Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia

Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia

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Newby24 24/set./2023 às 7:54
[QoL] Suggestions thread for QoL features from the community
Community suggestions for QoL features
Implemented suggestions:

Visible HP of an Hijack-able enemy (toggle-able)
Since Danmaku is an essential part of the game and since HP of the enemy affects bullet density, I would love to see an optional toggle for displaying remaining HP of enemies (especially since Analyze costs the same resource as for Hijack). Not for enemies that cannot be Hijacked (bosses/minibosses). Could be an unlockable/cost money to acquire
(implemented in 1.1, as a Terminal upgrade)

Group heal has the issue of wasting MP on characters on full HP as people pointed out, (fixed in 1.1)

Visible weak/drain/block/resist of a skill on an analyzed/fought enemy
Self explanatory, would love to see an indicator of Drain/weak/block of a skill, especially since Analysis is a resource that costs SP to cast. Once exploited weakness/analyzed, it should at least show text/icon of the effectiveness of a skill
(implemented in 1.1 as a Terminal upgrade)

L/R for faster scrolling through database
"Page Up/Page Down", for faster database scrolling
(implemented in 1.1)

Auto-recover option
Automatically use healing spells from sleepers in your stock (group heal priority), just so you do not have to go to menus for it and search the sleeper with the skill (helps keeping the flow going with exploration).
(implemented in 1.1)

Sorting should sort party members in the skill menu as well
Sorting your party should apply to a skill menu as well. Party members aren't sorted by your sort order when you want to use a skill in the menu
(implemented in 1.1)

Minimize the flickering in TORIFUNE (important!)
Even just lowering the contrast for the flickering would help a lot. This is very important for people sensitive to flashing lights!
(implemented in a quick hotfix patch)

Ability to see descriptions of skills on a status screen
Currently, there is no option to view what skills do on a status screen. Having the option to see what skills do on a status screen would help with decisions in battle and in fusing.
(implemented in 1.1, though it lists them all at once, in order, instead of just the one you would like to know about)

Estoma (no encounter rate for weak enemies)
If not a skill, maybe a higher/lower cost item
(implemented in 1.2)

Option to see your money in the overworld (non-dungeon) in any capacity
Could even be if you open up the phone menu, like in SMT
(implemented in 1.2)

If save files exist, have the cursor in the main menu on Load Game, instead of New Game Self explanatory (implemented in 1.2)

Not (yet) implemented suggestions:

Encounter Indicator
Starting from PS1 version of the first Shin Megami Tensei (and SMT2), the series had a "to next encounter" indicator. It was in the place where this game currently has the SP meter. It also changed color in the same way. This is seemingly missing in the game and I would love the feature to be present, as this title encourages resource management. Could be toggle-able and under the compass on top right

Group heal results are invisible
Unlike single target heal, group heal does not show how much party members are healed. I would love there to at least be a box when the skill is about to be used just to see the results, like single target heal has.

Analyze cost 0SP for already an analyzed enemy
Analyze should cost 0 SP if an enemy was already analyzed. I agree with using a resource once to get valuable info. But it should be for 0 SP if an enemy had already been analyzed.

Snapping to "get sleeper in party and out of party"
For less scrolling to bottom and top of the menu, would save a lot of time.

Auto Repeat option to Autobattle
Option to repeat last selected actions. If an action cannot be performed, Defend (like in SMT1)

Possibility to quick scroll through long lists (inventory, shops, teleport destination, etc)
Using Q/E keys to move to previous/next pages

"Present in the database" (terminal fusing) text is too opaque and harder to see
Making it more visible would be more than welcome.

Database addition - Sleeper item convert and money convert info
An addon to the Database that shows what characters you have seen and what items they can drop or convert to. As well as what money amounts they drop and convert to.

Database saving - Being able to see the skills of at least sleeper you are overwriting
When saving to the database, be able to see the skills, at least of the sleeper you are overwriting. this screen seems to have the opposite problem of the skill transfer screen. there you can see only skills and no stats, and here you can only see stats and no skills.

An option to dismiss a sleeper from the party menu instead of the Terminal only
Self explanatory

A way to differentiate between sleepers and non-sleepers
Since there is a confusion about Koakuma

More window sizes, without outright going full screen
Self explanatory

Auto should apply even to Gun attack, instead of just sword
Self explanatory

Ability to see stats and skills of the fusion material when fusing and skill transferring (since it seemingly is a same screen)
Currently, when fusing two Sleepers, you can only see their skill list, but not their stats,
Ability to have both skills and stats on the same screen would help in deciding which skills to put on which Sleeper based on their stats. Even smaller text with the stats would be helpful enough.

