DOOM (1993)
Let's make a list of things to improve. Updated: 22 Sept. 2020
This is a collaborative effort with a common idea. Making this port better. So, please, refrain from ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and keep pitching in to build that list. I will add most(read, all that is not silly like "PLZ DIE LOL".) to the list and keep updating it as time goes on. When suggestions will stop coming in, we debate the last points.

I didn't focus on bugs since I am not experiencing any on my end.

That said, if the devs are reading this (one can hope). I wish to congratulate you for this very solid start. There is a few bugs to solve and some "rough around the edges" part but this is understandable given this is a port of a port. Overall, I am quite satisfied by this port and I hope you can further polish it and iron out some of the inaccuracies that still remains. (You can see Dwars videos on it on youtube. He did a better job than I could ever hope to do.)

You are VERY close to a great entry-level port. I hope Bethesda will allow you the time to make the required changes/fixes.

I'll start.

  • The Bethesda login prompt should only show up when going to Bethedanet / addons menu. Having it kicking in at startup irritates some users.

  • Crosshair should be disabled by default.

  • Crisp resolution without so much aliasing should be an option. I appreciate the old school look but I feel it wouldn't be that much work to offer us the option.

  • Better keyboard controls for menu navigation. Especially when it comes to the ADDONS part of the port.

  • ESC shouldn't bring an exit prompt on the start screen. It is a bit annoying. A lesser issue but one that made me close the game by mistake more than once since I am used to open up the menu that way in most sourceport out there and the original.

  • Online multiplayer would be great. In fact, a port that makes multiplayer super easy online for Doom is free spot. Zandronum, Zdaemon and Odamex (those I know of) all pretty much need an external software to search for lobbies. (Ex. Doomseeker, Doom Explorer...) Doing that would greatly benefit Bethesda. A quick and easy way to play Doom online is a spot they should really aim to grab. Would put this port under a spotlight. Even if it is friend only via invites, I'd be happy.

  • Add separate save file for vanilla and modded games. Please. :)
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย X-Vector:
• Add support for 4:3 resolutions

• Add minimal/no HUD option
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย AmethystViper:
Some things to add:

• Option for rebinding menu/UI controls (some games Unity games like BallisticNG can allow for this)

• [Bug] Loading a save file on Nightmare difficulty reverts the projectile speed to default

• [Suggestion] A Doomworld user suggested making the screens for two players horizontal with the 4:3 viewport enabled

• [Suggestion] Another Doomworld user suggested having level stats repositioned so it doesn't get obscured by the in-game messages, while another pointed the messages appear outside of the 4:3 viewport because of the game is being rendered in widescreen

• [Suggestion] The possibility of different border styles when playing with the 4:3 viewport in single-player and an option for a simple black border

• The ending screen images seem to take much longer to load than the original DOS versions did after the text scroller is finished displaying the ending episode text in the Unity port

• [Bug] A combination of V-sync and/or frame-rates above 60 FPS cause mouse looking problems

• [Bug] Someone mentioned that the frame-rate limiter doesn't properly interpolate frame-rates beyond 60 FPS and remains stuck at 60 FPS even with 120+ or uncapped frame-rates

• The Final DOOM WADs from Bethesda-net are missing the widescreen HUD graphic despite having been updated with the other widescreen assets

• There's no exclusive fullscreen mode with the Unity ports, and the "-window-mode exclusive" command line parameter doesn't work with them at all

• Minor issue: Sometimes the executable icon shows on the window title bar and sometimes doesn't

• Possibly correct "Override save?" in the save screen when attempting to overwrite a save file as "Overwrite save?"

• [Bug] I ran into a random and very rare occurrence where "Confirm" wouldn't work with either keyboard or controller when at the save/load screen unless I backed out

• [Suggestion] Add the ability to manage save files in-game by being allowed to copy and delete save files without having to delete them from File Explorer

• [Suggestion] DWars suggested command-line parameter support for the Unity port

• [Bug] One player on Doomworld ran into a problem with the controller bindings being grayed out and can't be reconfigured with two Xbox connected

• [Suggestion] The ability to rebind controller remapping for other players, not just Player 1

• [Bug] Some PWADs that uses DeHackEd can crash the game or cause errors; see here[] and here[]

• [Suggestion] Another Doomworld and Steam user suggested more localization options (e.g. Russian)

