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Sourcemod: map select on "sm_admin" menu
I dont know why in sm_admin menu, the "select map" menu is with all maps of the game?!
My mapcycle.txt at ...\insurgengy\ have only firefight gamemod, but in this SM menu I could choose somes coop maps.
Could I to fix this?
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ozzy 5 févr. 2016 à 3h41 
I have the same thing. I think by default it shows all maps on the server rather than reading the mapcycle. I believe there is plugins to replace that but I don't know. Some servers just call votes for maps.
So do you know if when match is ended the server offer all options in nextmap menu? It get ot dont get only the maps of the mapcycle.txt?
Look at /insurgency/addons/sourcemod/configs/maplists.cfg as that sets your sm map options

If you only want to serve up firefight then change "default" "target" & "sm_map menu" & "sm_votemap menu" "file" to the mapfile you want to use (the bold ones below)

* Default requests go right to the mapcyclefile.
"target" "mapcycle_ebs.txt"

/* Admin menu, map menu */
"sm_map menu"
"file" "mapcycle_all.txt"

/* Admin menu, map voting menu */
"sm_votemap menu"
"file" "mapcycle_all.txt"

/* For the "randomcycle" plugin */
"target" "default"

/* For the "mapchooser" plugin */
"target" "default"

/* For the "nominations" plugin */
"target" "default"
Thank you. I will try at night.
Just copy content of mapcycle file to /addons/sourcemod/configs/adminmenu_maplist.ini
This should do the trick.
Now it is working. Thank you guys.
The solution was create a .ini file with the maps list.
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Posté le 5 févr. 2016 à 1h05
Messages : 6