

AI antics
I had originally thought the AI difficulty was related to how trades / house purchases / and other financial decisions would be handled. It has since become clear that the "Hard" difficulty is synonymous with "cheat the %(#& out of you."

From jail protection (AI rolls onto jail, then community chest jail, then chance jail, in order to avoid player developed property), to chance/community chest abuse (landing only on those spots), to "magnetizing" your player piece to their property, even the minor chance ones (roll onto Park Place, snake eyes to Boardwalk, chance "advance to Boardwalk", around again to Park Place, snake eyes to Boardwalk...)

I may Fraps one of these comical events...
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I'm disappointed the game isn't harder.
Comical it is. I didn't reach Start once, they rolled on start 3 times already. And tons of other fantastic events.
Mamma_Duck 25 nov. 2013 la 17:11 
The easy setting is just as ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up in the other direction. It was so imbecilic that it agreed to trade me $45.00 on an offer of $50.00. Either this game was meant to be a joke, or the development and programming were farmed out to a slave labor camp for the mentally challenged in Myanmar. As sad as it is, the latter is more likely to be the case with gigantic monetarily bloated American companies such as Hasbro and Electronic Arts.
jkbulan 18 febr. 2014 la 10:25 
play the game in 3 players AI cpu you will see how hard this is. yes if you play the game with 1 cpu is easy as hell
This is free as an app atm, exact same game on kindle for me.

I play hard 3xAI and it's simple. Buy all orange. Hotels . . .they land on your properties a few times because of the jail bug . . .game over, win every time.

No difficulty except like OP said, they just land on chance/community/their own properties more often. Game is fixed :p
Postat inițial de winsyrstrife:
I had originally thought the AI difficulty was related to how trades / house purchases / and other financial decisions would be handled. It has since become clear that the "Hard" difficulty is synonymous with "cheat the %(#& out of you."

From jail protection (AI rolls onto jail, then community chest jail, then chance jail, in order to avoid player developed property), to chance/community chest abuse (landing only on those spots), to "magnetizing" your player piece to their property, even the minor chance ones (roll onto Park Place, snake eyes to Boardwalk, chance "advance to Boardwalk", around again to Park Place, snake eyes to Boardwalk...)

I may Fraps one of these comical events...

Yes, I've played several previous versions of this game over the years, and I concur with the many forum claims that the dice are rigged to simulate the various levels of difficulty. I can understand the necessity; it's practically a certainty for a human to defeat the AI, unless its given a cheaters-advantage so-to-speak. For me it's a tossup that I'm gratified that I can still beat a game that's rigged against me, versus the fact that the game itself is rigged.

I've noticed that the latest version of Monopoly posts a table of probabilities of the dice-rolls at the end, as if to "prove" that the game-play is honest. As anyone who knows how electronic gambling machines are designed, it's still possible to show a normal distribution of picked numbers while still being able to manipulate the winning outcomes. The distribution of probabilities can be manipulated just as easily as the payout ratio.
Editat ultima dată de gregp507; 3 ian. 2015 la 11:30
Keep in mind when playing with 3 CPU, they will trade each other and get their monopolies that way. They're not playing against each other, they're ALL playing against you!
jkbulan 6 ian. 2015 la 23:21 
Postat inițial de gnease42:
Keep in mind when playing with 3 CPU, they will trade each other and get their monopolies that way. They're not playing against each other, they're ALL playing against you!
your right. i learn that when i played monopoly 3 with 4 players CPU and cheated on me:(
And all I wanted, was to be taken out to dinner first.........
(before i got......
you know)
gregp507 21 sept. 2016 la 14:48 
All still true, the AI "Hard" level has a massive cheater's advantage. I just finished playing six games in a row where I never had a chance; I landed on all the tough squares every time around, and the other players kept skipping over my properties.
In the seventh game, I managed to get twice as many properties as my remining opponent, and mine were on the best side of the board. All he had were hotels on the orange properties.
Well, you guessed it, I hit his hotels every time around, as well as every other penalty you could imagine. He got loads of good-breaks; it seemed to be a stalemate, so all I could do is entice him into stupid trades (he can't resist a utility) and I eventually got all the other properties on the board, except his three hotels on the orange properties.
The game still seemed to go on and on, but eventually his "luck" ran out and I won. There's something highly satisfying about winning a crooked game.
I couldn't swear to it, but the game seems to have become a lot more difficult against the AI lately. Was there a patch applied to it?

