Need Help Figuring Out My Team
2002UM has so many characters to choose from which is why I love it... but as a result, I can't actually seem to get 3 good characters to main with. I tend to just jump around characters a lot and probably never have my 3 best at any given time.

I mostly need people to test characters out on so I can figure out which I'm better and worse with. Though perhaps some text help could also be useful in figuring out which of the characters I like are acutally effective.

I'm not a high level player and don't expect to be. I don't do all kinds of flash combos or anything. I just can do the basics.

The character I probably know the best is probably Athena, since I've been using her since I first started playing KoF back in 2003. I have a good understanding of her normals and specials and whatnot, but can't do anything impressive. Not sure if she'll end up as one of my best characters or not.

Other characters I like are: Yuri, Xiangfei, Kula, May Lee, King, Kensou, Bao, and Chris. I doubt I stand out with any of these characters though, so it's tough to know which I should focus on using in my main team. What should I be looking for?
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Character with some kind of "Dragon Uppercut" move always helps. :P
Messaggio originale di Castor Troy:
Character with some kind of "Dragon Uppercut" move always helps. :P

Depends on priority. Not all are created equal. I have a tendency to pick characters will low-priority anti-airs. It's hard to beat Kyo's who gets autoguard on it some years (not sure if this is one of those years)
try practice mode and get a feel for each characters pokes and combos
Messaggio originale di ghost@localhost.~#:
try practice mode and get a feel for each characters pokes and combos

Tells me nothing of who I'll be best with against an actual person
Messaggio originale di Koko:
Messaggio originale di ghost@localhost.~#:
try practice mode and get a feel for each characters pokes and combos

Tells me nothing of who I'll be best with against an actual person
Yeah I have say problem. Just try & find someone's combos you can pull off fairly easy in pratice. Then try playing them in single player against the computer. Hopefully that can give you a feel for actually pulling off moves in a match & which characters are easier for you. After that you can start playing people online & it's pretty much trail-by-fire. You'll get beat down enough probably but things will start to come together the longer you play one character.

People like you & me will have a hard time for awhile because the majority of people playing this game are hardcore vets at this game. I'm more of a Street Fighter guy so that helps alittle...
Ultima modifica da Rokkit; 2 mar 2015, ore 21:26
Well another problem is that I don't know much in the way of combos in the first place. When I ask, people just refer me to combo videos which show off insane stuff I couldn't hope to do. I can't even really follow what they're doing to attempt that kinda stuff... so I tend to not even worry about combos. It feels like something out of reach to me.
Don't worry too much about combos, just stick to simple jump-in C/D>close C/D>special chains.

With Athena, you'll generally want to stay back and shoot Psycho Balls while getting around with teleport and poking with standing C/D(though C has more priority and is probably the better option).Watch out for their jumps and use f+B or light Psycho Sword to anti-air.Missing a lot of stuff here but it can help you get started,i hope.

Don't worry about picking ''non-effective'' characters as this game is generally pretty balanced so you can do good with basically anyone.

I never really use much stand attacks with Athena. I wonder if this is my problem... I usually crouch C and then immediately cancel that to Psycho Ball so even if they block, they might unblock and eat the projectile

I also didn't know f+B could be useful at all in the anti-air process, I just straight weak Psycho Sword

I will use f+B>Psycho Sword when going on the offensive, though. I like to run it and throw one out, seeing if it hits.

I'm also trying to incoprate her fake Teleport now in cases where I would have done a regular one before just to throw the opponent off and not be too predictable.

Another thing I like to do is poke crouching A and if they keep blocking low, see if I can quickly hit with a hop A and cancel it to Fang Arrow

I'm also a big fan of Phoenix Arrow. I find it tears up weaker players a lot though against better ones, I usually need to air d+B and cancel to it so as to not leave myself too open.

Have any tips on any of the other characters I listed that I liked? Maybe I can develop something reselmbing a strategy with them :p
Messaggio originale di Koko:
I never really use much stand attacks with Athena. I wonder if this is my problem... I usually crouch C and then immediately cancel that to Psycho Ball so even if they block, they might unblock and eat the projectile

I also didn't know f+B could be useful at all in the anti-air process, I just straight weak Psycho Sword

I will use f+B>Psycho Sword when going on the offensive, though. I like to run it and throw one out, seeing if it hits.

