Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Favourite Linux Distro?
For me its gotta be a challenge but a simple challege thats debian wheezy! what are yours?
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why thank you sir!!! *Bows Down For 2000 years*
For me definately Puppy Linux. It was the first distro I tried and after having tried many many other (more popular) distros I've just always came back to the Puppies :)
Now that the newest releases like Puppy Precise use Ubuntu packages, it is pretty easy to use and configure to your liking.

I don't know about you guys but everytime something annoying happens, like you update your sound drivers and something goes wrong, it is really annoying and time consuming to get your computer back working.. Of course you can use all kinds of backup programs but for Puppy Linux it is really easy: you just copy your savefile (which contains everything, all the settings all the programs, everything in one file) and make backups safely, easily and fast.

Also, running my Linux (gaming) system straight out of tiny MicroSD card with games in another bigger fast USB3 stick, I can just take my Linux anywhere and play on any machine at any time (even inside Windows using Portable Virtualbox).. now that is pretty cool I have to say :D
didnt know that venim wow puppy has came a long way!!!
Arch Linux[] :)
Zorin 7 OS. It's a beauty
No doubt, it's Arch Linux :)

PS: use your [Linux] tags!
Dernière modification de ProChaser [Linux]; 8 juil. 2013 à 13h30
Debian and OpenSUSE! Might try Fedora 19 on my laptop soon, sounds awesome.
TiZm 8 juil. 2013 à 14h12 
Chloric - 齐克 a écrit :
Zorin 7 OS. It's a beauty
heard about zorin sounds neat!
it has been Linux Mint for me? but i do like openSUSE and Arch
Lady 8 juil. 2013 à 16h44 
red hat, or ubuntu
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Posté le 8 juil. 2013 à 5h59
Messages : 34