealing greater damage, etc.) to allow it to be more viable at higher levels
-Riptide no longer spews enemies around like a geyser, but drops them in place, making it an effective grouping tool similar to Nidus Larva or Khora Ensnare. Additionally, make it so the duration enemies remain in the bubble actually scales with ability duration or sea snares if close to the riptide will extend the duration, making it an effective grouping tool, giving it synergy with your Aquablades and possibly Sea Snares

We love our gunslinger surfer girl, and just wanna see her shine; she's not doing too hot right now, and feels quite under-powered due to lack of strong synergy between abilities, alongside poor scaling and mechanics in my opinion. I love the addition of a dash while on Merulina, it looks amazing and feels like a step in the right direction, alongside the buffs to numbers; Thanks, and keep cool everyone!
LostOwl24 21/ago./2021 às 3:15 
I don't have Yareli just yet, but since her passive boosts crit chance, why not also have enemies affected by her abilities suffer bonus crit damge, or increase crit chance on those specific targets?
Ayra 21/ago./2021 às 4:08 
since her damage reduction is tied to be on Merulina, she feels like paper in high level missions when forced to go off Merulina to manuver tight corridors. Could she get the same treatment as Oberon's armor bonus from his abilities in that they stay around for a bit when off ? Would help a lot when going on/off the board a lot

moving in narrow tile sets on Merulina gets you stuck so often, could I suggest maybe reducing her size just a bit ?
𝓜𝓪𝓴𝓸 21/ago./2021 às 23:54 
RNG_Wizard 28/ago./2021 às 11:28 
60% faster tracking on snares is alright, but doesn't fix the terrible targeting & frequency of snares getting stuck on terrain or already snared enemies.

Merulina's vertical mobility buffs are nice, but it's still clunky, floaty, unusable in most closed tilesets, and restricts weapon selection.

Increasing range, damage, and duration for Aqua Blades is cool, but doesn't fix how clunky it is, how useless it is against mobile enemies, the terrible scaling damage, or how little synergy it has with the rest of Yareli's kit.

25% more range puts Riptide at 15m, which is still less than what other nuke frames like Saryn or Equinox have while also costing too much, not working through walls or even partial cover, not properly pulling enemies that are either snared or more than 10 meters away, having too long a cast time, and having a terrible damage type for a nuke ability.

Buffs are nice, but this reads as a misunderstanding of the issues Yareli has. Any number tweaks short of making her overpowered won't fix her, her kit as it is now just doesn't work as a damage dealer at a fundamental level.
Fake 30/ago./2021 às 16:53 
The buffs to aquablade and her bubbles will definitely be a boon.

As for Merulina, please make it usable by doing something about it's hitbox/size bumping into everything.

As for Riptide, can we trade it in for an eye beam attack fired from her left eye?
Hiyro 31/ago./2021 às 20:39 
MR_Sam728 4/set./2021 às 19:29 
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Publicado em: 19/ago./2021 às 12:59
Mensagens: 10