Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Linux Beta, ATI HD 5570, Catalyst && Open driver
cpu: AMD Phenom ll x4 965 BE
gpu: ATI Radeon HD 5570, 1gb DDR3
ram: 4 gb DDR3
os: Xubuntu 12.04

standard driver from the repository(fglrx):
TF2 - not working, sRGB_texture_decode note found;
SS3 BFE - lags on midi settings, video glitches.

beta driver from AMD site:
steam not run, even a complete reinstall does not help.

Open drivers from siemens repository:
TF2: run, very low fps on minimal settings.
SS3 BFE: run, 15-30 fps on minimas video settings(not video glitches!!!).

LOL WTF!? AMD, F**k you!
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Сообщения 12 из 2
The latest amd beta driver from their website is not working (it is 12.11 beta 8). This Driver causes a crash of steam. You need this driver For removing any manual installed previous amd drivers run the with root permissions located in /usr/share/ati/
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Сообщения 12 из 2
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Дата создания: 27 ноя. 2012 г. в 0:42
Сообщений: 2