Divinity: Original Sin (Classic)

Divinity: Original Sin (Classic)

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character creation question
what does AI personality mean?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Stabbey Mar 4, 2015 @ 7:32pm 
From time to time, your main characters will have something to say about an event in the world, or have to pick a choice during a quest. The AI personality will have the character you're not currently controlling automatically pick an option. You should probably fill out a personality on both, though, because you may not always end up controlling the same person.

You can turn this off if you don't like it. Or if you want the other personality to always do what you want, set both of the personalities to Loyal.
Wulfen Hyde Mar 4, 2015 @ 7:36pm 
So in conversations where I can have my two people either agree or disagree with eachother then it just makes them automatically go with whichever the personality would go with? I dont entirely understand
Stabbey Mar 4, 2015 @ 7:39pm 
Originally posted by Rand al'Thor:
So in conversations where I can have my two people either agree or disagree with eachother then it just makes them automatically go with whichever the personality would go with? I dont entirely understand

You pick the option for whatever character you are controlling, the AI will pick another option based on what the personality would go for.
Wulfen Hyde Mar 4, 2015 @ 7:42pm 
so I can get into the rock paper scissors minigame instead of just agreeing with myself if the AI personalitys choice conflicts with what I say?
Raze_Larian Mar 4, 2015 @ 8:10pm 
Yes. If a contrary choice prevents you from recruiting a companion, for example, you can simply leave one main character far enough away that they are not involved in the conversation. Other times there is an immediate reaction to the outcome (like triggering combat) so you would have to reload a recent save if you didn't want to accept the result (though in that case it would be better to not set an AI personality, or set it to loyal).
Wulfen Hyde Mar 4, 2015 @ 8:16pm 
pocketnunu Mar 5, 2015 @ 10:10am 
Yes,the AI in DOS is a character's personality. DOS is unlimited when it comes to actual "role playing" - there are basically no roles, lol. Any "class" can wear any armor, use any weapon - the only limitation is what level a character is at, and even then, a character can still use/wear any item but penalized with using more APs in combat (unless the weapon or armor requires a certain strength, intelligence, or dex stat - then the game will not equip the weapon/armor).

But as for disagreements, what everyone else above said. Myself, I prefer the choice of "no AI" and let my choices in-game fall where they may.

But a question for Raze: are there consequences if the two main characters never agree? I've never tried it, but can you kill your partner?
Austellus Mar 5, 2015 @ 11:44am 
The ending mentions what happens to your characters after all is said and done. Mine did not like each other at all, and both ended up pretending the other didn't exist. I suspect this is linked to how often you agreed.
Raze_Larian Mar 5, 2015 @ 10:30pm 
The game keeps track of how much the characters agree, as well as how much they like each other (affinity and affection), which determines part of the ending of the game.

There is friendly fire, so you can kill your partner. That wouldn't do you any good, though.
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Date Posted: Mar 4, 2015 @ 7:28pm
Posts: 9