ST World

ST World

Console Prompts: Current uses and limitations discovered through experimentation
I've only dabbled briefly, so take this with a grain of salt, but these were my experiences with the console's current abilities:

  • It can place prefab assets in the level.
  • It knows the player's location and orientation.
  • It cannot use voxels.
  • It doesn't know what assets the level contains (including ones it places itself) so commands like "remove all assets" don't work.
  • If you ask it to place a single asset without specifying where, the asset will generally appear in the very center of the map.

As of now, these are the sort of prompts that worked for me:

  • Place a Corn Plant
  • Populate the ground with Crate Supply
  • Surround me with Cotton
  • Populate the scene with Flower 5 and Flower 8

I hope this helps some people and alleviates some curiosity. And obviously if anyone else has figured out any more console functionality, please share your discoveries!