The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

first time in oblivion
Hello, I'm new to this game and I wanted to know what mod I need to play or can I play it vanilla?
Thank you! :resmile:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από lonetrav:
Start playing without mods. After a while, when you can say what you don't like, you could search for mods improving what you don't like. Listening to others doesn't help you much as long as you don't know what exactly the reasons are why people recommend a certain mod (or not). Or do you find phrases like "vanilla sucks really hard" useful?
The only mod you could use from the beginning (but don't have to) is the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (read the fix list before installing).
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 27 σχόλια
I played vanilla 15 years ago when it first came out and enjoyed it greatly. :goldensmile:
In vanilla the fighter and mage guild are both pretty fun. Play the story nights of nine if you can.
Vanilla is total fine if you have never played before. Do it.
I play Vanilla, it is great and, I would not, now, play it any other way. Although I tried modding when I came back to this after a long break, I was not happy with the changes the mods I used made and I removed them. Having said that, there are some very good mods and some quite useful ones out there. However, I would definitely recommend that you play through the game for the first time without any mods. Add them later if you feel that you need them.
I still play vanilla, but some do swear by the performance mods at least. May as well run it vanilla to start and go from there when it comes to modding. Don't know what you want/need changed if you don't know what the baseline is right?
Always mod it. Vanilla sucks really hard.
Ο δημιουργός αυτού του θέματος έχει επισημάνει ότι αυτή η ανάρτηση απαντάει στην αρχική ερώτηση.
Start playing without mods. After a while, when you can say what you don't like, you could search for mods improving what you don't like. Listening to others doesn't help you much as long as you don't know what exactly the reasons are why people recommend a certain mod (or not). Or do you find phrases like "vanilla sucks really hard" useful?
The only mod you could use from the beginning (but don't have to) is the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (read the fix list before installing).
Ignore him. He is just "vAnIlLa bE HoW dEvS mEaNt", when in fact vanilla is what they could make with the limited amount of time they had. Also, there is no "what developers made" but what compromises were made because of various reasons.

If this game would be the first game you ever played, even then you could make informed choices about how you can mod your game. Saying "play vanilla first" is like saying buy a most basic car you can, and only after driving it think what colour you want, if you need air conditioning or not and a better HIFI equipment.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Messsucher:
Always mod it. Vanilla sucks really hard.
That really is a matter of personal opinion. It most certainly is NOT a fact, so , you should not present it as one. To do so is what really sucks. My personal opinion. Oblivion is best played Vanilla. You would not buy a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud and immediately repaint it, soup it up, add tractor tyres, remove "the Spirit of Ecstasy" and add fluffy dice, would you?
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Wai:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Messsucher:
Always mod it. Vanilla sucks really hard.
That really is a matter of personal opinion. It most certainly is NOT a fact, so , you should not present it as one. To do so is what really sucks. My personal opinion. Oblivion is best played Vanilla. You would not buy a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud and immediately repaint it, soup it up, add tractor tyres, remove "the Spirit of Ecstasy" and add fluffy dice, would you?

Everything except valid mathematics is personal opinion. Rolls Royces were handmade, crafted to perfection, all details thought out carefully, you can't never ever compare a single bethesda game to Rolls Royce. You actually made my day, that was so hilarious! If Oblivion was like Rolls Royce, I think I would not feel the need to mod it. But it is so very far from it. It is like half made Rolls Royce, tossed out to customers with a message "deal with it". But Some modpacks can make it like Rolls Royce, as close as it is possible, and then the game is literally hand crafted. Vanilla Oblivion is like ten years old family car with 350 000 km.

Edit: Some mod suggestions.

Much better faces fixes the unplayable faces to playable.

Better cities actually make the cities like real, and not just like low budget placeholder cities in vanilla.

All unofficial patches.

This way the game become almost like Oblivion Remastered.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Messsucher; 27 Απρ, 3:55
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Messsucher:
Ignore him. He is just "vAnIlLa bE HoW dEvS mEaNt"
Wow, I'm impressed that someone was able to see through my disguise! Great job, well done! :-)

To be honest, I don't know, nor do I care what "devs meant". For me it's simply common sense not to fix what I don't know if it's broken at all (for me), that's all.
Your "basic car" example is odd. For one, you could really buy additional components later, and, more importantly, you don't have to pay for the mods, and installing them isn't more complicated later than sooner. You don't lose anything by delaying mod installation, and whether or not you lose by delaying the purchase of additional car components depends on the circumstances - it could be an advantage , too.
If you know the unmodded game, you can assess the value of a mod FOR YOU better. But if someone wants to install a mod just because someone else recommends it, fine with me.

Your second post is interesting in this respect. You recommend two mods supposedly fixing faces and cities. How do you know that someone is unhappy with the faces and cities of the game? Nothing against these mods, but I won't install them, because they don't offer me any benefits compared with the original.
Why can't you say that a new player should have a look at the faces and cities, then consider having a look at the mods you mention, and then decide what suits him better?
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Messsucher:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Wai:
That really is a matter of personal opinion. It most certainly is NOT a fact, so , you should not present it as one. To do so is what really sucks. My personal opinion. Oblivion is best played Vanilla. You would not buy a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud and immediately repaint it, soup it up, add tractor tyres, remove "the Spirit of Ecstasy" and add fluffy dice, would you?

