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BadBreath Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:48am
So you want people to pay you for an unfinished game?
This kind of thing is EXACTLY whats wrong with indie games.
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Showing 1-15 of 224 comments
titoine2000_QC Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:48am 
Thats called Early Acces, Seems like you never took the time to understand that.
Driftan Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:50am 
You new to steam? Or the gaming market?
If you don't like seeing unfinished games, quit going to EARLY access and Greenlight.
Mr Crocker  [developer] Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:52am 
We're happy to get feedback from fans as we build the game. If you don't want to do that we completely understand and imagine that most people will want to wait until the final release
SKaREO Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:55am 
It's not a problem exclusive with indie game development. It's a problem exclusive with this Early Access fraud. Basically charging parents a fee to take their children as employees to test products. It's beyond disgusting.
Last edited by SKaREO; Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:55am
Wandering Mage Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:59am 
Originally posted by SKaREO:
It's not a problem exclusive with indie game development. It's a problem exclusive with this Early Access fraud. Basically charging parents a fee to take their children as employees to test products. It's beyond disgusting.
Children shouldn't be testing alpha games, early access is for a mature group of people who want to really give feedback and help shape the game.
Mr Crocker  [developer] Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:01am 
We really do appreciate and take on board the feedback!
cryptochrist Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:02am 
Originally posted by SKaREO:
It's not a problem exclusive with indie game development. It's a problem exclusive with this Early Access fraud. Basically charging parents a fee to take their children as employees to test products. It's beyond disgusting.
Children work seems to be quite common these days.....

We wanna see some gameplayvideos. Screenshots are not enough.
In my opinion this game looks interesting. Maybe I'll give it a try....
CueZero Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:04am 
As the dev said, if you have no interest in becoming a part of a games' development process, in watching it grow and receive new updates regularly, staying fresh and original with every change, then by all means wait until the product is finished.
Some people really enjoy being a part of the creative process of a video game, and are willing to pay for that experience itself.
Besides, it's not like you don't get the game when it's finished. It's the same thing as pre-ordering a game, except you actually get to PLAY what they have so far.
Pretty amazing system if you ask me. :spacefacehappy:
Last edited by CueZero; Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:05am
Schnauzi Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:06am 

Apparently, Steam does not show the trailer for the game right now:


here it is :)

Mr Crocker  [developer] Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:07am 
Unfortunately Steams video backend went down as we were ready to go live so we can't add our trailer to the page yet! thanks for linking it llynx!
Meturoido Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:08am 
Originally posted by Mr Crocker:
We're happy to get feedback from fans as we build the game. If you don't want to do that we completely understand and imagine that most people will want to wait until the final release

Mr Crocker, I participate in a couple other early access games, just that they are in a more advanced stage, nevertheless, as long as you keep steady updates coming, interact with the community and take note of the feedback left by it, you should not have any problem at all.

Wish you the best in this endeavor.
Mosu Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:10am 
You have the opportunity here to do what every other AAA studio, big budget title does not do - Interact directly with developers to potentually influence the content and direction of the game.

By providing feedback and telling them what's good and whats bad, you're actively making the product you've pre-ordered better for it's eventual release. It's a great idea, and you get to play part of the game NOW!

Nobody is forcing you to buy this game, and don't if you don't want to yet wait for release or move on.
Last edited by Mosu; Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:11am
Mr Crocker  [developer] Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:11am 
Originally posted by Ōkami:
Originally posted by Mr Crocker:
We're happy to get feedback from fans as we build the game. If you don't want to do that we completely understand and imagine that most people will want to wait until the final release

Mr Crocker, I participate in a couple other early access games, just that they are in a more advanced stage, nevertheless, as long as you keep steady updates coming, interact with the community and take note of the feedback left by it, you should not have any problem at all.

Wish you the best in this endeavor.

Thanks and we'll do our best!
skidpro Aug 13, 2013 @ 11:19am 
I tried it at Eurogamer last year and it was very good, however, I feel like a lot of people and not paying for early access. I want finished product. I really dont understand this early access stuff, I thought the game was dropped as they are/were university students and their kickstarter failed. But it was a good game that I played and I did an interview, but it was not printed as I thought it was abandoned! What I played was 1 level of a maze..it was cool....but they have had over a year to make this and its about time it was finshed by now? I just emailed Lewis to see what it is going and hopefuly get an an update at Eurogamer this year, but there was a lack of comnuciation from them. I emailed, no reply then. I cant be expected to trust an early access game when I know the devs dont respond to emails? So how is this feedback going to work? Hopefully they will email me and fill in the blanks as I have a lot of unanswered questions and am certainly not buying now. It looks like a source of funding...if they got a publisher then why isnt the game complete after 1 year? Why are they offering early access now saying we want feedback when I know they will not respond to email? I am sorry....I want finished product and the publisher should be funding this..IMO..sorry to be abrupt.....
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Date Posted: Aug 13, 2013 @ 10:48am
Posts: 223