Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Steam on Linux Mint
Just wondering, as far as I know Mint is branched off Ubuntu so is it possible to get steam working on that also or should I just swap to Ubuntu ?
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Beiträge 19 von 9
Steam on Mint = great!
Great :D I was just trying to get it on my laptop here.. doesn't seem to be working lol :) Would you be able to lend a hand ?:D
zhalion 23. Jan. 2013 um 10:32 
Must install Nvidia 304 or 310 Driver to play games. I play on my Mint great!
d10sfan 23. Jan. 2013 um 11:16 
I'm on Linux Mint 14 and It's running great
Kierlan 23. Jan. 2013 um 11:58 
Hmmm nifty, I only have an ATI card on my laptop.. will that be an issue then?
seems to be alot of problems when using ATI cards, just search around here for some solution
arc| Gps 23. Jan. 2013 um 13:42 
start steam from the commandline, and see what it says.

I have it working on SUSE, I would think it to be easier on Mint.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von arc| Gps; 23. Jan. 2013 um 13:43
I'm running it right now. It works better then in Ubuntu imo.
I've got Steam on Linux Mint KDE and it is fantastic. I haven't tried the newer Ubuntu out, so I really can't compare Mint against Ubuntu.
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Geschrieben am: 23. Jan. 2013 um 9:24
Beiträge: 9