Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

TF2 and Counter Strike : Source not working
Hi, just recently installed steam with this two games and I just got a black screen. I can hear the sound of the steam intro but no graphics. I'm using an Intel HD 3000 and I have the latest drivers from x-updates ppa. My OS is Ubuntu 12.04 64 BIT. I've logged the stdout and the errors I get are about falures compiling what seems graphics related. Here I left the log:
Naposledy upravil 16BITBoy; 17. bře. 2013 v 13.34
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Your Intel chipset has crappy linux drivers, which is very unfortunate. There's not really a lot you can do, except hope that they get better.
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 17. bře. 2013 v 13.34
Počet příspěvků: 1