The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

What would your faction and missions be?
Invent a faction and missions

In Oblivion what would your personal faction be and what would your role be within it.
Is your character the creator of it, are they the leader of it and it has been around for 500 years or is your character a member and what do they do?

What would you make characters wanting to join have to do?
Maybe its a bandit faction like Robin Hood and his merry men and to join characters must rob so many imperials and donate so much of the money.
And maybe there is an actual quest like saving the Lusty Argonian Maid from certain unsatisfaction from the inadequate pirate captain.

Any missions you think would be cool to make up using the current factions / just random missions / items and characters in the Oblivion world?
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I'd personally love for more exploration/investigative mods similar to Fallout's 3 A Note Easily missed, or similar, so if I was to design a faction/missions I would try to be something of that type!
(Not that I can do that mind you, I'm not a writer nor an artists myself!)
I have an idea for a faction its a pirate faction and the missions could be taking place on pilotable pirate ships
I tend to roleplay when I play Elder Scrolls games, so if my character ended up making their own faction the most likely one would probably be for doing exactly what they do all the time already, fetch quests, i mean....*cough* artifact collection. Sure the fighters guild exists for muscle and the mages guild exists for interest in artifacts, but it'd be a bit more like an above board thieves guild specifically after certain artifacts or information (it only counts as stealing if the occupants havent been dead for a few centuries afterall lol).

The recruitment trial would probably be something along the lines of a scavenger hunt, but i'd probably be a bit obtuse about it and give them vague riddle-like instructions on what to retrieve so i can see how they interpret those directions lol. Maybe make sure it takes them through one of the ayleid ruins i know has traps so i can at least make sure my rag-tag group of dungeon divers doesnt go running straight into a spike trap like certain other faction idiots. Use the guild to outsource all my fetch quests, win-win lol
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Geschrieben am: 13. Apr. um 11:56
Beiträge: 3