Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Half-Life lags after loading new maps.
During gameplay, Half-Life stuns for a second or two right after loading a new map. Game subjects (both hostile and friendly) may move or attack at this time, but the game doesn't respond to any input devices. This lag dures only a second, but it may become critical for players :).

P. S. Not to be confused with "Node graph out of date. Rebuilding..." - these are two separate issues.
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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
I noticed this too. I really find it disturbing because those loading screens trigger quite frequently, and if each of them is taking like 1-2 seconds, it's really interrupting the smooth gameplay. I wonder what could cause the delay ...
yeah im having the same issue, when a new part is loaded for the first time it takes to long, going back and forth after the first loading is a lot faster.
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12/2 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. febr. 1., 6:52
Hozzászólások: 2