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Google AI Overview (Banned) Oct 6, 2018 @ 3:40pm
Why do people think Sands of Inaros quest is hard?
I didn't find anything hard in it. It's just really time consuming. Had to do a 35 minute survival to kill 60 detron crewmen and another 20 minutes for 20 railgun MOAS (low level mission).
The kavat fight took me 5 minutes because I went with my barely ranked nekros with just a sword and a pistol I was levelling up. Then with the same loadout I went for the tomb guard thing and it also was very time consuming mainly because it cloned itself on smaller pieces. I had to kill it with my operator because the zylok didn't do enough DPS. Now I have to kill 5 juggernauts which will probably be the most time consuming task out of those before.
Last edited by Google AI Overview; Oct 6, 2018 @ 3:41pm
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
DryCitrus Oct 6, 2018 @ 4:03pm 
It's not hard if you know what you're doing, but if you're a little baby tenno the boss fight at the end can really jank up your day.
Spook Oct 6, 2018 @ 4:08pm 
boss fights are often gear checks, and a lot of people would not even have amps when doing the quest, so having poor gear just leads to a real slog without a backup plan.
KrazyOne Oct 6, 2018 @ 4:46pm 
Indeed the boss fight is what makes the quest hard not the souls you need. I was fortunate enough to have the proper mods to make one of my weapons viable for the fight since the boss has over 5k hp you have to defeat him 3 times while defeating golems. Ammo becomes an issue if you aren't geared up for end game yet.
Yanta Oct 6, 2018 @ 5:04pm 
I always wondered the same thing, but I think it was easy for me because I used Ivara in the final stage. I just used prowl and Artemis bow and destroy every statue one by one.
BurlsoL Oct 6, 2018 @ 5:12pm 
It can be hard if:
1). You have not yet unlocked Operator capability in any meaningful way. Amps and the current focus tree were added long after this quest, so any of these things can give a HUGE advantage in this fight simply by means of having access to continuous energy, a means to negate damage, or just being able to shoot without an ammo limitation.

2). You are a lower MR (usually 8-12) so do not have access to many of the particularly good weapons, don't have many of the key mods leveled up, probably don't have more than a few catalysts/forma used. Additionally, many lower MR weapons have more recently received significant stat boosts as well as there being better mod combinations from mods and arcanes available through the PoE expansion. A higher MR player would undoubtedly have more access to more benefits.

3). You are using a weapon with low ammo efficiency and don't know how ammo restores work. The bosses in this mission tend to be ammo sponges. This means that typical early game crutches (Soma, Stradavar, Boltor, Gorgon, Astilla, ect) can leave the player running dry of ammo during the fight. Even a weapon with decent ammo efficiency like Hek or Tigris can be insufficient if they don't have a catalyst installed. This means that if unprepared, people can end up without any ammo halfway into the fight, then have no solution other than melee which leads to a quick death.

4). They are going into it with a fairly fragile frame. I have lost count on the number of times I have seen people running around without even a Vitality mod installed their frames, often because they have not had to fight a boss solo since hitting Saturn and could pretty much do it with whatever since then. Or, they are in the 'main' or 'meta' mindset, take something ill suited to (full power Volt for example) a boss fight, or don't have all the mods they need and don't know how to mod themselves. Although the boss isn't too much of a threat, it is still a higher level than they are likely used to.
Gigan The Gojira Oct 6, 2018 @ 6:03pm 
Originally posted by Smelly Fish:
I didn't find anything hard in it. It's just really time consuming. Had to do a 35 minute survival to kill 60 detron crewmen and another 20 minutes for 20 railgun MOAS (low level mission).
The kavat fight took me 5 minutes because I went with my barely ranked nekros with just a sword and a pistol I was levelling up. Then with the same loadout I went for the tomb guard thing and it also was very time consuming mainly because it cloned itself on smaller pieces. I had to kill it with my operator because the zylok didn't do enough DPS. Now I have to kill 5 juggernauts which will probably be the most time consuming task out of those before.
When I did the quest, the War Within wasn't out yet, so I couldn't (you know). The part where you fight Inaros was the only hard part for me because i got cornered in a room (do you even fight inaros? idk the last fight). The quest isnt hard, but people normally arent prepared by the time they can access it.
Gigan The Gojira Oct 6, 2018 @ 6:06pm 
Originally posted by BurlsoL:
. I have lost count on the number of times I have seen people running around without even a Vitality mod installed their frames, often because they have not had to fight a boss solo since hitting Saturn and could pretty much do it with whatever since then.
Well I mean i'm MR 19, and almost never use Vitality, and I don't have a hard time staying alive.
[R] Nerva Oct 6, 2018 @ 9:12pm 
Originally posted by Star Zard:
5.) Certain enemies that the vessels want you to kill can be pretty difficult to find in large quantities, it can be pretty tedious to repeat the same mission where they are guaranteed to spawn, Brood Mothers are one of those examples, only at least 1 or 2 may appear and I think you require 20 of them to progress and get the next Vessel and tha said next vessel can result of having to find another enemy that doesn't frequently spawn either. Not a big deal nor the hardest part, just tedious and repetitive at times.
Specifically for brood mothers, just run an infested survival past the 20 minute mark, and then stay until your vessel's full. Once you get to 15-20 minutes (the higher the level of the survival, the less you have to wait), broodmothers and boilers should be showing up once every 2-3 minutes.

