Sacred 2 Gold

Sacred 2 Gold

Daniel Apr 24, 2022 @ 11:50pm
Sacred 2: Gold Edition - Unofficial Controller Support is Now Available!
360° Character Movement with an Attack/Move/Interact Mode, Mouse/Map/Inventory/Character/Combat Arts/Logbook Access with Action Sets and Layers, Mouse Mode for Inventory Management and Outliers, Cycle Through Orbs/Equipment/Combat Arts/Buffs with One Button Press, 95% of Controls Mapped and More!

There’s only a few prerequisites: Steam overlay needs to be enabled (In Steam → Settings → In-game → Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game), no camera alterations/mods/tweaks, the in-game option “Camera → Max Zoom” setting needs to be maxed out, and don’t zoom in the camera too much or the character’s movement will not function correctly.

Supported Controllers
Currently for Xbox although PlayStation and Switch Pro Controllers work just fine with the “Show Other Controller Types” option. You may need to make some adjustments but most of the mappings should transfer.

Localized for 29 languages to ease modifying controller action sets and layers. Apologies in advance for any translation errors, copying/pasting into translation sites will only get you so far.

For GOG users you’ll need to download and make a Steam account if you haven’t already. Then follow these steps.
  1. Launch Steam in Desktop mode (Not Big Picture).
  2. In the top left corner, navigate to Games → Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library.
  3. After letting the list populate, check the box next to Sacred 2. Then add the selected program.
    Note: If you don’t see Sacred 2, you’ll need to manually add the executable file’s location. You should now see Sacred 2 listed in your Library.
  4. Right Click Sacred 2 in your Library then navigate to Properties.
  5. Edit the text box “Sacred 2” to this number 225640 (Sacred 2’s application ID).
    Note: Now after launching the controller configuration for the game “225640”, you’ll be able to see and use community controller configurations.
  6. Plug in a controller if you haven’t already.
  7. Launch the controller configuration for the game “225640”
  8. Look for “Sacred 2: Gold Edition - Unofficial Controller Support” and apply the configuration.

Why now? - I just recently discovered this gem of a game and there’s quite the demand for an up to par controller support / remaster.
Mod Compatibility? - No mod conflicts unless using mods that alter the Camera.
Can I play as a ranged character? - Yes, however due to limitations you’ll have to be in melee range to attack. This can be bypassed by editing the “Region Size” of the “Mouse Region” in the controller configuration, although I don’t recommend it.
How do I enter Attack Mode? - To enter “Attack Mode” flick the left stick with the cursor landing inside the yellow radius of an enemy and hold the stick. You’ll now move and attack anything the cursor touches.
How do I enter Move Mode? - To enter “Move Mode” flick the left stick with the cursor landing on terrain only and hold the stick. You’ll now only move towards the cursor.
How do I interact with objects? - To interact with objects flick the left stick with the cursor landing on a door/npc/interact-able and let go of the stick. You’ll move towards the location and interact.
How do I use the menus? - All the menus toggle on and off so press once to open and then press again to close.
My character is not moving! - If you’re in a pickle, double click the right thumb stick. Everything should work normally now.
Last edited by Daniel; Apr 25, 2022 @ 12:03am
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
HiFive Apr 25, 2022 @ 12:17am 
Well, thank you! I don't use a controller myself, but I will keep the link for this thread in my files in case anyone asks for controller support in the future. :cozyspaceengineersc:
Roderick Apr 25, 2022 @ 10:17am 
Thanks for supporting this awesome game and have fun playing it!
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Date Posted: Apr 24, 2022 @ 11:50pm
Posts: 2