Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar

Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar

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FedGuard 2015년 6월 1일 오후 11시 21분
How to go to the next "chapter"
I've just finished playing the first "chapter" or "mission" or however you want to call it. When I achieved victory I chose "continue to play" instead of "go to the next chapter". Because I still had some building projects and since I did not know if the next chapter would go on where the previous one ended. Now all of them are done, I have no idea how to continue the game by going to the next chapter. I can only quit the game and start a new campaign.

Anyone able to help out?
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2개 댓글 중 1-2개 표시
Ijtzoi  [개발자] 2015년 6월 2일 오전 12시 39분 
The next chapter doesn't continue where the previous one ends, so you can just quit and start a new campaign at the next chapter. Starting a new campaign at chapter 2 works the same way clicking the "go to next chapter" button does.
FedGuard 2015년 6월 2일 오전 5시 24분 
Well, this worked, thank you very much!!
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