Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

dungeon defenders linux current state
I know that on release the linux version of dungeon defenders was borderline unusable. I heard that the porting dev was working on it. Have the bugs been fixed. Has physX been ported over to solve the mana bug?
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110/10 megjegyzés mutatása
I have nice performance when bought it, but steam acheivements doesn't work. Didn't knw if they fix this. I'll try it later to see that.
are you playing on trendy net?

achievements only work if connected to trendy NEt

I'm still waiting on the two controllers bug to be fixed (namely that that dosen't work, as well as even one controller couldn't control the menu for me)

Last time I played, the mana bug was still around
damnit. How's performance compared to windows?
Performance has been fine. The controller support is a bit better now (just tried it again a few minutes ago). Now I can use the first controller pretty well, now trying with two

Mana bug is still there as well
Nintonito eredeti hozzászólása:
are you playing on trendy net?
achievements only work if connected to trendy NEt
No i didn't. Didn't knew that. Prefer workshop servers because TrendyNet didn't works for me (couldn't to connect). I'll try it again
Legutóbb szerkesztette: moskae; 2013. júl. 22., 9:44
=(eG)= d10sfan eredeti hozzászólása:
Performance has been fine. The controller support is a bit better now (just tried it again a few minutes ago). Now I can use the first controller pretty well, now trying with two

Mana bug is still there as well
Well at least the game works. I guess for now I'll stick with windows. I get 60 FPS maxed anyways so it's not a big deal.
Nintonito eredeti hozzászólása:
=(eG)= d10sfan eredeti hozzászólása:
Performance has been fine. The controller support is a bit better now (just tried it again a few minutes ago). Now I can use the first controller pretty well, now trying with two

Mana bug is still there as well
Well at least the game works. I guess for now I'll stick with windows. I get 60 FPS maxed anyways so it's not a big deal.

Sticking with Windows due to judgement on a game? That's a pretty low excuse; there's more to Linux than just DD.
I have 10 linux compatible games, and 140 windows compatible games. There's more to windows than just DD. If i could switch to linux, or hell even OS X, I would.
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110/10 megjegyzés mutatása
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