Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life

Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life

Soylent_Greene Mar 7, 2023 @ 12:27pm
Improvements from Mars Horizons 1?
Everyone please pile on!

They may very well be in Alpha Development, and this is your chance to get your ideas in!

First >>>> Your base, being limited without enough space for all your buildings? Hated the TETRIS feel fitting my buildings together, striving to fit every possible building.

Second >>>> Rocket improvement slots... I MH1 you could easily develop rockets with 6 points of expansion, but could never fill it up, One expansion regardless how many slots you've used.
Allow us to use up the slots, with commiserate increases in cost, complexity, reliability and construction time!

Third >>>> Allow us to balance our research across multiple fields!

All I can think of for now, but PEOPLE, feel free to add into this!
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
Geden_Ahmed Mar 8, 2023 @ 11:30am 
I would love if some of the mission tasks were different. The current payload thing with energy, comms etc you know what i mean, can get really boring long term. I often end up skipping many of them in the end. Some missions being something completely different would be awesome
Dikadar Mar 14, 2023 @ 7:53pm 
I'd like to see the "Search for Life" be dynamic. It could be in a few locations, rather than always under the sea on Europa or something, so you'd actually need to "follow clues".

Would be interesting to be able to spy on the other rivals, see their base and what they're building and researching, at some cost.
Soylent_Greene Mar 14, 2023 @ 8:09pm 

Would you also see potential sabotage missions, the AI vs the PC or even AI vs AI?

Personally I doubt I am enough an amoral scum to wreck their systems but other players might go for something like that...

Ends justify the means kind of logic
JeanDeaux Mar 23, 2023 @ 12:25pm 
The previews here lead me to believe this is a variation of Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager, just a bit more animated. Everything is pre-animated cut scenes with a few "click here" and "decide this" options. I'll need a much more dynamic game than that to gain my interest. Thus far the promo's give me a big 'ol... Meh...
Soylent_Greene Mar 23, 2023 @ 8:14pm 
The game is similar, same genre

But there are significant differences

Primarily in the research and base building (which is very much a TETRIS game)
Soylent_Greene Mar 23, 2023 @ 8:17pm 
Another suggestion to this game>>>

We play as nation states, perhaps if you find a way to play as a large Corporation instead of a government?

One of the biggest issues that NASA has with Elon Musk is no control over him building a Moon Base or Mars Base...
Because once he gets there, it pretty much exclusively his to develop
Possession being 9/10ths of the law
mikeydsc Mar 27, 2023 @ 9:06am 
If this game has those puzzles in the missions like last game - NO THANKS. That was the most tedious thing over and over and over and over.....

I enjoyed rest of the game but those puzzles. I wont do them anymore, just a flat out no from me.
Soylent_Greene Mar 27, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
You could always skip those mini-games and let the AI doing them...
Funny thing about the RNG, seems to fail disproportionately
mikeydsc Mar 27, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
Originally posted by Soylent_Greene:
You could always skip those mini-games and let the AI doing them...
Funny thing about the RNG, seems to fail disproportionately
Why would you do that? The game needed those bonuses you got from doing the puzzles, otherwise later game you short changed yourself.
Soylent_Greene Mar 27, 2023 @ 2:30pm 
I have done the play through completely 4x over, and the 1st one was playing the puzzles & failing at the worst possible times
The other 3 were set on automatic and did just fine
mikeydsc Mar 27, 2023 @ 3:09pm 
Originally posted by Soylent_Greene:
I have done the play through completely 4x over, and the 1st one was playing the puzzles & failing at the worst possible times
The other 3 were set on automatic and did just fine
I am very happy YOU enjoyed the game and will take none of your pleasure from you.
I on the other hand DID NOT enjoy that portion and stated my opinion.

Just leave it there as you will not sway me or others that didnt like that portion.
Soylent_Greene Mar 27, 2023 @ 4:03pm 
Apologies, was not meaning to change your opinions or diminish them either!
It's great that we have the options to play it either way.

Hoping the new game improves upon some of the prior versions minor issues!
Lieuten@nt Apr 28, 2023 @ 12:43am 
When I could wish for some changes it be:

1. More real launch windows. Especially for Mars missions. You hear in reports always, that a launch window can´t be reached, because of this or an other reason and the start delay for another 26 Month. Or that the start was planed for example 2020 and was delayed to 2022. It would be nice, to reach a 26 month earlier window than the real History have lunched a spacecraft to Mars.

1a) That needs more information at planing the building of the rocket. If you spend extra money for a faster construction of the rocket, but miss the lunch window anyway, it would be real annoying. The same situation is, if you are at the space race. Sometimes it would be nice, to speed up the production to bet the other combatants.

2. Mission maximum for different stages. Why can´t I build a new rocket, while a satellite is flying in the direction of Mars. The construction building should be free. The construction worker should be free. I wan´t to build a next rocket, without waiting for a Lander to land.

3. Late combatant: It would be nice a nice option to start with Europe, China or Japan in the 1970th and then catch up with Russia and America. Also it would be nice if the race to the moon is a duel like in real history and not 5 combatants like the game.

That are things I already would wish for Mars Horizon 1. I would be happy to see them at Mars Horizon 2.
Lieuten@nt Apr 29, 2023 @ 4:15am 
I also remembered some graphical differences is wish for Mars Horizon. I would love to see in Mars Horizon 1. But I guess you focus on Mars Horizon 2. So this are wishes and hopes for Mars Horizon 2.

The graphic is good for a not mainstream game. But the most irritating thing is the water effects. Please improve the cutscenes when a splash down happens and a boat comes to the crew.

Another irritating graphic effect is when you see Ice falling down, where no rocket is. It seams the effect was programmed for a thicker rocket. When it fits, the effect locks great. When not, it is irritating.

Different Mission control center, depending on time and country would be nice. The early control centers should have a lot of old analog hardware, like Apollo Mission center. A modern mission control center should have a lot flat screens and different layout, NASA or Space X have today.

With the nationality I disliked the hair collar of the persons. All east Asian Astronauts had black hair and I guess the same is in mission control. (With some gray hair) In realty both countries (Japan and China) try to show the most professional side of their country. That means mostly undyed hair. So I would like more black (and gray) hair in the asian countries. Not nesesery 100 %. Maybe in present and futere could be more colourfull hair then in the past. Japan of today have more dyed hair then 30 Years ago. Some Japanese have foiraigen roots. And maybe some foreign expert have or will have joined the Asian space Agency. So I wish less color in Asian hairs, but not 100% colorless.

Last graphic update I wish is closer lock of rockets to their real life counterparts. The Ariane 6 have great 6 on their side, build out of flags of the ESA. The SLS Block 1 have logos of NASA and America (and logo of esa) at the top of it nose. Also the SLS Block 1B in the game looks quite different than the SLS Block 1 from the real Artemis 1. I guess 2020 the concept arts locked different. But don´t use the assets from 2020 in 2024.

The last wish is not optical but accusingly. The American have a relative clear countdown, while the other counties have quite noise countdown. The noise countdown fits very good to the early history of space flights. But in the present the sound should be much clearer. It whould be great if you could should hear, what decade you have or what technology you have developed. By a event the sound should be different clear and not by the country you play.

That is all I remember for now.
Auroch Matty May 2, 2023 @ 3:06am 
Hi everyone, many thanks for your posts and feedback regarding Mars Horizon.

We currently have a survey running for players of Mars Horizon to provide suggestions for what they would like to see in Mars Horizon 2: The Search for Life. It would be a great help if you could complete the survey and provide us with your suggestions on there :)
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