Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

UNinstall TF2 from Ubuntu
I cant launch Team Fortress 2 after Finally Installing Steam for this crappy OS, and also Finally Installing TF2 on Steam. Every time I attempt to "play" Team Fortress 2, I get an Error message saying that It can not be played at this time. The reason why is because It Fails to Verify the Files. I gets to 100% 0 of 1, and just Stops!

So, I read that the Best thing I can do to bypass this "failure to load files" is to Uninstall and Reinstall TF2 (great, I get to wait 8 hours again -_-) Now, Even though I have read that I have to Uninstall TF2, I CANT FIND ANYWHERE That explains HOW! If anyone knows How, please tell me. Or If anyone knows a better way to solve this issue, please tell me...
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Messaggio originale di Nikolai:
I cant launch Team Fortress 2 after Finally Installing Steam for this crappy OS

Although I can understand you are frustrated this probably wont get you much help. Steam for Linux is still new and although out of Beta doesn't mean everything is going to be 100% for everyone.

All I have ever done to remove games in Steam is right click and delete local files. Hopefully someone else can verify this is the correct method (as I am still new to using Steam myself).
Sorry for Call it crappy, Everyone has there own opinion. I am just getting very frustrated from how many error messages I have received at every turn. (ie. Installing Steam, Installing TF2, Attempting to Run TF2, Inability to Run some Videos from Youtube, Error messages for Installing a Up To Date Flash Player for Ubuntu)
I just really want to get it to work
Messaggio originale di Tweakedenigma:
Messaggio originale di Nikolai:
I cant launch Team Fortress 2 after Finally Installing Steam for this crappy OS

All I have ever done to remove games in Steam is right click and delete local files. Hopefully someone else can verify this is the correct method (as I am still new to using Steam myself).

This worked. thanks. I guess I was seeing too much red to think about looking there.
Now we wait, to see Reinstalling it, works...
Good luck and try not to get to frustrated it does take time to learn a New OS. I regularly use Windows, Mac and Linux and each one is pretty different from the other so it can be frustrating to fix anything if you are not familiar with it.

The more time you spend the easier it gets, remember you have years of experience fixing Windows issues and maybe a couple of days with Linux ones.
Ultima modifica da Tweak; 18 feb 2013, ore 9:41
You're right in calling Ubuntu a crappy OS; however, not all Linux distributions are crappy ;)
all distribution look same for me, even archlinux xD
but i don't like kde, gnome 3.6 and this unity, its easy to use but not that beautiful, its an aero like in vertical ^^
Ultima modifica da im muted 4 n0thing; 18 feb 2013, ore 10:04
Messaggio originale di Greenbikerdude:
@Hammerheart No just no.
Non-vanilla packages (some even proprietary!), forcing the user to use unity, not allowing the user to pick applications to install on initial install, outdated packages (a bigger issue in Debian than Ubuntu), ... the list goes on. To me that sounds like an operating system that is not 'free'. Lack of freedom is a bad thing.

Don't get me wrong though, I like the fact that new faces are joining the Linux community and my initial comment wasn't dogmatic/compeletely serious; however, you cannot deny Ubuntu's apparent moral and design flaws.

Messaggio originale di LE KDP EST MAGIQUE:
all distribution look same for me, even archlinux xD
but i don't like kde, gnome 3.6 and this unity, its easy to use but not that beautiful, its an aero like in vertical ^^
Most distributions look the same since they ususally use the same Desktop Environments.
Ultima modifica da basil; 18 feb 2013, ore 10:37
Is it that hard to rightclick tf2 and click delete?
Messaggio originale di ^1Gentoo:
Messaggio originale di Hammerheart:
Non-vanilla packages (some even proprietary!), forcing the user to use unity...

What are you talking about? I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 on this PC and 12.10 on my other PC and i'm running Gnome with Cairo-Dock on both. As easy as typing the word: gnome, in Synaptic and pressing 'Apply'.
Ubuntu installs Unity without asking the user which DE to use? At least that's how it was/has been for the longest time. Yes, you can install other DEs post-initial install.
Messaggio originale di Hammerheart:
Messaggio originale di ^1Gentoo:

What are you talking about? I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 on this PC and 12.10 on my other PC and i'm running Gnome with Cairo-Dock on both. As easy as typing the word: gnome, in Synaptic and pressing 'Apply'.
Ubuntu installs Unity without asking the user which DE to use? At least that's how it was/has been for the longest time. Yes, you can install other DEs post-initial install.
There are different projects which ship Ubuntu with different DE's like Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Lubuntu.
Messaggio originale di Wouter:
Messaggio originale di Hammerheart:
Ubuntu installs Unity without asking the user which DE to use? At least that's how it was/has been for the longest time. Yes, you can install other DEs post-initial install.
There are different projects which ship Ubuntu with different DE's like Xubuntu, Kubuntu and Lubuntu.
Yes, I know, but why would I want to download another disc image just to have Ubuntu install a specific DE?
Messaggio originale di Hammerheart:
Yes, I know, but why would I want to download another disc image just to have Ubuntu install a specific DE?

If you know enough to pick your own DE, you should be able to determine the version of Ubuntu you want before downloading it.

If you don't than being provided the choice between: Unity, Gnome 2, Gnome 3, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, etc. Could and Likely would case a lot of confusion.

It makes more sense when you try to view it through a newbies eyes.
Ultima modifica da Tweak; 18 feb 2013, ore 12:31
Messaggio originale di Tweakedenigma:
Messaggio originale di Hammerheart:
Yes, I know, but why would I want to download another disc image just to have Ubuntu install a specific DE?

If you know enough to pick your own DE, you should be able to determine the version of Ubuntu you want before downloading it.

If you don't than being provided the choice between: Unity, Gnome 2, Gnome 3, KDE, LXDE, XFCE, etc. Could and Likely would case a lot of confusion.

It makes more sense when you try to view it through a newbies eyes.
Ubuntu's flavors don't cover all major DEs, though.

I don't see why the installer couldn't provide a screenshot and radio button combo for each of the 'supported' DE's.
Ultima modifica da basil; 18 feb 2013, ore 13:57
Messaggio originale di Hammerheart:
I don't see why the installer couldn't provide a screenshot and radio button combo for each of the 'supported' DE's.

Cause that still wouldn't explain enough. The Goal of Ubuntu is to be as simple as possible in an attempt to make the transition as easy as possible to new users. Answering questions like this often at best scares new users or at worst annoys them because they make the wrong choice and then end up reinstalling (because they don't know any better).

I do get where you are coming from though, one of the big reasons I use Linux is the choices afforded to me, however I do still understand newbies don't understand a lot of the choices and just need a simple setup to get going.
I run ubuntu and have Unity, Gnome, Gnome 3 or Cinnamon to choice from. Yes unity is installed auto at first install but you can just go to the software centre and get whatever you want after.
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Data di pubblicazione: 18 feb 2013, ore 9:23
Messaggi: 30