Castle Story
Alright SauropodStudios.. Here is my suggestion to quickly get some complaints off your back... Release the Roadmap already... I get it still has content to load but if that is all... Release it... If it still isn't functional than stop giving us lip service and tell us that you aren't ready yet. Features don't work.... blah blah blah....

As to the game update.... I suggest you create a EXPERIMENTAL (BUGS, BROKEN SAVES, & POSSIBLE PLAYABILITY ISSUED) VERSION.... Don't subject it to this lengthy QA process... We bought an ALPHA ACCESS.... That means content changes (*cough cough*) rapidly. It isn't the final form and shouldn't be what players would expect on at Brick & Mortar Gold box copy.... Keep the current MAIN Branch for those that don't want to be subjected to the development process (& FYI, they can shut the F up about the pace of updates)... This will allow better feedback to what works, what doesn't, and what is wanted....
PLEASE SAVE THIS GAME.... I know you all are working but from the outside looking in (on the MAC version at least), your long awaited rebuilding of the game from scratch broke the game (even tho some would say it was content broken before)..... Please roll something out because your 2 minute video that took two weeks to create has left a BAD taste for all...

I love this game and support you all.. I am not sorry I spent the money on it. (Even if it went under today. I feel I got my money's worth)....

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Показані коментарі 115 із 57
Ugh... New patch downloaded in the background... Found the change log for the first time... Glad you all have put out something.. even if it was done ninja style...
We've actually said a few times that we were releasing a patch very soon.

In addition, we've also said we're planning to release the roadmap as is today so long as we don't run into anything unexpecated.
Цитата допису Box:
We've actually said a few times that we were releasing a patch very soon.

In addition, we've also said we're planning to release the roadmap as is today so long as we don't run into anything unexpecated.

I appreciate what you all are doing and I know it can't be easy... Box, you unfortunately have to take the brunt of the public opinion. I am not saying you all are not trying.. Just there are some frustrations built up by lack of content update, lack of communications (or wonky communications), and the lack of WHY things are slipping when they do. As to the second point... Go find all the ways you can locate the changelog... And just to make it fun, don't use google (or bing if you feel like slumming it).
Aiming to release stable builds while still developing the core game itself is not an easy task. I'd say they've communicated well, especially as of late. Take the latest blog on AI for instance, that was absolutely phenomenal. Issue here is that some (quite a few) have a hard time understanding that this type of developing process takes hard work, and a lot of time.
Ilidian: We've had an internal rough roadmap, but with the way it was structured, it wasn't the sort of thing we could publicly release.

We don't have a order of addition roadmap though, as was addressed in the blog entry I made about our development methodology.
the reason they wont release a road map is becuase there isnt one and there never will be this is the game at its final state.
Цитата допису feedthemanmuffinz:
the reason they wont release a road map is becuase there isnt one and there never will be this is the game at its final state.

An update was released today... I think your point is void now.
Update on the roadmap stuff. We got everything written, put together, and uploaded to the trello, but alas, Thierry and I got it all done about 15 minutes after everyone else left for the weekend, meaning we can't get it reviewed and pushed to live. It's gonna have to wait until Monday when everyone's back in the studio to review everything.
ya this is the one game i have been waiting to see a road map for.
Цитата допису Box:
Update on the roadmap stuff. We got everything written, put together, and uploaded to the trello, but alas, Thierry and I got it all done about 15 minutes after everyone else left for the weekend, meaning we can't get it reviewed and pushed to live. It's gonna have to wait until Monday when everyone's back in the studio to review everything.
This is a great example of what I've been asking for over the past couple of days. Thanks for the update and totally get that y'all need to review it in the beginning of next week. I would suggest if Monday doesn't get released, maybe make a place holder page for roadmap on your website with some info on how it is progressing... Been reviewed but have some changes to be made type info on place holder page.
It will get released on Monday, the only question is earlier or later in the day. If the review is A-OK, then we'll push it right then. If the review turns up some stuff that needs to be changed in some way, then we'll change it, re-review, and go from there. Either way, we'll push it out Monday.
Цитата допису scorpio:
I am curious to see what the roadmap "update" will look like !
I don't want to be too sarcastic but the Dev diary n°100 was a so big disillusionment for me that i am really suspicious about what you call (so awaited) the roadmap realease !
First option, it will be very light and not detailed.
Second option, it will be very detailed with short realease date for invisible changes and with long and blurry release date for contents updates something like expected 2015-2016 !
Third option it will be wonderful, fancy and all to calm the community but the delay for releasing updates won't be respected.
I hope, i will be wrong !

The hype for the 100th blog post didn't do them any good. I think many people that once supported them joined the other side after that fiasco.
wbzial (Заблокований) 21 лип. 2014 о 13:14 
Цитата допису Box:
Either way, we'll push it out Monday.

Toujours prévue pour aujourd'hui cette roadmap? It's getting late.
en ce qui me concerne tout est bon, j'attend juste le go du producer pour updater le lien. À ma connaissance il manquait des elements dans la section AI. J'imagine qu'une fois completé c'est bon.

Edit from Box for English viewers: Everything is good in my case, we're just waiting for the producer to get the updater link. My understand is that the AI section is missing elements. Once that's completed, it's good.

Also from Box: I'm writing a post with a little more detail, it'll be up in a second.
Автор останньої редакції: The_Box; 21 лип. 2014 о 17:02
Most of the reviewing went fine, almost everything was set. But then came the sudden realization that one of the biggest and most important sections (namely the part for AI) didn't have it's elements yet. It only had the root sections and descriptions for them, none of the actual branches or leaves.

So, we instantly set to writing them. The AI section is such a big section when compared to the others that it just couldn't be finished. Here's the breakdown.

One main sections
7 sub-sections
42 leaves (so far, one subsection doesn't have its leaves yet)

Of the 7 sections, 6 have all the leaves, and 3 have all the leaves with their descriptions. 14 leaves are fully described, and we started with the ones that are difficult to describe and understand, such as algorithms and heuristics.

The studio work day is over now, so alas, it's just not happening today. But, we'll be back on it first thing tomorrow, and hopefully we'll be set to actually publish it at that point.

If we aren't, I'll make another post to let everyone know exactly what progress was made on it. I'll make sure to keep you all in the loop.
Автор останньої редакції: The_Box; 21 лип. 2014 о 17:07
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Опубліковано: 18 лип. 2014 о 9:25
Дописів: 55