The Age of Decadence

The Age of Decadence

Voir les stats:
479 Body Count Merc Run
just finished my max Body Count Run

How i did it:
Starting Stats:
10 7 9 6 4 4
7DEX to catch the running thief Kebap in Teron, i f u wonder why i got 7 DEX - 2 more kills

assasin 1st kill
escort 3 kills including one Friendly kill
Cassius 1
gate refugee aemolas market take q
get r3 sneak r4 Crit r3 crafting
sneak in BS house get r4 craft making r3 sneak practically free
now craft u gear
Infiltrate 7 max kills possible guard at side door, one in tower 4 slaves(somewhat hard fight u need make it with 29HP or more, if u have less u will fail the r4 crit check at west entrance)
1 guard at west entrance
BC till now 12

i go with Raider camp crit check kill boss than finish the rest 6 here
BC 18

Militiades 2+3
BC 23

Woman thief behind 40Thiefs Guild u fail all checks here but u can go directly in the house where merc goes 3 kills here

1st IG Mission 5+2Friendly kills 7 possible i bough two bombs from the trader in front of INN
BC 33

Aemolas Gold 10 possible u need go with their boss and than choose fight there is narrow part between fence and house u hide there makin fight 1vs 1
BC 43

Now go merchant plaza pay 50 Gold and find out who suply Mine outpost Its Rhaksus.
he is in the shanty town go talk with him and choose kill him, kite him to the 40 thiefs guild and kill 4 of em (dont att Mercato and Barman) pretty tough fight (i kited em to Feng house)
5 kills here

Rhaksus need be done before u go MineOutpost ( u can also kill Assasin guild here but i reccomen do it after Mine)

Mine 10 possible

Kebap seller in shanty town u get robbed Need 7 DEX catch thief, he leads u to Darathon guard choose Ofcouse to kill em, kill only guard kite thief to assasin guild. Assasin guild is the hardest fight ever - get Crit defence 128(even with 128 i was crited pretty often) start fight righ side of coltan u need kill him with 3 hits, than dont leave the room the ouside crossbow man will come (other 2 should not leave their room) after u killed the 3 in the room u need get at the right side at middle at the desk in the 1st room this way other 2 will block them selves. Even this way last one will be Agathai believe me u will remember him.
After u eventually kill em (5 kills) go to the sewer tower (at squaters) while kiting the thief go in the cellar SAFE HEAL, thief will w8 u outside resuming combat. if thief in the tunel at the tower and u used the map to sell items if he showing his back to u he wont resume combat, he must be able to cee u. its kinda tricky if u wanna go sell u need go to the right entrance to the Darathan Palace and u will get dialog which teleports u at the middle entrance this way u gain space from the thief.
Now go Darathan Tower Left side of map and kill em all
AssasinG 5
Tower 6 13 possible
After u kill thief patrol will come and u need pay 250Gold, pay em.

Attack Gang left from 40Thiefs guild kill 3 kite one till the Inn bash StoryTeller kill the 4th gang member
Its Time To Storm The IG Fort :)
go up one of the towers attack archer all will go up makin the fight very easy
11kills 4 gang
BC 86 go Heal Safe

storm again IG 15 kills
go to Darathon castle
story teller is still alive :P he crited me several times
Left side 2
Middle 4 ( u cant pull the 2 crossbow man at towers even though they in range use Bow)
Right 3
Inside 4+2 (only 4 u can pull) this 6 are actully the patrol which finds u when u masscre all the town, u kill 4 now at the end 2 will come to u than u gonna kill em :P
Teron people massacre
4 squaters 118
1 Thessalos 119
1 Healer 120
1 Preacher 121
2 MerchGuard 123
2 InnKeepAlchem 125
1 Digger 126
1 bum1 127
1 bum2 128
1 slave1 129
1 merch1 130
1 cust1 131
1 cust2 132
1 merch2 133
1 alchemist 134
1 2merchGuards 136
1 Linos 137
1 merch3 138
1 merch4 139
1 slave2 140
1 merch5 141
1 Aemolas 142
1 merch6 143
1 cust3 144
1 cust4 145
1 slave3 146
1 slave4 147
1 merch7 148
1 slave5 149
1 Guard 150
1 Blacksmith 151
1 Bum3 152
1 Kleitos 153
1 Mercato 154
1 Feng 155
1 GuardEntr1 156
1 GuardEntr1 157
1 Kebap 158

Time to kill the StoryTeller 159.
Combat ends Guards come to kill u only 2 of em, bc u killed 4 of em earlier
Kill em

END of Teron

This way u cant do the last 2 missions of IG. Lost kills and rep with IG also Skill points. Last mission there are 15Possible kills. (maybe possible 8 because its really hard make friendly kills there)
I want ask the Developers to make it possible doing this missions after killing all in teron or maybe some other choise.
I didnt tryed but if u leave Decanus alive when u storm IF fort and reset combat u may be able get the missions. WIll try this when i have time :)

and ther is no possible way to massacre Ganezzar. So many there to add to BC :P.
Please Devs make it happen.
Also i want kill Aurelius and his guards :)
Will add Marodan list of kills later.
u can check my profile i uploaded SS from this run.

