Steam for Linux

Steam for Linux

Linus Discusses His Experience Moving to Linux
Linus discusses NVIDIA's proprietary driver for Linux:

Just listen to the first 16 seconds lol

I'm feeling like I wish I had gotten a Radeon 6000 series card instead of my RTX 3070 now lol
Naposledy upravil temps; 19. říj. 2021 v 8.17
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Zobrazeno 115 z 60 komentářů
Zyro 19. říj. 2021 v 8.17 
I don't get what's so hard about "apt install nivida-driver"... (but I didn't listen to more than 14 seconds.)
I thought this would be about Torvalds…
tfk 19. říj. 2021 v 9.54 
Somehow I get the impression that these problems of his are a tiny bit for the show...
LilleP 19. říj. 2021 v 11.01 
Linus are correct about Linux bring a bit of a hassle since there are a lot of workarounds needed for gaming to actually work at the current time
Lol who is this dude and why should I care about his opinion? Installing Nvidia drivers isn't even hard to do. Sounds like he wanted an .exe file and got mad that it wasn't there. Different systems have different methods. That's a universal understanding. His complaint about windows specific differences in driver compatibility makes me think he didn't do any research and is trying to flame a system without understanding what makes it different from windows.
Naposledy upravil dilatedjux; 19. říj. 2021 v 11.16
temps 19. říj. 2021 v 11.18 
DilatedJux původně napsal:
Lol who is this dude and why should I care about his opinion?

Largest technology reporter/show on YouTube, unless I'm mistaken...? His channel has over 5 billion views.

Zyro původně napsal:
I don't get what's so hard about "apt install nivida-driver"... (but I didn't listen to more than 14 seconds.)

He did install the nvidia driver (this is what your terminal command would do, right?).

He was complaining that it seemed to have poor performance compared to the Windows version of the nvidia driver.

Linus and the other guy there mentioned later in the video that they think they would have had a better experience using a Radeon GPU because the drivers are better for Linux or something. (I suppose because they're open source?)
Naposledy upravil temps; 19. říj. 2021 v 11.21
temps původně napsal:
DilatedJux původně napsal:
Lol who is this dude and why should I care about his opinion?

Largest technology reporter/show on YouTube, unless I'm mistaken...? His channel has over 5 billion views.
Ah, I rarely watch people on Youtube so I'm not really familiar with him.
Naposledy upravil dilatedjux; 19. říj. 2021 v 11.21
temps 19. říj. 2021 v 11.27 
DilatedJux původně napsal:
temps původně napsal:

Largest technology reporter/show on YouTube, unless I'm mistaken...? His channel has over 5 billion views.
Ah, I rarely watch people on Youtube so I'm not really familiar with him.

In any case, he and his channels have been doing a lot of commentary suggesting the idea that gamers should consider trying Linux instead of Windows 11 because of some issue Windows 11 has:

So he and his show are doing a test-run of him and his co-host installing Linux distros on their "daily driver" personal PCs for gaming to see how it goes (and if it goes badly, how long they can last before going back to Windows).

Could be a big deal for the Linux community if it goes well and a lot of gamers watching his channel decide to go with one of the Linux distros instead of Windows 11.
DilatedJux původně napsal:
Lol who is this dude and why should I care about his opinion?
He's one of the largest tech YouTubers, and has been for years. At one point he was a self-professed Nvidia & Intel fanboy, tho tbf Radeon was hot & loud at the time and AMD cpus were mainly FX chips. Obv AMD & Radeon have improved a lot, and afaik Linus has been generally fair towards Ryzen & the new Radeon stuff. But just watching the video he still looks uncomfortable admitting that something Nvidia (in this case, their Linux driver) is sh*t.
Naposledy upravil AbedsBrother; 19. říj. 2021 v 11.57
AbedsBrother původně napsal:
DilatedJux původně napsal:
Lol who is this dude and why should I care about his opinion?
He's one of the largest tech YouTubers, and has been for years. At one point he was a self-professed Nvidia & Intel fanboy, tho tbf Radeon was hot & loud at the time and AMD cpus were mainly FX chips. Obv AMD & Radeon have improved a lot, and afaik Linus has been generally fair towards Ryzen & the new Radeon stuff. But just watching the video he still looks uncomfortable admitting that anything Nvidia does is sh*t.

I'm looking at some of his videos that were posted right now. Seems like he has good intentions into getting some of his audience into Linux distributions.

All in all the videos posted above are entertaining. I'll probably look into his "running linux as daily driver challenge" videos. Those seem interesting. A lot of Nvidia's settings aren't directly put into the Gui manager though, and have to be accessed from the command line, but as he noted, he's not really used to that yet and it has a learning curve. Interesting vids.
Zyro 19. říj. 2021 v 12.21 
temps původně napsal:
He did install the nvidia driver (this is what your terminal command would do, right?).


temps původně napsal:
He was complaining that it seemed to have poor performance compared to the Windows version of the nvidia driver.

Ah, ok.
Ah , basically u shared another spam , I don't care about LINUS or LTT , or whatever is just like posting me someone random windows user how he experienced Linux , Nobody should care for LTT , They are one of the biggest commercial company sponsored by NVIDIA INTEL AMD and check out this they also get huge commissions from MICROSOFT !.
NightKnight | λ | původně napsal:
Ah , basically u shared another spam , I don't care about LINUS or LTT , or whatever is just like posting me someone random windows user how he experienced Linux , Nobody should care for LTT , They are one of the biggest commercial company sponsored by NVIDIA INTEL AMD and check out this they also get huge commissions from MICROSOFT !.
People listen to him therefor his opinion matters, that is if you want more linux users and more support for linux from developers.
LilleP 19. říj. 2021 v 15.24 
NightKnight | λ | původně napsal:
Ah , basically u shared another spam , I don't care about LINUS or LTT , or whatever is just like posting me someone random windows user how he experienced Linux , Nobody should care for LTT , They are one of the biggest commercial company sponsored by NVIDIA INTEL AMD and check out this they also get huge commissions from MICROSOFT !.

Obviously you haven't heard what he says, but a short recap would be to drop the eliteism in the Linux world and actually listen to feedback from newcomers
temps 19. říj. 2021 v 16.27 
It's not necessarily bad if Linus criticizes nvidia's driver for Linux. I mean if there's something wrong with nvidia's drivers on Linux, his criticisms and public shaming of nvidia for those problems might lead them to put a little more work into making it better, which would benefit those in the Linux community with nvidia GPUs.

Just saying because I get the impression there is some hostility here toward Linus for complaining about his bad nvidia experience on Linux.
Naposledy upravil temps; 19. říj. 2021 v 23.08
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Datum zveřejnění: 19. říj. 2021 v 8.10
Počet příspěvků: 60