You Need A Budget 4 (YNAB)

You Need A Budget 4 (YNAB)

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Disappointed with the new model.
I didn't buy YNAB for you to change it to a subscription based service. You could at least make a offline version of YNAB 5 for YNAB 4 users, or a final update for it. Hugely disappointed.
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Lux 31 déc. 2015 à 7h47 
I will definitely stick to YNAB 4. I almost choked on my toast when I saw the subscription model this morning.
Well, if there is no version without subscription I will just stick to YNAB 4 or switch to some other software. :steamsad:
YNAB is dead to me as a subscription, no one actually budgeting their money properly would ever willingly subscribe to any recurring fee based software.

Using YNAB 5 is like a financial IQ test, if you sign up you failed.
You can still buy YNAB 4 and they will support it with updates etc. for another year. If you loved it, keep it.

I love some of the new changes after reading them. At first I was mad because I don't want a recurring fee when I am trying to save money. I had not purchased it yet and was using the trial. After reading some of the updates and changes I love them. It will be a lot easier for my wife to follow wich will save me way more than $45 a year.
Glad to hear I wasn't the only one annoyed by this move. I will keep using this software and its app for as long as I can. Just wished it didn't feel like I was at a restaurant and the waitress clearly wants me to move next door to their new restaurant and pay all over again for the same meal. Just sucks.
ikt 2 janv. 2016 à 2h18 
easytarget a écrit :
YNAB is dead to me as a subscription, no one actually budgeting their money properly would ever willingly subscribe to any recurring fee based software.

Why not?

As far as I'm aware a personal budget is a finance plan that allocates future personal income towards expenses, savings and debt repayment.

At what point does someone budgeting money towards a software based expense suddenly turn into not budgetting properly?

I subscribe to spotify, I used netflix for a few months, I subscribe to and now I subscribe to ynab, although I honestly just paid the $45 for the year.

I put all of these expenses in my budget, and allocate funds from my income to cover them.

I'm going to go a step further and argue that what I'm doing is called budgeting, and accusing anyone who willingly pays for things they find value in as 'not budgetting properly' as if the only way to budget is to eliminate everything until you're left with the bare basics to survive is actually the one 'not budgetting properly'.

Have at you.

Dernière modification de ikt; 2 janv. 2016 à 2h29
JAK 2 janv. 2016 à 3h09 
RIP YNAB. It was nice to meet you.
ikt a écrit :
easytarget a écrit :
YNAB is dead to me as a subscription, no one actually budgeting their money properly would ever willingly subscribe to any recurring fee based software.

Why not?

As far as I'm aware a personal budget is a finance plan that allocates future personal income towards expenses, savings and debt repayment.

At what point does someone budgeting money towards a software based expense suddenly turn into not budgetting properly?

I subscribe to spotify, I used netflix for a few months, I subscribe to and now I subscribe to ynab, although I honestly just paid the $45 for the year.

I put all of these expenses in my budget, and allocate funds from my income to cover them.

I'm going to go a step further and argue that what I'm doing is called budgeting, and accusing anyone who willingly pays for things they find value in as 'not budgetting properly' as if the only way to budget is to eliminate everything until you're left with the bare basics to survive is actually the one 'not budgetting properly'.

Have at you.

All you've told me is you waste money, congradulations if that's what you were going for, you're just a typical american consumer.
YNAB always had a recurring cost if you wanted the new versions. There was always an upgrade fee to go from 2 to 3, or 3 to 4. You could stick with the old, or pay for the new.

This is literally no different, they've just amorized the cost of the new version to $5 / month instead of a bigger payment for a large upgrade.

Or you can stick to the old version. Exactly the same as before.

The only thing that has changed here is that now it's a web app. If you dislike that, okay, cool. But complaining about having to pay more than once just means you had no idea how it already worked.

For those of us willing to give a little bit of money regularly (or $45 a year, since they're giving a discount to existing users), we just get updates faster than we used to. Which isn't a bad deal, in my opinion.
Dernière modification de Ravenlock; 2 janv. 2016 à 15h22
easytarget a écrit :
YNAB is dead to me as a subscription, no one actually budgeting their money properly would ever willingly subscribe to any recurring fee based software.

Using YNAB 5 is like a financial IQ test, if you sign up you failed.

How about this for a test of logic:

Example: Using YNAB helps me manage my money better and I save $100 a year (could be on interest, or not paying late fees, or just being more aware of spending patterns. . whatever)

It now costs $45 a year or $5 a month.

I am still $65 ahead, per year, from when I wasn't using it.

I also hate the idea of a subscrition and I get how that might not make "financial sense". If, however, I benefit from it, then it makes a lot of sense.

Anything you do that costs less than it helps you save means you are making a good choice. Maybe there are better choices but I would hardly think it is faiing.

Dernière modification de Aethaeryn; 2 janv. 2016 à 15h26
this sucks ! they want a recurring fee for an app instead of a one time payment and they are selling it as if they updated the software from the ground up and all there ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This makes me mad. I will continue the old software as long as possible. Bye !
I'm not against monthly fee but 50 $ a year for a webapp having less feature than desktop app is too expensive. And considering that I don't think they'll ever work on importing data from non-US bank, its added-value compared to desktop is nearly null.
I'll stick to YNAB 4 until it dies and then ... I'll find something else.
Sticking with the previous version and wishing the newborn service to die in horrible agony.
Dernière modification de drevovid; 5 janv. 2016 à 15h07
beire a écrit :
this sucks ! they want a recurring fee for an app instead of a one time payment and they are selling it as if they updated the software from the ground up and all there ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This makes me mad. I will continue the old software as long as possible. Bye !
It was never a one time payment if you wanted to get their updates.

It. Was. Never. A. One. Time. Payment.

If there wasn't a subscription service, there would instead be a YNAB 5, and you would have to pay for that or stick with the old version. That's how they've always done it. You never got major version upgrades for free.

Now they can iterate faster (I think everybody likes that), and it's on the web (some people don't like that). That's all that has changed. (Well, that's all that has changed with the payment and delivery model - the actual software and method have changed considerably.) And people can upgrade, or not, just as they've always done in the past.

There are a lot of people here who apparently just had no idea what they were buying when they bought YNAB.
Dernière modification de Ravenlock; 5 janv. 2016 à 20h41
no nice choise, especially not show RESPECT for those who have already purchased the product believing to take it with you ' for Long time , I wanted to buy it but a point I will try elsewhere, bad move.
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