• Some players noticed some of the other non-English localizations have errors in them

• [Suggestion] Allow the game's multiplayer be playable without needing XInput two controllers (if it's possible)

• [Suggestion] Allow players to adjust the "screenblocks" of the game like in the original Doom games with + and = keys, or at the least give the option to have the "minimal HUD" and then "no HUD" after the default full view display

• [Small suggestion] Could it be possible to change the Unity port executable icon for Doom II to the Lost Soul so it can stand out from Doom I's Unity port's Cacodemon icon and so that it matches the Steam icon for Doom II?
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Limony.Skitzit:
I think it would be much better to allow multiple addons at a time. Such as adding the D4V mod and Sigil for example.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย inkus:
• There is no traditional strafe modifier key action available for binding.

• There is no quick functions access via F1-F10.

• Extra statistics on the automap (monsters killed, secrets revealed, timer, etc.) should be togglable on and off.

• Automap text (level name in the first place) color should be red.

• Random sound pitch for monster activity SFX works wrong.

• Intro movies shoul be togglable on and off via in-game menu.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Samuel Hayden:
Custom lighting options that make lighting somewhat like GZDoom's.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย masterneme:
For split-screen multiplayer it would be great to be able to put P1 screen on the left and P2 on the right filling the full extension of the monitor.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย KiRA (BLZ):
Give people the option to download the old one or their new port.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย 1chard:
3 words, native linux version
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย James:

3. I think the ability to easily play back LMP demos would be a nice addition. I'm also unaware if Unity port can RECORD demos. Having an easy front end for demo playback would make it rival ports developed specifically for demos like boom and prboom(+).

5 Support for wads that are packaged in archive files like the .pk3 file extensions. Maybe even the ability to unpack zip files? The more user-friendly the better.

7. Since there's a cheat menu, all cheats should be available. Noclip, the computer area map showing things, partial invisiblity, light amplification visor, ability to change music are not available and must be typed in manually.

8. Ultra-violence+ should be easily found in New Game rather than Level Select.

9. Level Select should default to Hurt Me Plenty like the original game rather than I'm Too Young To Die.

10. The exit sound effect should scale with the game's audio selection rather than be globally independent. lol I get scared when I have the game's audio on low then a hellknight death screams in my ear.

11. The SS Nazi "schutzstaffel" sound seems to be pitched lower than what it originally was. idk why
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Nacery:
Cloud saves for Unity versions (currently only syncs dosbox saves)

Ideas clash!
When two ideas contradict eachother, they will be moved here to be debated on.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Thermal Lance; 22 ก.ย. 2020 @ 12: 49pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 51 ความเห็น
• Add support for 4:3 resolutions

• Add minimal/no HUD option
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย X-Vector; 8 ก.ย. 2020 @ 1: 07pm
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย X-Vector:
• Add support for 4:3 resolutions

• Add minimal/no HUD option
Good points.
you can already play in 4:3 but the game window is still rendered in widescreen with ugly border graphics, so yeah proper 4:3 support would be better
Some things to add:

• Option for rebinding menu/UI controls (some games Unity games like BallisticNG can allow for this)

• [Bug] Loading a save file on Nightmare difficulty reverts the projectile speed to default

• [Suggestion] A Doomworld user suggested making the screens for two players horizontal with the 4:3 viewport enabled

• [Suggestion] Another Doomworld user suggested having level stats repositioned so it doesn't get obscured by the in-game messages, while another pointed the messages appear outside of the 4:3 viewport because of the game is being rendered in widescreen

• [Suggestion] The possibility of different border styles when playing with the 4:3 viewport in single-player and an option for a simple black border

• The ending screen images seem to take much longer to load than the original DOS versions did after the text scroller is finished displaying the ending episode text in the Unity port

• [Bug] A combination of V-sync and/or frame-rates above 60 FPS cause mouse looking problems

• [Bug] Someone mentioned that the frame-rate limiter doesn't properly interpolate frame-rates beyond 60 FPS and remains stuck at 60 FPS even with 120+ or uncapped frame-rates

• The Final DOOM WADs from Bethesda-net are missing the widescreen HUD graphic despite having been updated with the other widescreen assets

• There's no exclusive fullscreen mode with the Unity ports, and the "-window-mode exclusive" command line parameter doesn't work with them at all

• Minor issue: Sometimes the executable icon shows on the window title bar and sometimes doesn't

• Possibly correct "Override save?" in the save screen when attempting to overwrite a save file as "Overwrite save?"

