Factory Town Idle

Factory Town Idle

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Erik Asmussen  [developer] Jan 11, 2024 @ 5:50am
Pro Tips from the Developer
Here is a list of tips that may not be obvious but will make your life easier in game. Subscribe to this discussion and you'll get notified when I think of more tips to add here!

  • The circular green arrows is 'Auto-Assign'. It will cause a recipe to automatically production capacity (workers) if its building has spare capacity and the recipe can utilize it. Similarly it will remove production capacity if it is no longer needed (e.g. its output gets full). You can set this per-recipe or per-building
  • You can expand or collapse all similar headers by control-clicking or right-clicking on a header
  • Ctrl+Left Arrow or Ctrl+Right Arrow will cycle through your towns without having to go to the World menu
  • Many of the pop-up menu panels have hotkeys: R for Research, C for Construction, T for Town Perks, W for World Perks, G for upGrades. TAB opens the world panel. The main navigation tabs (Cultivation, Prospecting, etc) can be opened with 1, 2, 3, etc
  • Clicking any item icon will filter the main panel to show just recipes involving that item. Even over in the inventory panel, you can click on the icon (not the progress bar) to apply that filter
  • You can click on the header of the left-hand side Quests or Inventory panels to expand or minimize them, allowing the other to take up more space
  • Click on any recipe and the inventory panel will auto-filter to show details for just the items involved in that recipe. Click the recipe again (or hit ESC) to clear the filter
  • Hold Shift to temporarily change your click delta to 5x. Hold Control to change to 10x.
  • Hold both to change to 50x. This stacks with the baseline delta option on the top menu: If that is set to 5 instead of 1, then the Shift/Control multiples change to 25/50/250
  • Right-clicking a production capacity + button will add all of your remaining capacity to that recipe. Right-clicking the - button will remove all production capacity from that recipe.
  • Right-click on an item icon to see a quick list of all the other recipes that use it, and what their statuses are. Then you can click on a recipe there to filter the main panel to show that recipe.
  • F1-F4 keys control simulation speed. F1 pauses, F2 plays normally, F3 is slightly faster, and F4 is much faster. Speeding up will consume Time Tokens based on how much it is being sped up. Note you can hit F3 and F4 multiple times to further increase speed.
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Erik Asmussen  [developer] Jan 11, 2024 @ 11:39am 
If one of your items or resources are rapidly flickering between empty and full, you can often fix this by increasing its storage capacity. (It creates an extra buffer of time to allow the auto-assign function to catch up with changes in supply and demand)
Erik Asmussen  [developer] Jan 11, 2024 @ 2:01pm 
You can hold the mouse button down to repeat-click on most items. The spacebar also works as an alternate way to click (although it doesn't currently repeat like the mouse button does)
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