Призрак Цусимы: Режиссёрская версия

Призрак Цусимы: Режиссёрская версия

WTF is that price?
I own this on PS5 so I don't have a dog in this race. It's 4 years old.... 60 USD, are they mad?

Will Bloodborne be 100 dollars?
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GMG will give you a nice 17% discount bro
It's the full game plus the Iki island DLC. It's well worth the $60
Автор сообщения: TarzanEng
GMG will give you a nice 17% discount bro

How? Thanks!
Автор сообщения: Adelfuns
Автор сообщения: TarzanEng
GMG will give you a nice 17% discount bro

How? Thanks!

Go to the website called Green Man Gaming and buy the key there. Use the voucher. I think it is called Mar17 and you get 17% price knock off.

You are welcome.
Just exercise a little patience and pick it up at Xmas sale for 70% off
Автор сообщения: TarzanEng
Автор сообщения: Adelfuns

How? Thanks!

Go to the website called Green Man Gaming and buy the key there. Use the voucher. I think it is called Mar17 and you get 17% price knock off.

You are welcome.

It does not work! Thanks anyway!
Not trying to defend the pricing but why is this surprising? Most games of this stature are 60-70 dollars, even for an updated release on a different platform. Looking at all of the PS PC releases, its normal.
sony respect regional price so much
I'm actually more shocked it's not $69.99, honestly. I own a PS5, and I will not be purchasing this game at full price. If Sony really thinks you can toss us some few year old scraps for full price, they can ♥♥♥♥ right off.

The only way I would ever consider buying an Sony game for full price on PC is for a day one release.
I already own it, but I'm still buying it full price on PC b/c I want to play it without sacrifices I have to make on the console. I'm also doing it out of spite for those who complain about price.
First reaction: About flipping time! :D

Second Reaction: Of course they're charging full price for a 4 year old game again. -_-

You'd think they'd learn. Ever since they started with the higher greedy price sales have been dropping. It's not like the H:ZD/GoW/DG prices were cheap either but those prices weren't egregiously out of line for what were then old games.
Автор сообщения: MayTheSchwartzBeWithYou
Not trying to defend the pricing but why is this surprising? Most games of this stature are 60-70 dollars, even for an updated release on a different platform. Looking at all of the PS PC releases, its normal.
There's nothing legitimate about this pricing, at least in second and third world countries. It's flat out a rip-off attempt.

Let me remind you that the best selling and profiting Sony game on PC was HZD, because of fair regional pricing.
Автор сообщения: You're Doomed
The only way I would ever consider buying an Sony game for full price on PC is for a day one release.
This too. This is a 4 year old game, charging full price for it is an insult. Doesn't matter how much they polish and flash it out, no timed exclusive that old deserves anything over $40 and its appropriate regional equivalent.
people complaining about the price can fk off. I'm glad to pay been waiting for too long.
Автор сообщения: Dawnsaan
people complaining about the price can fk off. I'm glad to pay been waiting for too long.
Were you trying some kind of flex or gotcha here? Because the only thing you proved is a self-entitled first world mentality here, and a lack of human decency.

Kinda bold words from someone who has a level 1 account and less than 10 games.
Отредактировано Panky..; 6 мар в 13:23
Still cheaper than Dragons Dogma 2 for where I live
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