Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

steam @ (updated)

I've updated spot's excellent rpm package to the latest for Fedora 17 and 18.
It changed quite a bit from the old one; and it works fine on my systems (both 32 and 64 bits).

Any constructive comment is much appreciated.

I've asked spot if he wants some help on mantaining it; in the meanwhile I've posted a new repository.


To install, simply download the repository file and install steam through yum.

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d # wget # yum install steam

RPM Fusion

To make it work in Fedora, the "rpmfusion-free" and "rpmfusion-nonfree" repositories are REQUIRED.

rpmfusion-free: libtxc_dxtn for S3 compression library if you use nouveau/radeon/intel
rpmfusion-nonfree: xorg-x11-drv-nvidia/catalyst for proprietary drivers

To enable them, perfom the following (replace 18 with 17 as appropriate):

Fedora 18:

Nvidia / AMD proprietary drivers

Since I've not backported all the base Fedora packages as spot did, on Fedora 17 it should work only with the proprietary drivers.

Fedora 18:

# rpm -i # yum -y update # yum install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia or xorg-x11-drv-catalyst # reboot

For 64 bit systems you need to install ALSO the 32 bit libraries in addition to the above.

# yum install xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 or xorg-x11-drv-catalyst-libs.i686
Ultima modifica da negativo17; 22 gen 2013, ore 2:54
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Very nice, thank you for including Fedora. How are the drivers and games running together?
Any good frame rates?
The games run very smooth with the proprietary Nvidia drivers, if I use the stock nouveau/kms drivers included in Fedora + libtxc_dxtn the games run well but surely not on par with Nvidia's performance.

In fact I'm surprised how well Team Fortress 2 runs on my cheap laptop's built-in "NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [NVS 3100M]" with the nouveau drivers.

I have a SLI setup at home but I haven't been able to test it yet.

The only thing I don't have working is the "big picture mode"; if I click on the button I can only make Steam crash.
Ultima modifica da negativo17; 22 gen 2013, ore 2:55
- Updated to with some packaging changes
- Updated the instructions in the first post for rpmfusion and Nvidia / AMD drivers.
- Updated to with packaging changes because of the new package format.
You can get the nvidia 310 and 313 series drivers for Fedora 18 from here:

Which is meant to complement the RPM Fusion repo for Fedora 18. See the following for more info:
- Updated to
Does this work on OpenSuse aswell? With zypper instead of yum ofc.
Ultima modifica da Shark; 15 feb 2013, ore 5:56
Messaggio originale di Wouter:
Does this work on OpenSuse aswell? With zypper instead of yum ofc.

I really doubt, all distributions are different.

- Updated to
- Updated to
Are you using steam or steam-launcher package?
I'm "rebuilding" the steam tarball at

What is steam-launcher? The package I make allows me to launch steam with the application icon or by command line... what else is needed?
Messaggio originale di Wouter:
Does this work on OpenSuse aswell? With zypper instead of yum ofc.

For openSUSE use this:
Messaggio originale di negativo17:
I'm "rebuilding" the steam tarball at

What is steam-launcher? The package I make allows me to launch steam with the application icon or by command line... what else is needed?

to make an rpm, you need a list of dependecies
Ultima modifica da arc| Gps; 26 feb 2013, ore 15:34
Messaggio originale di arc| Gps:
to make an rpm, you need a list of dependecies

And how do you think the rpm is made? This does not answer the question what is steam-launcher.

The spec file with its huge amount of dependencies is here:

Ultima modifica da negativo17; 28 feb 2013, ore 9:18
- Updated to
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Data di pubblicazione: 17 gen 2013, ore 6:48
Messaggi: 16