Divinity: Dragon Commander Beta

Divinity: Dragon Commander Beta

NAT punch-through failed!
Every time when I try to join someone or create a match(with human apponent) game shows this! what should I do to fix this????
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Показані коментарі 115 із 17
It might help to set up port forwarding in your router (a how to[www.wikihow.com]), but I don't know what ports would need to be opened. Other than that, I think you'll need to wait for Larian to adjust the current connection method or add a second technique if the first fails, or something.
Ok, now I have the same problem. I have direct cable connection, no outer firewall/router.
I have already opened ports from that list, but i still have this message. Any other ideas about fixing it?
Maybe someone else have an idea? Because i want to try MP)
Latest patch broke connection for me. Getting the same message now then trying to connect to a friend
Now i don't see any games at all...
Seems it's fixed, but not fully. I had joined one game but after 10 mins I recieved message about desync. And with other lobby i have the same trouble
Just so everyone knows, forwarding the ports in that guide wont work. Those are the port numbers for steam, not the game itself

The port to forward is 23232 on both UDP and TCP (although it appears only UDP is used)
Im having the same problem, but i dont have a router. I have only have a modem which is directly connected to my comp. Wtf am i supposed to do? They need to fix this.
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Показані коментарі 115 із 17
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