Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

[ArchLinux] Steam font is broken
Hey there,
I installed Steam via pacman (official package manager) on my Arch Linux x64.
A while ago it was just working as it should, since an update a while ago the font is broken.
I already tried uninstalling ('pacman -Rnss steam;rm -r ~/.stea*;rm -r ~/.local/share/Steam') and reinstalling ('pacman -Syu steam') but it didn't help.
You can see the problem in the screenshots.
For some reason it looks like it's just the latin chars being ♥♥♥♥ed up; I have some friends with kyrillic characters in their names which are shown as they should. Entered text also isn't shown. The updater text is working btw.
Laatst bewerkt door 94m3k1n9; 1 mrt 2013 om 15:12
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I had a similar problem, the font displayed was the wrong one and some capitals letters, like "A" or "W" were cut in half.
According to the ArchLinux documentation, the fonts problems can be solved by installing Steam fonts and copy these to the right place.

These commands should do the trick :
- cd ~/.fonts/ (create the folder if it doesn't exists)
- wget
- unzip && rm
Thanks Blue, your solution fixed it.
Thank you Blue! This solved my problem ;) I'll update the arch wiki with this info ;)
or just use a tool like yaourt to search on the AUR (arch user repo) for areal, ms fonts, and it should be fixed :D
thx blue -> took me a while to understand it but now it works :)
Laatst bewerkt door blackmirroxx; 30 jul 2013 om 18:38
it worked!, thank you so much blue!
Out of curiosity:
Do you use infinality, :(){:|:&};: #94m3k1n9?
Laatst bewerkt door TheSniperFan; 5 nov 2013 om 4:48
Origineel geplaatst door TheSniperFan:
Do you use infinality, :(){:|:&};: #94m3k1n9?
Not that I know of, I didn't even know that it exists. I just found it in the AUR, but I never used it.
Just asking.
I really recommend it though, as it offers much nicer looking font rendering.
I use this package and am greatly pleased with the results:
Laatst bewerkt door TheSniperFan; 8 nov 2013 om 8:31
FYI, I filed an issue about this ages ago, though I guess maybe it's just that the Arch package isn't installing the proper fonts?
Imo, these fonts should be included with the packaged version of Steam on Arch Linux.
thanks this helped me a lot!
Damn thanks man.
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Geplaatst op: 1 mrt 2013 om 14:54
Aantal berichten: 13