Have a quick way of mass buying and selling
Right now, if you want to buy/sell large quantities of items (purchasing healing supplies or mass selling items obtained from hijack), you need to manually press left/right once for every item you want to buy/sell. Would it be possible to add a quicker way of mass buying/selling?

Fusion search
Ability to search fusions, similarly how you can do that in Shin Megami Tensei 4

Way to check Sleeper stats from the party formation menu
In the party formation menu, pressing a button should give you the stat screen. Currently you can only swap their positions there.

Sorting system - Automatic and Manual with the options for preset save
Sorting system, which would allow for preset options, for the party menu. For example, you might want a couple of high level sleepers in reserve for the front lines, then maybe a reserve healer and buffer. then after that, your assortment of back rank healers.
So once you got your party setup, you can save it as a preset so when you access your phone to summon new sleepers, it uses that preset.

Fusion menu: Lock and marking of currently summoned Sleepers
When fusing, 2 way fusing, or using the database fusing, it would be nice if currently summoned sleepers in your party could have an * besides them, to indicate if they are an active party member. or a way to lock party members from been fused by accident.
There could also be a "lock party members from fusing" option. so maybe either have a * or maybe a graphic lock so show that the party members are locked from fusing.

Removal of an exclamation point after fulfilling of an objective
If a room has an ! which indicates it has an importance (map screen), but if you figure out what to do with that room, or finished the quest related to that room, then can the ! be removed from the map? otherwise, it just confusing if you still got something to do on the map, especially when there is no quest log system in the game.

Sort/Filter option in the Database menu at the Terminal
An option to sort/filter the database menu in the terminal so that it only shows Sleepers that I have acquired instead of many empty slots in-between.

Enemy names when targeting (Terminal upgrade - Name display)
Have a terminal upgrade for enemy names when targeting, like HP display.

Map competition percentage
It would be nice if that would be present on the map screen somewhere, like the top. (in the brown border)

MP costs beside skills on the status screen
Have MP cost beside skills on the Status screen

Sort/filter options for the Items menu
Right now, it displays consumables and equipment in a single large list, with most recently acquired items added to the bottom. Would be nice to either filter out consumables only and/or have a function to automatically sort your inventory, separating consumables and equipment

Option to discard only a specific amount of items instead of all at once
Self explanatory

Ability to check original sleeper's data, instead of just last registered
Self explanatory.

Costs of Sleepers and current money when fusing from a Database
There is a lot of empty space, so having the info there would be appreciated

Info about affecting stats when distributing points on Sumireko's level up (Terminal upgrade)
Have a popup or info box about how increasing certain stat affect others when you put points in that stat in level-up screen. Preferably be a terminal upgrade

Have music playing on Level up (like in SMT1) instead of complete silence
Could be music that is already present in the game

Icons of the characters beside the name in the Party/Status menu
Just like it is in the main game UI ( )

Load Game option in Config on bottom left, next to Quit
Faster reload option, beside the one that already exists in any Anomaly.

Steam status information (non-gameplay convenience)
Show what level you are and your current location, database completion rate or party members (This information shows up when you're playing a game on Steam, have your status set to online and can be found in your friends list or profile respectively).
Última edição por Newby24; 18/dez./2023 às 9:35
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Dai 24/set./2023 às 8:05 
Wholeheartedly agree with these. This is the QoL that would make the game better overall.
el is 24/set./2023 às 8:13 
I think one of the big ones I'd like personally is showing stats when leveling up. Every old SMT game had this (haven't played MT in a while so not sure there, but at least everything SMT and on) and not having it here made deciding stats in the very first part, before you get the stat explanation, kind of rough. Mostly just the difference between the two magic stats and being unsure which is for attack and defense. Not required, but something I think would be nice to have at least. Game is super fun so far either way. (also if there's already a way to do this pls lemme know i just found out that you can show the map on party section so...)
matthew 24/set./2023 às 8:56 
Some good QoL improvements. for lower encounter rate for weak enemies), this probably should be a grimoire, so you can toggle it on and off, otherwise, it might be annoying to get back the sleeper you want back in your party for whatever reason. But if you overlevelled and just want to find and explore the full map of a place, then it would certainly be super helpful there.

And the other suggestions are good too. I hope the dev takes time to add them in.

while still early in the game, not sure if such a grimoire already exists? as I only found two. so its possible, it could already be in the game, but not sure. if its not, it should be.
Última edição por matthew; 24/set./2023 às 8:58
Newby24 24/set./2023 às 9:04 
I also added: visibility of Hijack-able enemy and snapping "get sleeper out of party/in party", if that would be possible

Visible HP of normal enemies would help inform the player how much they need to damage the enemy for easier Hijack, instead of a guess.

