

Start button trouble.
I have my monitors setup in nvidia surround and accesory monitor. However when i click the start button on the accesory monitor the start bar appears on the surround monitor.
Any one else having this trouble?
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Just tested that out here, all seems to work well. Could you send us a support request using the Help > Support Request button in the DisplayFusion Settings regarding this issue so that we can troubleshoot further?

Ben 2013年10月16日 14時12分 
Many thanks for the response.
Much fiddling i have worked it out.
In the nvidia control panel there is a option named confine taskbar to center display. With this checked that problem was occuring after disabling that the extra taskbars i have created function correctly.
Awesome, glad to hear it!
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投稿日: 2013年10月13日 9時10分
投稿数: 3