Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT

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FFS man
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Affichage des commentaires 16 à 30 sur 52
No. we want actually playstation games like, god of war classics or uncharted colections... Thats more from software thing than sonys...
Everyone wants this game

Everyone also wants Bloodborne
♥♥♥♥ out of here. We already have Elden Ring which is just better Bloodborne.
Probably they have some kind of legal mess that keeps them from porting games that involved Japan Studios, just like Ninja Gaiden Black can't be ported ever due to legal issues between KT and Itagaki.
On the other hand PC doesn't have a shortage of Soulslikes.
There's rumours that Sony are looking to release a Bloodborne movie, so I'd assume that would link-up with a videogame re-release of some sort. Saying that, I've already played through the original PS4 version a few times and I'm in no rush to play through the game again anytime soon. It's a good game, but I think it's a little overhyped - the use of i-frames in combination with stacked-inputs (to help compensate for the game's poor performance) kind of breaks the game and makes it far too easy. If this major issue was to be resolved in a re-release, then the combat mechanics would need to be altered.
Let it go
We? who's we?
La Serviette a écrit :
FFS man
Dob't care about bloodborn! this game is 100x better.
Bloodborne didn't even get a ps5 remaster, it's like sony totally forgot about it.
Can you people just sh‌u‌t the f‌‌u‌c‌‌k up about that f‌u‌‌c‌‌k‌i‌ng game for one second?
I want this game.
I want Ghost of Tsushima. I don't care about Bloodbourne or Demon Souls. YOU are not WE.
BS, we want all PS exclusives on PC, where they, and all games belong.
I want this and Bloodborne, too.
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Posté le 6 mars à 9h34
Messages : 52