Cities in Motion 2

Cities in Motion 2

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Will they ever fix time ?
So CM2 add timetable, sure.
But it take 8h for a bus to do a 10km without traffic; that 1,25km/h.
FIY a good old regular walk is 5km/h

It take more than a day to cross a city.
I just checked on google map, you can do Paris-Moscow in 28h in a car...

Are they planning to fix this in some kind of future ?
< >
Zobrazeno 17 z 7 komentářů
I found this review that explain it better than i can possibliy do :

The average speed of a bus is 1.7km/h (in game hours). That means that timetables are practically useless since your night buses will get back to the depot at 3pm since some 9km lines will take 15 hours to finish. I don't understand what the developers were thinking. Is this supposed to be a simulator or not? Why would anyone use a bus that needs 4 hours to take him from his house to his work? What's the purpose of "rush hour" when buses take 1 hour to reach the first stop and then spend another 3 hours picking up people in the morning that want to go to work. I don't know, time in this game makes NO sense at all. It's an insane oversight that simply ruins the game.
I disagree that it is "broken". Its scalled in order to work well. Youd be annoyed at this game is 12 in game hours equaled 12 real world hours. And while you point out (corredctly) that the speed of the buses is slower then in real life walking speed in the game has been adjusted so it is slower then the buses.
You can use the Ruleset editor to adjust time to your liking. The lower the percentage the closer to real time the game progresses. Night and rush hour schedules only work properly if you do this. The better Campaign maps in the workshop have rulesets that slow down time to balance game play, and I think make the game more fun. Enjoy!
I think that the point that the OP is making, is not so much about time in general, but the speed that buses move at. I can't comment on any of the other transport methods as I am still new to the game and getting used to it.
But having worked in public transport, abate many years ago now, it is a real 'immersion' breaker for me, when a bus takes several hours to do a 7.5km run. A run that is basically a straight run out, a little loop at the end then running back to the start along the same rout. In real life, this would be done in under an hour. The company that I drove for had several routes like that. And that was almost 30 years ago, which was pre bus lane, pre computerized traffic management system and with the majority of the routes being along over congested roads.
I know that this is a game and that some sacrifices have to be made for playability reasons but this does seem silly.
Yes, thx dave. That's the problem.
dave původně napsal:
I think that the point that the OP is making, is not so much about time in general, but the speed that buses move at. I can't comment on any of the other transport methods as I am still new to the game and getting used to it.
But having worked in public transport, abate many years ago now, it is a real 'immersion' breaker for me, when a bus takes several hours to do a 7.5km run. A run that is basically a straight run out, a little loop at the end then running back to the start along the same rout. In real life, this would be done in under an hour. The company that I drove for had several routes like that. And that was almost 30 years ago, which was pre bus lane, pre computerized traffic management system and with the majority of the routes being along over congested roads.
I know that this is a game and that some sacrifices have to be made for playability reasons but this does seem silly.

Bus lanes actually exist since 1940. The first ones being made in CHicago. Though, the today typical concept of Buslanes comes fromt he city of Germany.

Anyway, about your time issue. It has been made like that on purpose, yes, it isn't close to reality. But thats the life of such a game.

You can use rulesets though. But you would not increase the speed of the vehicle there. You would slow down time instead. Because the speeds are pretty good actually. It's the time that runs super fast.

There is a few good ones on the Workshop, that you can subscribe to and Download. or you make your own one.

THough, slower time, usually also means you need tons of more busses. So you should be aware of the coast explossion on buying busses.
They won't ever fix the space time continuum, no
< >
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 6. dub. 2015 v 6.51
Počet příspěvků: 7