I'm also trying to incoprate her fake Teleport now in cases where I would have done a regular one before just to throw the opponent off and not be too predictable.

Another thing I like to do is poke crouching A and if they keep blocking low, see if I can quickly hit with a hop A and cancel it to Fang Arrow

I'm also a big fan of Phoenix Arrow. I find it tears up weaker players a lot though against better ones, I usually need to air d+B and cancel to it so as to not leave myself too open.

Have any tips on any of the other characters I listed that I liked? Maybe I can develop something reselmbing a strategy with them :p

Sorry, Athena is the only one i play between all of them : l

I forgot to mention a few things like Shining Crystal Bit being a decent reversal option if the opponent starts getting a bit crazy on the offense. Be careful as it dosen't protect as well against attacks directly from above like Kim's divekick(Not sure if the SDM version helps with that). Make sure you cancel it as it hits as any player who knows what's he doing shouldn't get hit by Crystal Shoot anyways. As with anything, make sure you don't get too predictable with it so you don't get it blocked and punished.

Also, i'm not sure if st.D is still invincible to lows in this game but it should, so keep that in mind too.
Kensou and athena are my main characters...
When kensou use 5B, your opponent might think jump will a great choice to fight against you, and you soon use 5A 24, when you see your opponent jump, use Jump D to kick him down, if he
use ab to dodge the ball, use 66+2D

You can also use 5a at the far distance, then 66 to run, if you see your opponent use mid jump, you just keep running until you run into other side, then use 2D to counter his jump

When Kensou has four power with low health, I would suggest you to use 6A 26BC 26BD, and if that combo succeed, use 2424a, it may return you to full health+ 1.5 times damage, omg
I'm new to playing KoF with other people online (I've mostly played the other ones by myself, I don't know anybody IRL who likes fighting games), but I can give some advice on combos. First, you know that command button that you can program to do any input that you want automatically? The default for most characters is a simple combo. While you can't use it online, use it in practice mode and try to re-create the combo yourself. Also, light punches and kicks come in handy, punching somebody twice and then doing an anti-air move is pretty effective for how easy to pull off it is, and light attacks also make good set-ups for running throw attacks that are easy to block (like Ior's Dark Crescent Slice or Kusanagi's Recitation Of Sins).
here is my advice
learn how to play Bao and practice his very easy and deadly combos (70% midscreen & 100% corner)
once you are confident enough you put him always as your last character and keep trying other characters and add them to the team when you feel you are leveling up
Messaggio originale di ON| Yamazaky96:
here is my advice
learn how to play Bao and practice his very easy and deadly combos (70% midscreen & 100% corner)
once you are confident enough you put him always as your last character and keep trying other characters and add them to the team when you feel you are leveling up

How do you get 100% in the corner? My combo is jD, close D, BC, close D(or close C, f+A), qcb+C, qcb+D, qcb+C, qcb+D, SDM. It gets about 90% I think, not quite 100%.

Anyway Koko, I get the impression that you just assume those combos are out of your reach and you give up after a few attempts...the combos need to be grinded out in training mode for a while to get down the muscle memory. It's pretty crucial for some characters.

Athena's maxmode combos aren't as common/crucial as some other characters but Athena overall was nerfed in this game.
Ultima modifica da Emilkof; 3 mar 2015, ore 5:03
Messaggio originale di Emilkof:

How do you get 100% in the corner? My combo is jD, close D, BC, close D(or close C, f+A), qcb+C, qcb+D, qcb+C, qcb+D, SDM. It gets about 90% I think, not quite 100%.

Close D 2 Hits > BC > D 2 Hits > qcb+C > qcb+D > qcb+C > qcb qcf+BD > BC (while being juggled by SDM) > qcb+D > qcb+c > qcb+D > qcb+C > qcb+D > x2 qcb+ D

You will need only 4 stock for this combo
Ultima modifica da ON| Yamazaky96; 3 mar 2015, ore 5:37
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Data di pubblicazione: 2 mar 2015, ore 19:44
Messaggi: 29