Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

DIRT 23 września 2013 o 7:43
64 bit Opensuse no sound
32 bit Opensuse works just fine. With 64 bit i tried SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulseaudio steam and SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa steam. This usually works (kind of) with games like tf2 but gmod will absolutely not get sound. I need the pulseaudio system for my sound setup so I'd like to stay with pulseaudio.
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 22 komentarzy
Yolo San 23 września 2013 o 9:38 
Check the audio device used by Steam by selecting from menu Help -> System Information.
Look for Sound card: Audio device: Speakers (some audio card).

Make sure it it your main audio card and not the video card audio output(for HDMI).

Btw, you shouldn't double post.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Yolo San; 23 września 2013 o 9:39
DIRT 23 września 2013 o 10:22 
Its not a double post, Its two seperate issues. I have checked that in sound settings. Usually if gmod gets sound (wich it ususally doesn't) nothing else can use pulseaudio. Feels like im using jack.
DIRT 24 września 2013 o 6:54 
Any ideas? I know it is becasue opensuse pulse audio is called pulseaudio and not pulse like it is in ubuntu. Arch has the same issue.
DIRT 14 października 2013 o 9:29 
I was able to get sound working correctly with STEAM_RUNTIME=0 steam. It basically tells steam to use the libraries the distro uses instead of what is bundled with steam.
Florigamer91 14 października 2013 o 10:23 
I had the Same problem. For me it has helped in the sound settings in Yast to disable PulseAudio.
Toquita 14 października 2013 o 10:39 
The only problem with openSUSE is audio. If they stayed with just ALSA most of their problems would be solved and they wouldn't need Wiki Pages telling how to get sound working on Skype/Steam.

For me, I remember installing "pavucontrol" and "paprefs", and setting up everything related to audio. I remember not needing to enable Steam Runtime after that.

Here's a thread I created when I was using openSUSE. It will have critical points to maximize the audio correlation to the system.

And then, as oldcpu suggests, there are two blog posts that helped me a lot:
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Toquita; 14 października 2013 o 10:39
Flyhigh 14 października 2013 o 14:13 
Try following steps with YaST, if you want to use only one sound device.
Activate pulseaudio and configure only the one device by YaST-Sound with index=0. All other sound devices set to unconfigured.
DIRT 14 października 2013 o 15:54 
Pulse audio works fine with everything but steam. Well almost fine. Pulse audio has a memory leak for every 64 bit distro atm. kmix and pavucontrol will eay all the ram if you let them run.

I know alsa can solve a lot of problems but I need pulse for looping back speakers to the mic for recording. I usualy have audio playing through my hdmi port on my video card and point my recording software to the monitor of the hdmi so other audiosources wont get recorded. It works really well on ubuntu becasue steam plays nice with pulse on ubuntu.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: DIRT; 14 października 2013 o 15:55
DIRT 16 października 2013 o 7:58 
I think I'll switch distros. I liked opensuse only becasue of yast and the huge ammount of packages avalible but I have had a few things break from the updates they roll out. The last thing was the kde configuration for kdm. Left a bad impression. Once opon a time I use to use ubuntu before unity. The difference beteen them is like driving an automatic car vs a manual car. For example after installing video drivers I had to add myself to the group video in suse. I had to dig for a while to find that answer. If something like ubuntu or debian got yast that would be pretty sweet.
I dont like drakconfig. The networking part sucks. Mageia you can turn that part of drakconfig off so I'll be taking another look at that distro.
Sorry for the rant.
76561198006170904 16 października 2013 o 9:30 
Hey guys, completly unrelated question about opensuse. I can't find anythere, if I will install 13.1 rc, will I be "updated" to stable realese or will I have to reinstall it after stable hits mainstream? Sorry for offtopic, but as I say, there is no info on mighty google, or im just searching wrong.
DIRT 17 października 2013 o 13:23 
lets say you start off with an alpha of 13.1. it should roll over to the beta, rc and stable release. But it does have a high chance of breaking along the way. Id wait for now since proprietary video drivers can be a pain intill the actual release comes out.
DIRT 17 października 2013 o 13:37 
Mageia turned out pretty good. Just wish there was more meta packages like ia32-libs. Installing steam with the package manager installed all the deps you need though.
I really wanted to like pclinuxos since it has everything installed with the exception of libdvdcss2, but the drak network manager can't be shut off. Its almost a perfect distro if it wasn't for the flakey network manager.
Zsola73[hun] 31 grudnia 2013 o 5:50 
Sajnos nekem nem jött be egyik megoldás sem. Opensuse 13.1, steam Hang van a rendszerben. Steam alatt is működik bizonyos játékokban. De a source alapúakkal nincs. HL Deth match, Team Fortress....Mit tudnék tenni ?
cyngauno 31 grudnia 2013 o 17:26 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Yoyosan:
Check the audio device used by Steam by selecting from menu Help -> System Information.
Look for Sound card: Audio device: Speakers (some audio card).

Make sure it it your main audio card and not the video card audio output(for HDMI).

Btw, you shouldn't double post.

Hi, i check my system information and Steam detect my video card audio output. (I Don't have audio in Steam)
I use Manjaro Linux.
How i can select mi main PCI audio card for get audio on Steam?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: cyngauno; 31 grudnia 2013 o 17:28
Zsola73[hun] 1 stycznia 2014 o 13:09
This file is copy the system administrator (root) to the usr / bin directory. Write review her file. Of the alsa plugin must be installed. Look at the installation.
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Data napisania: 23 września 2013 o 7:43
Posty: 22