The only real danger with the last boss is his very last phase - he will attempt to clone you with Devour and make a Sand Shadow of you, and will repeat this any time you kill the Shadow. If you've got weapons you can't survive, it will murder you, but if you CC it and then focus down the Tomb Protector itself, the Sand Shadow can't do much and will die when its master does.
Last edited by [R] Nerva; Oct 6, 2018 @ 9:13pm
Google AI Overview (Banned) Oct 7, 2018 @ 1:43am 
Yeah I haven't come to the boss part yet. I have to kill 5 juggernauts first. I'm actually MR7. Could Dread work good for them? Other good weapons I have are Soma and Hek, but as BurIsoL said they won't be very efficient on that boss, so I think Dread would be goos in combination with a slova build to easily outrun and destroy them. In addition I could spawn myself a rhino specter (these things are literally immortal)
I still don't have an AMP. I wasn't really interested in getting one, but I think it's time to do it.
Thanks for the advices guys!
Arsonium Oct 7, 2018 @ 2:09am 
I've somehow bugged the boss fight skipping 1-2 of his last phases and he was lying on the ground like a player waiting to be revived with game not recognizing this as a win or anything
Frondator Oct 7, 2018 @ 3:33am 
I did it at MR7 and it was hard. The kavat fight wasn't hard, just a little tedious. Then the golems, right? I just spammed exalted blade and eventually won though it was close. And the last one was the stalker and the clone, right? I barely won. I thought I was going to lose. I used Lex Prime at his head over and over. I pulled through probably on my last down.
Indal Oct 7, 2018 @ 3:40am 
Because they dont know how to mod properly
DragonNewTech Oct 7, 2018 @ 5:05am 
Originally posted by Gigan The Gojira:
Originally posted by BurlsoL:
. I have lost count on the number of times I have seen people running around without even a Vitality mod installed their frames, often because they have not had to fight a boss solo since hitting Saturn and could pretty much do it with whatever since then.
Well I mean i'm MR 19, and almost never use Vitality, and I don't have a hard time staying alive.
That's because you know that mobility is key to avoid damage. Those low MR-players have a high tendency to just stand at one place wondering why they get hit all the time.
Google AI Overview (Banned) Oct 7, 2018 @ 5:17am 
Originally posted by DragonNewTech:
Originally posted by Gigan The Gojira:
Well I mean i'm MR 19, and almost never use Vitality, and I don't have a hard time staying alive.
That's because you know that mobility is key to avoid damage. Those low MR-players have a high tendency to just stand at one place wondering why they get hit all the time.
Basically me when I switched from using rhino through half of the star chart to my first prime frame. Had to re-learn movement.
Meewec Oct 7, 2018 @ 7:39am 
Originally posted by Spook:
boss fights are often gear checks, and a lot of people would not even have amps when doing the quest, so having poor gear just leads to a real slog without a backup plan.
this was me, i didn't have the mods for my weapons to avoid running out of ammo. left it alone for a couple weeks and tried again, still didn't have enough ammo in my primary but i only had to go through the last two phases. didn't have operator to fall back on either
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Date Posted: Oct 6, 2018 @ 3:40pm
Posts: 20