Playing the "Hard" level of difficulty, it used to give you 1 half-decent trip around the board for every 2 horrible trips around the board, where you hit nearly every rotten-luck square along the way. In addition to that, in 2 out of 3 rounds, your AI opponents will skip all your properties, while hitting all the lucky spots along the way.

In addition to this, you get mostly the bad "Chance" and "Community Chest" cards, and your opponents get mostly the good ones.

But lately, the odds seem to be 1 good trip for every 6 bad around the board. It could be my imagination, but after a few dozen more games, I may get a better idea.
Editat ultima dată de gregp507; 2 nov. 2016 la 11:26
chrcoluk 11 oct. 2018 la 15:31 
I have played many versions of monopoly over the years as it gets release again and again, sometimes 2 or 3 times on a single device.

The one thing in common with every version I have played is if you up the difficulty to hard or even normal, the AI will cheat. The cheating on normal is a low amount, usually normal will generate monopolies between AI trading and have favourable dice rolls to a moderate level.

Hard difficulty usually has high to extreme amounts of cheating, on the most recent version of monopoly I played, usually the AI will skip high value properties you own for at least 20 runs around the board (e.g. housed up orange properties), but then they will enter some kind of suicide mode as if they concede defeat then suddenly land on it 2 or 3 times in a row often enough to finish them off. So the hard mode's tend to be endurance mode's where you have to survive during their invincibility period, e.g. 20 or so laps of the board, then it stops and suddenly they get magnetised to your properties as the game concedes you have the upper hand.

One recent game the hard AI did 37 laps avoiding all my stations (I owned all 4), my orange and light blue properties which were housed up (blue had hotels). Then on lap 38 they landed on the first blue, then rolled a 3 to land on the second blue, then rolled a 7 to land on the first orange, then rolled a 3 to land on the last orange, then landed on the chance after the first red and drawn "go back three spaces", that final one was game over. They had no housed up properties, all the thousands of money they had was from the pass go bonuses and minor rent payments from me landing on their properties.

Also my experience is early game they cheat by getting lots of doubles, landing on unowned properties and avoiding jail, I will get low dice rolls, a high chance of jail and landing on owned properties, but this ends when all the properties are purchased, then things will go random, however they enter cheat mode if you get housed up monopolies (like the 37 laps I mentioned), but my rolls seem ot stay random outside of the first few laps of the game.

That game was me testing the AI dice rolls, I achieved my favourable properties and their lack of monopoly by having 2 human and 1 AI, and I traded with the other human to get the property ownership in my favour, I quit the other human and then just watched to see how long it would take for the AI to land on the killer properties.
Editat ultima dată de chrcoluk; 11 oct. 2018 la 15:35

The devs Instead of programing the AI to make smarter strategic decisions, they just increased the 'luck' of rolling perfect dice in replacement of the difficulty level. Lazy and broken game model that makes it pointless to play.
Postat inițial de LordOfDarkFlame 🔥:

The devs Instead of programing the AI to make smarter strategic decisions, they just increased the 'luck' of rolling perfect dice in replacement of the difficulty level. Lazy and broken game model that makes it pointless to play.

100% on that one, and to everyone who's posted about the AI rolls on higher 'difficulties'. Garbage ... there's no skill involved with this game against the AI when you play on Med/Hard modes, it's just pure 'luck' and the AI have INCREDIBLE luck with their rolls - perfect, in fact, at times.

As you say, makes this game completely pointless to play above 'Easy' mode. And it's not just that it's one game that the AI get lucky, every game on Med/Hard the AI seemingly roll 'perfect' rolls. In MULTIPLE games I've had the AI almost literally buy-up the entire board because of how perfect their rolls are, landing perfectly on un-bought properties, etc.

Save your money, don't bother with this crap - play real Monopoly with your friends/family, a FAR better experience.
Editat ultima dată de !FT!Protocal; 30 dec. 2018 la 18:12
Monopoly Plus on Steam is fantastic btw!
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