• [Bug] I ran into a random and very rare occurrence where "Confirm" wouldn't work with either keyboard or controller when at the save/load screen unless I backed out

• [Suggestion] Add the ability to manage save files in-game by being allowed to copy and delete save files without having to delete them from File Explorer

• [Suggestion] DWars suggested command-line parameter support for the Unity port

• [Bug] One player on Doomworld ran into a problem with the controller bindings being grayed out and can't be reconfigured with two Xbox connected

• [Suggestion] The ability to rebind controller remapping for other players, not just Player 1

• [Bug] Some PWADs that uses DeHackEd can crash the game or cause errors; see here[] and here[]

• [Suggestion] Another Doomworld and Steam user suggested more localization options (e.g. Russian)

• Some players noticed some of the other non-English localizations have errors in them
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AmethystViper; 8 ก.ย. 2020 @ 2: 04pm
I think it would be much better to allow multiple addons at a time. Such as adding the D4V mod and Sigil for example.
• There is no traditional strafe modifier key action available for binding.

• There is no quick functions access via F1-F10.

• Extra statistics on the automap (monsters killed, secrets revealed, timer, etc.) should be togglable on and off.

• Automap text (level name in the first place) color should be red.

• Random sound pitch for monster activity SFX works wrong.

• Intro movies shoul be togglable on and off via in-game menu.
most of your problems are solved by using gzdoom and zdl mod loader
Custom lighting options that make lighting somewhat like GZDoom's.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Comissar heavy Dude:
most of your problems are solved by using gzdoom and zdl mod loader
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Comissar heavy Dude:
most of your problems are solved by using gzdoom and zdl mod loader
I think you're missing the point by at least a mile. Also, GZ is not for me. (Unless I feel like playing fancy mods.) My port of choice is PrBoom+. Dosen't mean I don't want this port to be improved upon for newcomers.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Thermal Lance; 9 ก.ย. 2020 @ 2: 37pm
Something that slipped my mind and another thing someone else brought up:

• [Suggestion] Allow the game's multiplayer be playable without needing XInput two controllers (if it's possible)

• [Suggestion] Allow players to adjust the "screenblocks" of the game like in the original Doom games with + and = keys, or at the least give the option to have the "minimal HUD" and then "no HUD" after the default full view display
For split-screen multiplayer it would be great to be able to put P1 screen on the left and P2 on the right filling the full extension of the monitor.
Keep the suggestions coming in. Saturday I am cleaning up all of this to make it more clean to read for the developers.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Thermal Lance:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย KiRA (BLZ):
Give people the option to download the old one or their new port.
Make the Unity port a toggleable DLC option with the Doom games. There, problem solved. (Though to be honest, I don't think going this way for a free update as realistically feasible when 300-400MB is poultry compared some games nowadays are taking upwards 60-100+ GB, but whatever helps people getting offended over the Unity port's existence on Steam.)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AmethystViper; 10 ก.ย. 2020 @ 9: 17am
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย AmethystViper:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Thermal Lance:
Make the Unity port a toggleable DLC option with the Doom games. There, problem solved. (Though to be honest, I don't think going this way for a free update as realistically feasible when 300-400MB is poultry compared some games nowadays are taking upwards 60-100+ GB, but whatever helps people getting offended over the Unity port's existence on Steam.)
Well. There was the System Shock sourceport update that has been given classic for free. And you could download the dosbox release separately.

They should have perhaps done it that way.

EDIT: I don't actually remember if it was free or not. But, I can download either the Dosbox Version and the Enhanced Edition separately.

EDIT 2: Now I remember. We got the Enhanced Edition for free as the "Source Port Update". Because, everyone and their moms complained about the gimped Dosbox experience and the odd controls.

Edit 3: What I mean is: Same situation, different approach. If Nerve/Bethesda did the same, nobody would ♥♥♥♥♥. (Except looneys.) But, it is done so we probably have to live with it. And yeah, 275mb is not the end of the world.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Thermal Lance; 10 ก.ย. 2020 @ 7: 17pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 51 ความเห็น
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วันที่โพสต์: 8 ก.ย. 2020 @ 12: 48pm
โพสต์: 51