Snapping would save a lot of time when you want to unsummon your demons for lower battery consumption, as well as "Page Up/Page Down for Database scrolling" though they are not big issues.
Última edição por Newby24; 24/set./2023 às 9:38
matthew 24/set./2023 às 10:36 
I do hope that the dev responds to this, as these suggestions would help the game go a long way, and also health bars for hijacking enemies, I was thinking similar, as scanning an enemy is rather annoying. especailly as it costs SP. It is a great game, but some QoL features will help a lot more.
Newby24 24/set./2023 às 10:39 
Escrito originalmente por matthew:
I do hope that the dev responds to this, as these suggestions would help the game go a long way, and also health bars for hijacking enemies, I was thinking similar, as scanning an enemy is rather annoying. especially as it costs SP. It is a great game, but some QoL features will help a lot more.

Yes, for bosses and minibosses not seeing HP is fine, but not for something that is integral to the game as a major mechanic for regular enemies. Having the info even in a form of a health bar would be more than enough.
Newby24 24/set./2023 às 11:16 
Added Auto-Recover request just to help the flow of the game a bit more, since healing is really essential in SMT and so you don't have to halt the pace just to search the sleeper with a healing skill
Última edição por Newby24; 24/set./2023 às 11:16
Dai 24/set./2023 às 11:28 
An addon to the Database that shows what characters you have seen and what items they can drop or convert to. As well as what money amounts they drop and convert to.
Crocell 24/set./2023 às 11:30 
I agree with everything except maybe the first since I never really cared for that feature anyway.
Another QoL feature I posted earlier that should be here is Auto Repeat (Also in the PSX games), like seriously let me just press 1 button to aoe mobs down.
And Estoma is seriously needed, I'm okay with high encounter rates but at the point I am at its seriously draining.
Newby24 24/set./2023 às 11:38 
I'll add these to the thread

Added the request to see what skills do on a sleeper status screen. Would help with fusing and for enemies, it would help with strategies against their moves (especially since Analyze costs a resource already)
Última edição por Newby24; 24/set./2023 às 12:13
Potemki12  [desenvolvedor(a)] 24/set./2023 às 13:23 
I'll think about adding some of these in the 1.1 update, but the rest (like lack of an encounter indicator and cursor weaknesses) are specific design decisions of the game, and as such will remain as is. Also, some of these are impossible to add due to lack of UI space (like skill descriptions in the status menu. There's nowhere to put them!), so I apologize.
Newby24 24/set./2023 às 13:51 
Escrito originalmente por Potemki12:
I'll think about adding some of these in the 1.1 update, but the rest (like lack of an encounter indicator and cursor weaknesses) are specific design decisions of the game, and as such will remain as is. Also, some of these are impossible to add due to lack of UI space (like skill descriptions in the status menu. There's nowhere to put them!), so I apologize.

Thank you so much for the response :steamthumbsup:
Dvv 24/set./2023 às 15:42 
Escrito originalmente por Potemki12:
Also, some of these are impossible to add due to lack of UI space (like skill descriptions in the status menu. There's nowhere to put them!), so I apologize.
If there is no space in the UI for skill descriptions why not something like pressing a specific button opens up another window that lets you scroll through descriptions? Just a thought.

Regardless im excite to get around to the game. I just want to play a few more main series Touhou first.
Última edição por Dvv; 24/set./2023 às 15:42
Golth 24/set./2023 às 17:18 
Escrito originalmente por Potemki12:
I'll think about adding some of these in the 1.1 update, but the rest (like lack of an encounter indicator and cursor weaknesses) are specific design decisions of the game, and as such will remain as is. Also, some of these are impossible to add due to lack of UI space (like skill descriptions in the status menu. There's nowhere to put them!), so I apologize.

Would maybe be interesting to see some of this stuff that would change the difficulty too much be, perhaps, grimoires? That way it's not a feature by default, but someone who desires the QOL could have a hard dungeon to beat to earn it. Just a thought!

Would also like an option if possible to switch the game to my second monitor in fullscreen, because the trick to do so normally makes it windowed.
Última edição por Golth; 24/set./2023 às 17:40
Dai 24/set./2023 às 19:20 
Escrito originalmente por Potemki12:
I'll think about adding some of these in the 1.1 update, but the rest (like lack of an encounter indicator and cursor weaknesses) are specific design decisions of the game, and as such will remain as is. Also, some of these are impossible to add due to lack of UI space (like skill descriptions in the status menu. There's nowhere to put them!), so I apologize.
Since you can't fit it all in a single page then you can split information between different pages. That way you can still keep the UI the same but allow for more information without sacrificing anything.
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