Everything except valid mathematics is personal opinion. Rolls Royces were handmade, crafted to perfection, all details thought out carefully, you can't never ever compare a single bethesda game to Rolls Royce. You actually made my day, that was so hilarious! If Oblivion was like Rolls Royce, I think I would not feel the need to mod it. But it is so very far from it. It is like half made Rolls Royce, tossed out to customers with a message "deal with it". But Some modpacks can make it like Rolls Royce, as close as it is possible, and then the game is literally hand crafted. Vanilla Oblivion is like ten years old family car with 350 000 km.

Edit: Some mod suggestions.

Much better faces fixes the unplayable faces to playable.

Better cities actually make the cities like real, and not just like low budget placeholder cities in vanilla.

All unofficial patches.

This way the game become almost like Oblivion Remastered.

Oh Boy, Unbelievable. Sure thing, my example was an exaggeration, just as yours was. But, mine was meant to be facetious hyperbole. (That you took it otherwise says so much about you.)

There is absolutely nothing, nothing whatsoever "most basic car " about Oblivion. The absolute stupidity of that comparison is breathtaking. Oblivion is complex, though, you may not appreciate the complexities. It is beautiful, though beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it is vintage.

You obviously do not appreciate what other appreciate or love the quirks and eccentricities that others find charming etc. etc. But, to tell others that these things "suck" is shear unadulterated hubris. And, worse, it is denying others the intelligence and the right to discover for themselves. ""Daddy knows best!!!"" or, thinks he does.

The option is, as it should be, available to all and must remain a valid and a valued option.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από lonetrav:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Messsucher:
Ignore him. He is just "vAnIlLa bE HoW dEvS mEaNt"
Wow, I'm impressed that someone was able to see through my disguise! Great job, well done! :-)

To be honest, I don't know, nor do I care what "devs meant". For me it's simply common sense not to fix what I don't know if it's broken at all (for me), that's all.
Your "basic car" example is odd. For one, you could really buy additional components later, and, more importantly, you don't have to pay for the mods, and installing them isn't more complicated later than sooner. You don't lose anything by delaying mod installation, and whether or not you lose by delaying the purchase of additional car components depends on the circumstances - it could be an advantage , too.
If you know the unmodded game, you can assess the value of a mod FOR YOU better. But if someone wants to install a mod just because someone else recommends it, fine with me.

Your second post is interesting in this respect. You recommend two mods supposedly fixing faces and cities. How do you know that someone is unhappy with the faces and cities of the game? Nothing against these mods, but I won't install them, because they don't offer me any benefits compared with the original.
Why can't you say that a new player should have a look at the faces and cities, then consider having a look at the mods you mention, and then decide what suits him better?

Faces in Oblivion are common problem for people. And they are objectively bad. Someone coming from Skyrim would be much more at home with the game with those much better faces.

Cities are just common sense. Lets put it this way. Suppose the better cities would be vanilla and those placeholder low budget cities would be mod. Would there be a single person in the world who would mod out the better cities and use those crap placeholder low budged cities instead? Or are people saying placeholder cities are better just because tHeY aRR WoOoOt the DeVs InTeNdEd? Think about it.

And please do not discuss me at all here. This discussion is not about me a bit. Grow some spine.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Wai:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Messsucher:

Everything except valid mathematics is personal opinion. Rolls Royces were handmade, crafted to perfection, all details thought out carefully, you can't never ever compare a single bethesda game to Rolls Royce. You actually made my day, that was so hilarious! If Oblivion was like Rolls Royce, I think I would not feel the need to mod it. But it is so very far from it. It is like half made Rolls Royce, tossed out to customers with a message "deal with it". But Some modpacks can make it like Rolls Royce, as close as it is possible, and then the game is literally hand crafted. Vanilla Oblivion is like ten years old family car with 350 000 km.

Edit: Some mod suggestions.

Much better faces fixes the unplayable faces to playable.

Better cities actually make the cities like real, and not just like low budget placeholder cities in vanilla.

All unofficial patches.

This way the game become almost like Oblivion Remastered.

Oh Boy, Unbelievable. Sure thing, my example was an exaggeration, just as yours was. But, mine was meant to be facetious hyperbole. (That you took it otherwise says so much about you.)

There is absolutely nothing, nothing whatsoever "most basic car " about Oblivion. The absolute stupidity of that comparison is breathtaking. Oblivion is complex, though, you may not appreciate the complexities. It is beautiful, though beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it is vintage.

You obviously do not appreciate what other appreciate or love the quirks and eccentricities that others find charming etc. etc. But, to tell others that these things "suck" is shear unadulterated hubris. And, worse, it is denying others the intelligence and the right to discover for themselves. ""Daddy knows best!!!"" or, thinks he does.

The option is, as it should be, available to all and must remain a valid and a valued option.

Hey, I am not a fanboy of this game. And anyone playing this first time is not a fanboy of this game. I definitely do not appreciate Oblivion. It is the worst modern Bethesda game by a very big margin. The level scaling totally ruins the game for me. Melee is the worst of all games I know.

You can like the game and I can dislike the game. We both have absolute rights to have whatever opinions of this game. I have no say what you think of the game and you have no say of what I think of the game.

Man up and stand up someone dislikes of what you like. Life will become much more easy for you.
The game works for some. I like the swing of swords and the hurling of firebolts. Especially at undead.
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 27 σχόλια
Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50

Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 26 Απρ, 12:54
Αναρτήσεις: 27