A Valley Without Wind 2

A Valley Without Wind 2

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Xangi 16 Thg04, 2013 @ 7:15pm
Character Frames of Animation
So I bought this game a while back, when it was in beta. At that time, most of the graphics were incomplete so I assumed what I'm going to be complaining about was just a symptom of the game not being fully finished. But now, are you serious? NO frames for aiming in different directions? 2-3 frames only for casting? NO attempt to make the projectiles come out of the hands of the character? NO frames for moving and casting at the same time? NO spin jump/forward jump frames? Seriously?

Why did you guys pay an art team to create this? Frankly AVWW1 looks better, and AVWW1 didn't look that great. Now, before you guys get all up my ♥♥♥ about this, I'm a guy who's top 10 games of all time include Dwarf Fortress (ASCII), Deus Ex 1, Nethack, Crawl (and its offshoots) and other such games. I am NOT a person who requires hi-res or "trendy" graphics to enjoy a game. However, when the graphics are literally so poorly animated that it makes me not want to play the game, there's a problem. I have never had a game who's graphics were so poorly done before, honestly this looks like an alpha. It's a real shame because frankly, I like nearly everything else about the game: It's an interesting concept, the gameplay in itself is very well done, it's a lot deeper than it looks and it's a nice blend of genres. It looks great in still shots, but the second you actually play it it looks like a high-school project gone bad.

I know there was a shortage of money, but honestly I'd rather have seen 4 good character sprites done properly than however many we have right now (8 or 10 I believe, have to check) that all look awful. It's just a shame that no one on the Arcen Forums had the balls to speak out against the "Everything is Fine and Perfect and Wonderful" brigade before this went too far (I am also guilty of this, but admittedly I was under the assumption that the sprites were to be improved). As a person who aspires to game design myself and who knows several game developers on a first name basis, I would recommend AGAINST ever using Heavy Cat Studios to anyone if this is the quality of work they produce.
Lần sửa cuối bởi Xangi; 16 Thg04, 2013 @ 7:29pm
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Chronon 18 Thg04, 2013 @ 3:36am 
Nice rant.

Blocky walking animation was the first thing I noticed when I tried the game for a minute today. (Achievements still broken, gonna push playing it 'till later, again...)
Lần sửa cuối bởi Chronon; 18 Thg04, 2013 @ 3:37am
Nick Vascuas 18 Thg04, 2013 @ 1:28pm 
But "I am NOT a person who requires hi-res or "trendy" graphics to enjoy a game. However, when the graphics are literally so poorly animated that it makes me not want to play the game, there's a problem" contradicts itself.

If you dont like the game then fine. But i barely noticed the animations, im just having fun as i usually do without caring so much. If you enjoy everything but the way it looks then im sorry for you.
Xangi 20 Thg04, 2013 @ 1:41pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Nick Vascuas:
But "I am NOT a person who requires hi-res or "trendy" graphics to enjoy a game. However, when the graphics are literally so poorly animated that it makes me not want to play the game, there's a problem" contradicts itself.

If you dont like the game then fine. But i barely noticed the animations, im just having fun as i usually do without caring so much. If you enjoy everything but the way it looks then im sorry for you.
No it doesn't. It's like watching Battlefield Earth. You don't even notice the rest of the movie because EVERY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SHOT is at an angle. Same with this, I can't even enjoy it because the animations are so bad it just takes me out of the experience. NES-level graphics would be better than this, simply because they wouldn't draw so much attention to the awful animation quality.
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