Rising Storm Beta

Rising Storm Beta

Ranked server?
My question is do I need a static IP or can it be done with dynamic IP? I really don't understand (""Requested Server IP in CIDR notation"")!
Why should it be so hard to get a ranked server? I have a quad-server with a 100/100 Mbit connection and I have tried before with unranked with no problem.
I can also run a ArmA server with up to 128 people no problem. Just want to make sure I have the stuff for it. And why not just give all the right to run ranked server. Now in RS I can only find US server with 300-400 in ping so this game in this state is just unplayable for me now. And yes I have sett filter settings. And RO2 no problem. Btw Im in sweden.

Best regards to you all.
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6 yorumdan 1 ile 6 arası gösteriliyor
Anyone? I also put this up on Tripwire but no respons.
Fill in this application form: http://rsp.heroesofstalingrad.com/ and hope they grant you ranked status :)

Even though it states that its only for RO2, they said you can use the same page to get ranked status for RS.
En son StoneCold tarafından düzenlendi; 21 May 2013 @ 14:07
Thanks for the answer,but its just the application that says Requested Server IP in CIDR notation. What is that CIDR? I tried to understand that on Tripwires site,but I dont. And they dont answer.
Anyone more got some tips for me?
Well atleast I can find EU servers now with good ping,after patch.
The CIDR notation thing is just for bits, it's a bit hard to explain...


Go to here and select your range, or for a more technical one:


Don't expect it to be whitelisted anytime soon, I sent mine like 4 days ago and they haven't even added mine yet.
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Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 21 May 2013 @ 9:55
İleti: 6