Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

making an alternate install directory for games.. doesnt seem to work
so i have a seperate drive for my games.. i put the path in the steam settings but it still installs games to the home folder.. any ideas?
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I'm working on it, I'll tell you the result.
i suppose i could close the app, move the files and make a link.. steam would never know the game wasnt in the home folder.
hmm, steam tells me it doesn't have enough diskspace if I symlink it. You could just mount it and add that mount in your fstab.
Последно редактиран от Shark; 15 февр. 2013 в 17:57
that wont work cause i use that drive for other things too.. guess ill hold out on them fixing it someday
You can actually just make a script that mounts it and then runs steam. Anyway, this is what I did and it works. Read my whole post before copying stuff

I used these commands to create the folder for your games and move your existing games to, yourfolder can be replaced for a place where a hard drive is mounted(for instance /media/user/sdb1/Steam/ if you have a hard disk there):
mkdir yourfolder
mv ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/* yourfolder

then either run this command to mount it temporarily:
sudo mount -o bind ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps yourfolder

Then you can run steam.

or if you want it permanently mounted you can do this:
run this in terminal: sudo gedit /etc/fstab
now DON'T MESS WITH THIS FILE, don't delete anything or you won't be able to get back into your os later.
On the bottom add this line, with instead of user your username and instead of yourfolder the folder that you have been using so far:
yourfolder /home/user/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps none defaults,bind 0 0
If you are absolutely sure that you have only changed that and nothing else save it and reboot.

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Дата на публикуване: 15 февр. 2013 в 16:33
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