

olElLI 1 maja 2014 o 10:59
New steam group -- AirBuccaneers [ABUCC]
I decided on the spur of the moment (and a beer) to start a new steam group for this excellent game. With the game itself severly lacking in activity, another steam group will serve to mix it up.

"AirBuccaneers [ABUCC]" will keep its impulsiveness. Rather than sticking to a strict schedule, it will be driven by my own gaming habits, with random events... at that.

Now I'm well aware of the exellent "Gnarly kings of air". Join both.


Now off to play some TF2 =P

Oh and btw. If this get traction, I aim to open up the creation of events to way more people than myself. To create a true random environment for online play. Let's say ♥♥♥♥ off to 'catch 22'.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: olElLI; 1 maja 2014 o 11:09
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Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6 komentarzy
olElLI 5 maja 2014 o 10:18 
Hello to two people. I appreciate your stay, but hard to do any event whatsoever unless we grow. Feel free to randomly join and I'll try to host random events...

No surprise the forums are dead I guess =P
Kissamies 6 maja 2014 o 9:54 
Another group in my groups list doesn't hurt, I guess. You could have just asked for moderator rights on GK, though. There is a thread for that there. Anyways I wouldn't get terribly hopeful on the attendace on events. In past groups it's commonly been something like 5% at best and usually less on random events.

What seems to work best is to start an event when there is already players on, but currently we are in a middle of dry season until the next sale comes along.
olElLI 6 maja 2014 o 12:22 
Yup, I gathered so, from the last sunday event. With 150ish people in your goup and a mere handful participating. Guess I'll just keep the group as is for now, and see where it goes.. =P
olElLI 14 sierpnia 2014 o 13:52 
Hey guys, one random bump. If you enjoy a random spammage (once in a while) which could just coincide with my own urge to play this game. Usaully after a beer. Then please join. Skål!
RADKILLA[420] 3 września 2014 o 18:05 
add me for air buccs if u un private yer profile,i never add anyone with a private profile,i bet the group would grow if u did.
olElLI 10 września 2014 o 10:49 
Radkilla, I don't see why that would matter. Regardless, and I should add, for other reasons , I've decided to open up my profile.

Anyhooow, the response haven't been all that great regardless, so not sure if this group is going anywhere. To be expected ofc with the amount of people playing this game -- of which I doubt many reads the forum nowadays. On that note. "gnarly kings of air" is of course THE group to join. Lately, I've been happy with Kissamies posting more weekday matches as well..
Ostatnio edytowany przez: olElLI; 10 września 2014 o 10:51
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