Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition

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Duke 3d megaton multiplayer compatible hrp
I modified def file to support portions of a dnf mod and hrp 5.3, if u have sync issues or fps lag lower ur in game resolution until it stops, older pc may need to turn off accurate lighting as well
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HEres my def file and hires folder for a High res pack for megaton and its multiplayer compatible everything said below is in readme in dload, no frozen models yet for enemies i will add them later.
I take no credit for these models or textures
all i did was modify the megaton def file to support portions of dnfmod and edukes hrp 5.3.
go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Duke Nukem 3D\gameroot
FIrst things first copy your hi res folder and put it somewhere safe jus in case u wanna
change from hrp to non at will.
next delete hires folder replace with the one i provided, next take the duke3d-megaton.def file i provided
and replace it with the old one.... BAM UR DONE....

other info.... megaton edition uses an old build similar to old eduke called jfduke its not
optimized for high res content, if u have sync issue or fps fluctuations lower your game resolution
TRUST ME it works for my gfs laptop... i dont experience these probs i have 3.40 ghz with 8 gbs ram
I busted my ass on this def file so enjoy Dload here an updated link without 500 mb cache file i forgot and left there enjoy :D https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8fJivmMjWSbR2stTTJfaHJRWlU/edit?usp=sharing
Ultima modifica da NeoDuke; 7 ago 2014, ore 11:27
And for those who frown at the fact this is made, watch me playing multi perfectly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1DoapvhEbY
No. Don't do this

The poor cache system will make everyone hate you. It has nothing to do with "lower ur resolution's", and there's not a single system that averts the shortcomings of the deferred caching system of the renderer hampering the performance of multiplayer games severely.


Messaggio originale di NeoDukeNukem88:
HEres my High res pack

Messaggio originale di NeoDukeNukem88:
I busted my ass on this
I wonder what you actually "did", as the last file modified is from October 2013, apart from your installation.txt dating August 6 2014 and the dumb inclusion of Eduke32's textures cache file.adding a pointless 272mb to the download. No other txt file or documentation is retained.
Ultima modifica da AN BIFFED ELF!!!!; 7 ago 2014, ore 7:49
Hey ummm. guy, when i said MINE i meant the def file, it seems your saying i didnt make that def file it took me 5 days with no knowledge of making that def file and it was about a year ago, DUe to a slow upload at my moms i never even considered it... and no it haas no performance issues, heres a few buds of mine that play with me on the regular to back that up... also i opened up the rar planned to upload ages ago and changed the text file, big whoop man.
Ultima modifica da NeoDuke; 7 ago 2014, ore 10:42
I find it kinda funny man, im not trying to start crap, but u looked at a rar that been collecting dust for a year that i finnaly released and changed the text file and automaticly assume i had nothing to do with making that def file, NUKEMDAVE taught me to do it., and this wont be the first time i gotta get my steam buds to back me up on my hrp pack on the fact it does not cause ANY performance issues while used on my pc 3.40 ghz with 8 gbs a ram, by lowering ur res on old pcs it will stop that ur only concern is the very first time u see the duke skin if on a old rig... also , my gfs crap lap top runs its perfectly low res as well no issues....
Ultima modifica da NeoDuke; 7 ago 2014, ore 9:58
maybe he didn't do somethings. but he did do some modifying to play Megaton with HRP like stuff. and he's 1 who seems to have managed to bring it together better than what others have "done" since a lotta people seems to have wanted to always have Megaton HRP compatible. and for those who think it'll mess up online gaming. it won't, i know cause i've played tons of online games with Neo and never had any issues at all
OH and heres a recording of a DUkematch from my live channel doing the opposite of what
(AN UPSET) said it would do, once again...http://www.twitch.tv/neodukenukem/c/4843066
I watched NeoDukeNukem88 make the def file on his live channel, also I never experienced performance issues while playing with him.
Also an upset ur right ididnt need to include the texture.cache file it was an old rar i didnt even realise it was there, im reuploading the hrp without the large cache file.
Ultima modifica da NeoDuke; 7 ago 2014, ore 10:55
Yeah, I played with Neo one time before and experienced no problems. The only problem I think there was is that the map took longer to load.
yeh u will stay in loading screen till my games done loading textures,its really not that bad.
Messaggio originale di NUKEMDAVE:
Yeah, I played with Neo one time before and experienced no problems. The only problem I think there was is that the map took longer to load.
Soooooo... ( an upset) how does it feel to be wrong when u swore u were correct
Messaggio originale di AN UPSET:
No. Don't do this

The poor cache system will make everyone hate you. It has nothing to do with "lower ur resolution's", and there's not a single system that averts the shortcomings of the deferred caching system of the renderer hampering the performance of multiplayer games severely.


Messaggio originale di NeoDukeNukem88:
HEres my High res pack

Messaggio originale di NeoDukeNukem88:
I busted my ass on this
I wonder what you actually "did", as the last file modified is from October 2013, apart from your installation.txt dating August 6 2014 and the dumb inclusion of Eduke32's textures cache file.adding a pointless 272mb to the download. No other txt file or documentation is retained.
I don't see this happening, but it would be a good solution to this issue. If an icon could be added next to a player's name in the multiplayer lobby indicating that the player is using additional content like the HRP or whatever, then anyone who doesn't want to deal with someone using it doesn't have to. They can know that they are using it and avoid them. The HRP team could even come up with their own, official Megaton HRP. Everyone would be happy.
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Data di pubblicazione: 6 ago 2014, ore 23:42
Messaggi: 27