Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition

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How do we get the old spirtes back!
What did they do to this game? The sprites are terrible now.
Not the outlines I mean the sprites. They are blurry and just plane bad compared to the old ones.

Please tell me this is being rolled back or there is a way.

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Beiträge 115 von 28
It might be changed in the upcoming patch. I dont follow the beamdog forums, maybe there's some details on there about what/when the the next update will be.
Luis 7. Apr. 2016 um 21:57 
The sprites are the same. Only with a different filter/scaler, and an optional outline.

Hopefully they will allow the use of the other scaler, I liked the sprites looking sharper rather than blurrier (though I do like the outline, reminds me of Ultima, somehow)
Thank God I hope you are right.
I would actually like to see the old filter with the outlines. It does make it look like Ultima.

Go to Character Outlines in the Game Options and switch them off. Hey presto! You have your ugly pixellated sprites back.
sacrifice a goat velduranpox the eternal dark one.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Von Faustien; 7. Apr. 2016 um 22:49
They already said they did not mean the outlines. And they do not look the same, they still look like iphone sprites.
I rolled a new Shapeshifter and she looks like a pile of mud.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Stardog765:
What did they do to this game? The sprites are terrible now.
Not the outlines I mean the sprites. They are blurry and just plane bad compared to the old ones.

Please tell me this is being rolled back or there is a way.
It's an option in the graphics settings; you can just turn it off. Requires a reload of your game, but that's it.
I decided to try them on, and after I got used to them I actually like it a lot better this way. But I'm glad they've added as many customization options as they have.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von MMOGamer71:
I rolled a new Shapeshifter and she looks like a pile of mud.
That's my Baldur's Gate! Seriously, set character colors to flesh tones and everybody just looks like flesh golems. : p
Ya thank you for the help but to some that recommend to turn off the outlines in the options, I did say that I didnt mean the outlines :/

In the link of Luisfuis there's a comment about it, here's a bit:

There's currently no way to change the filter back (as you've noticed, even turning off Sprite Outlines keeps it in "nearest neighbor"), but if this is important to you, I recommend creating a Feature-type ticket on Redmine.

A feature ticket hasn't been made yet it seems. For the ones interested, that can be done here[].
Ursprünglich geschrieben von mrwibble:
Go to Character Outlines in the Game Options and switch them off. Hey presto! You have your ugly pixellated sprites back.
Nice reading comprehension buddy.
Vio 9. Apr. 2016 um 10:19 
There is a ticket, its this one
They looked bad in the original game too so it's just depends which version of bad looking characters you prefer.
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Geschrieben am: 7. Apr. 2016 um 21:53
Beiträge: 28