In Maro at Kemneby Raiders fight i killed 10 out of 17 possible.
Missed 6 in Marodan Massacre.

Dernière modification de NaViL; 15 nov. 2015 à 11h20
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 17
Vince  [dév.] 15 nov. 2015 à 7h04 
Holy moly, amazing run!
Did you use trick to move combat from one place to another to kill all townsfolk?
Annoying how killing 20 at a time earns the same sp as killing one isn't it?
Nice run!
I've had 452 body count but was also going for as many SP as possible (96 BC after Teron). I might try to beat your record but only after all updates are in. Didn't think that over 500 kills is possible but it is.
Hi Goral,
thanks and holy moly
u did 452-96=356 after Teron
me 479-161=318 after Teron
how u did it mon? u runed merc?
which factionu was in?
i tryed all possibilities and Aurelian neted most BC.
Did u massacred Ganezzar somehow?
and what u mean all updates?
Dernière modification de NaViL; 15 nov. 2015 à 12h16
malicious a écrit :
Hi Goral,
thanks and holy moly
u did 452-96=356 after Teron
me 479-161=318 after Teron
how u did it mon? u runed merc?
which factionu was in?
i tryed all possibilities and Aurelian neted most BC.
Did u massacred Ganezzar somehow?
and what u mean all updates?
I played as a merc. And yeah, I massacred Ganezzar to a degree (didn't kill everyone since I wanted to do quests and get as many SPs as possible). All you needed was going in without the amulet, just outside the gate there is a mob that asks who do you worship or something like that and you can use that for a fight. You can also kill the 3 zealots that are connected to Darganus/Hector/Elias quest since even when you kill them the game doesn't know that (you can't kill them again but you can do Elias quest).

When I did it there were less kills possible (it was before the Basileos update and 3 arena challengers).

As for the updates, Vince said they will make updates till January so I assume that it also means increase in BC.
Dernière modification de Goral; 15 nov. 2015 à 12h32
Goral a écrit :
malicious a écrit :
Hi Goral,
thanks and holy moly
u did 452-96=356 after Teron
me 479-161=318 after Teron
how u did it mon? u runed merc?
which factionu was in?
i tryed all possibilities and Aurelian neted most BC.
Did u massacred Ganezzar somehow?
and what u mean all updates?
I played as a merc. And yeah, I massacred Ganezzar to a degree (didn't kill everyone since I wanted to do quests and get as many SPs as possible). All you needed was going in without the amulet, just outside the gate there is a mob that asks who do you worship or something like that and you can use that for a fight. You can also kill the 3 zealots that are connected to Darganus/Hector/Elias quest since even when you kill them the game doesn't know that (you can't kill them again but you can do Elias quest).

When I did it there were less kills possible (it was before the Basileos update).

Hi again :)
which amulet u mean? Which item is this. doin max kills in teron i started in marodan without guild. Couldnt finish the IG quest line in Teron. in my run i didnt massacred Gannezzar. This will hugely increased my BC :). i will run the game through the IG quest line to cee what i did missed. Also did u massacred Caer Tor? And ouside of Zamedi tower there is some BC which i couldnt find way to make.
You can buy amulet from a guy outside Ganezzar which gives you safe passage through the gate. Otherwise you will fight the zealots. But if Ganezzar is already under the siege you won't run into them.
In Caer-Tor I couldn't do a thing since the only fight I could initiate was the one given by one of the Centurions and the path was closed, you couldn't run off anywhere. Zamedi the same.

I was with IG all the time.
Dernière modification de Goral; 15 nov. 2015 à 12h46
Not bad, not bad! I got only 160 by leaving Teron =]
All hail. You should get your own NPC in the game. ;-)
Tried kiting Rhakus to the thief guild and killed all the thieves but then I get expeled from Teran.

Did something get changed?

And is this body count strategy available to all factions?
Vince  [dév.] 17 oct. 2020 à 10h26 
Critical Hit Dude a écrit :
Tried kiting Rhakus to the thief guild and killed all the thieves but then I get expeled from Teran.
Killing notable citizens (and a guildmaster is certainly notable, even if not exactly the pillar of community) will get you expelled. It's not like the guards don't know who runs the thieves guild, but a proper balance must be maintained and so they leave him alone.

Rhaskos is a nobody and thus a fair game.

And is this body count strategy available to all factions?
Yes, with the exception of faction-specific quests.
Thanks for the response, I wonder how Op Navil did it? Was that a previous build. Kind of shame and I wanted to harvest all thieves' guilds equipment, or for that matter of every NPC in Teran. Once I get all their stuff, I don't mind getting kicked up.
i didnt played this game since my post in 5 years. I plan soon to make another run for max BC. I am sure there were updates after my post in 2015. So Max BC surely is increased. Will try mix build stealing + mercenary, ofc not sure this is possible.
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Posté le 15 nov. 2015 à 6h39
Messages : 17