Kingdom Wars

Kingdom Wars

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Want to join our team? Hiring moderators vol. 2
Dear Kingdom Wars community!

Since our playerbase and community is getting bigger every day, we feel that our small and hard-working team could use some help.

So, if you are interested in joining Kingdom Wars team, you will find all informations about how to join our team here.

Our expanding team is highly organized, with core team of few experienced moderators who'll help you get started and turn this part-time work into an enjoyable and memorable experience. We believe that being a moderator is not a tedious, routine job, but a fun, and important role to play in the game`s community.

-Have spent at least 30 hours in-game. Preference will be given to players with 50+ hours.
-Available to Moderate in-game or in the forums for 15-25 hours per week
-Availability to attend Moderators team meetings, at least twice a month

-Spend “working” time inside the game's chat. Helping new players get started, answering questions about features and potential bugs.
-Keep an eye out on players losing units and or resources and refund them accordingly.
-Monitor trouble makers and applying chat bans. Reporting more serious offenders to Head Moderators for a permanent ban
-Recording your weekly activity - players helped, amount of compensation resources sent, and submitting a small weekly check list to Lead Moderators
-Install Developers build of the game, and occasionally work directly with Dev Team on testing new content before it`s released to the public
-Moderators are not allowed to join or host alliances. If you are promoted to a Head Moderator, you will also loose ability to PvP
-Be patient with players. Understand not all players know everything in game, and for many English is not their first language. Or some players might still be just a few years old, and can`t be expected to follow instructions well
-Finally - try to log into the game at least every other game, and have fun! Even though this is a job, we wan't you to enjoy your time, and help shape the community.

-Moderators who have good performance for at least 1 month, will be given in-game credit
-Each month best moderators will receive $ bonus
-Strong possibility of promotion to Head or Lead moderators
-Access to developers build - try new content months before it`s available
-Access to all the game has to offer - keep in mind though, that we restrict the mods can interact with other players - no alliances for regular mods, no pvp for head mods e.t.c
-Weekly communication with the development team, and after a month personal Skype access to development team. We`ll listen to your feedback, suggestions e.t.c. This is your chance to shape the game
-Half of our current employees have originally joined the team as volunteer moderators. If you have skills, talents, and want to pursue career with Reverie - this is the best way to get your foot in the door, to move in to take over Game Designer, QA, Sound Designer, Art positions in the company.

How to Apply:
Please follow exact format listed bellow, and submit all application to our email:
Send Your Application Titled as “Kingdom Wars Moderator App”
If your Application is chosen you will be contacted and interviewed via Skype. Only successful candidates will be contacted.

What to Include:
-Your Name, Skype contact, Email contact, Country you live in
-Steam username, Your Steam ID (64 bit)
-Kingdom Wars public forums username (register one if you don`t have one yet)
-Availability: Please provide times in EST timezone values, like Tuesday 4pm-10pm, Friday - busy all day e.t.c
-Community Status: Please mention If we have spoken to you before via PM or in-game chat, or if some of the existent mods referred you, or if you have been with Kingdom Wars for a very long time. And if you have other involvement in the gaming community - Such as your Youtube or Website or if you were a Mod in other games e.t.c. List your responsibilities.
-In under 300 words, please describe why you would be a good candidate, and how you would improve Kingdom Wars. More info the better, but please keep it under 300 words - our chance to see how well you can present information in condensed format
-How many time per month, are you able to make our Mod Team meetings? To recall - We hold weekly meetings usually every Thursday @ 4PM EST. You must be able to attend at least twice a month.
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 5 sur 5
i have applied for a job with you guys but have heard nothing back i have put in alot of time with your game and yet nothing back so till i hear back from you guy i will not play it is rude to not rely back i have got one e-mail from you guys saying you will get back to me but it has been 2 weeks since i have heard anything if you say you will get back to someone then you should stick to your word its how you gain people not responding is a good way to loss people like i said in my e-mail i have been playing this game since it was Dawn of Fantasy i await your respond to my e-mail before i start playing again Thank You for your time and a wonderful game
I have to say, its good idea to hire person who enjoying the game for the job.
BUT, please stop showing pop up ad for this job on game.. Just one pop up on start menu is enough.
dead and gone a écrit :
i have applied for a job with you guys but have heard nothing back i have put in alot of time with your game and yet nothing back so till i hear back from you guy i will not play it is rude to not rely back i have got one e-mail from you guys saying you will get back to me but it has been 2 weeks since i have heard anything if you say you will get back to someone then you should stick to your word its how you gain people not responding is a good way to loss people like i said in my e-mail i have been playing this game since it was Dawn of Fantasy i await your respond to my e-mail before i start playing again Thank You for your time and a wonderful game

Hey Dead and gone!

When did you send your application? Can you please re-send it, because this is a new "wave" of recruiting. :)
what happened to all the mods you hired a short while ago?
not the dreaded mod loss bug again was it?
i have once again applied
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Posté le 9 déc. 2014 à 10h38
Messages : 5