Wargame: AirLand Battle

Wargame: AirLand Battle

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Solution of ragequitters
Just a humble suggestion or request to get rid of games getting spoiled by noobish ragequitters.There should be an option in game so that players can mark another players as ragequitters if they quit or disconnect or crash or press alt+f4 and also if they team kill.This marking should appear in there profile stats and also when in game lobby so that they can be selectively kicked before starting the game.
The stats should be visible in the game lobby before the
start of the game also.

Please developers do something of these rage quitters and team killers as it becomes frustrating to play with them.People invest there time for some good genuine entertainment in this game but there are plenty of these anti-social elements who ruin the games.
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the solution is to get to know each other and then invite them. While I wasn't a friend with most players I knew a lot of good ones and people like playing with others of which they know that they play good and trough. devs are long gone.

quitters happen in all games.
I like the idea, but I think it would be rather hard to implement...how would you stop people randomly reporting players who have done nothing wrong?
people can only report the quitters
What if its a legit disconnect? Its not unheard of. I never quit a game but I have disconnected a few times for unknown reasons.
For friendly killing ok, but otherwise you just need to live with it or know the players.
75% of my games have been ruined by the quitters as far as i know.Thus completely destroying my stats.Legit disconnections cannot be everytime and whatever may be the reason of quitting the game,one should be marked atleast and that quitting ratio should appear in there profile before the start of the game
in the lobby.
what if your conection time out or you have a crash.
Toughgamer3 a écrit :
75% of my games have been ruined by the quitters as far as i know.Thus completely destroying my stats.Legit disconnections cannot be everytime and whatever may be the reason of quitting the game,one should be marked atleast and that quitting ratio should appear in there profile before the start of the game
in the lobby.
I see your problem you just care for your stats. People will be people we shouldn't lable them for any reason.
Obviously.Dont you care for good gaming.Who would like to get their games spoiled due to trolls and quitters as i said legit quitting cant be everytime and that why a solution for these widespread trolls is that evreyone of us should have a quitting ratio visible to everyone
to decide(quitting may be for whatever reason,the ratio would speak everything).
Dernière modification de The Village Dweller; 13 sept. 2013 à 2h58
Toughgamer3 a écrit :
Obviously.Dont you care for good gaming.Who would like to get their games spoiled due to trolls and quitters as i said legit quitting cant be everytime and that why a solution for these widespread trolls is that evreyone of us should have a quitting ratio visible to everyone
to decide(quitting may be for whatever reason,the ratio would speak everything).
If they quit they quit it wouldn't matter you'll just have to play.
I found one solution man!Play 10vs10 games.One or two quits do not effect so much.
I've been playing some 10 vs 10 where 5 of 9 quit and you have to manage units everywhere on the map. Dev should really freeze the units of people who quit. When I do my best to get a two to one kill ratio to my team I always feel uppset to have a bad result because of quitters.
Cybrax 14 sept. 2013 à 12h23 
When people quit you get control of their units and their current money. It might seem like the rage quitters are causing you to lose but really the match is already over and they are just tapping out early. You are much better off just having these people leave and give you their units, trust me. If players were unable to leave they would do all kinds of trollish stuff to hurry up the game.

The game should have a ranked queue system with a matchmaker for close matches in which case leaving would just be considered a loss and people who quit all the time would fall to the lower end of the bracket. Sadly, we don't have enough players to sustain a match maker and would result in waiting 10-20 min per game.
Getting there units is not a good idea as you r not completely aware of the strategy they were appliying and moreover one has to manage unorganised units most of the time.Thats what I have experienced.
I disagree with you Cybrax. My opinion is that on a destruction mode, if a commander leave the game for any reason, his units should surrender and should appear white for example and could not be killed anymore. Therefore my stats on this battle would remain my stats. It is not possible to be effective when you have to manage units everywhere and most of the time when the guy quit the game, his units are in deep trouble so you can expect big losses.
What I try to achieve on a 10 vs 10 for example is to get more than 2000 points and lose less than 1000 points. When I know I was doing very well I feel upset when I cannot see my kill ratio at the end of the game. I don't care if my team lose or win if I did my part of the job.
Dernière modification de Macadam; 15 sept. 2013 à 0h06
Macadam a écrit :
I disagree with you Cybrax. My opinion is that on a destruction mode, if a commander leave the game for any reason, his units should surrender and should appear white for example and could not be killed anymore. Therefore my stats on this battle would remain my stats. It is not possible to be effective when you have to manage units everywhere and most of the time when the guy quit the game, his units are in deep trouble so you can expect big losses.
What I try to achieve on a 10 vs 10 for example is to get more than 2000 points and lose less than 1000 points. When I know I was doing very well I feel upset when I cannot see my kill ratio at the end of the game. I don't care if my team lose or win if I did my part of the job.

Understandable, the best way to remedy this is to have casualties from a surrendered ally continue to count toward their losses and not the player that inherits the units. All future units built from their cards and cash of course would count as your units though.

You really wont be able to get a metric for improvement though till some form of ranking is in place. A game like wargame airland battle has such a large range of skill that one game you will have a 4:1 ratio and the next might be a 1:2 ratio on kills. A ranked queue would bring this in closer and make games more enjoyable.
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Posté le 9 sept. 2013 à 8h00
Messages : 15