Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes

Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes

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tanukitsune 20 października 2012 o 12:02
I beat the game, but now I just have more questions. (Spoilers)
What was the deal with the gnomes? Either they don't exist and people will sit next to one of Lilli's "victims" without giving a damn or they do exist and anything covered by their magical paint is invisible? But still, the Mother Superior TALKS to the girl who hanged herself as if she was still alive, maybe that's what the magic paint does?

But why? To keep Lilli from knowing what she has really done? And why do they suddenly stop? They don't paint the eagle you kill or the bartender.... But Lilli did think they were sleeping and there weren't all messed up like the other victims. And why does Lilli suddenly want to kill then in the D&D game? Because it was a game? Then why did she think the visions of her dead friends were real?

As for Edna, I can believe that she was never real since nobody else mentions her, but what about Harvey? Is Edna is fake, why did Harvey recognize her? Even if Lilli is making this up in her mind, she had no way of knowing Harvey was Edna's plush rabbit, and how did fake Edna know the real Edna's story?

I can believe the cop was fake since nobody else talks to or about him but..
If the cop was fake, what was in the hidden passage?

Why was the medium all of the sudden in the asylum? I guess saying she can talk to ghost does give them an excuse to lock her in, but still...

The trance world is weird, it's also the spirit world AND you imagination? Then again, maybe the inmates went into a trance after eating that pizza with all that toxic dye.

Also, which would you think is the canon ending out all three?
< >
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tagento 20 października 2012 o 18:22 
I gues I won't use spoiler tags in my response since the words spoiler do make it obvious what this thread is about. And your question about the ending of course makes it obvious you shouldn't be reading this if you don't want to know about the endings and all that happens before.

Thus if you haven't finished the game already obviously stop reading. :)

The "censor gnomes" are supposed to be I'm assuming both figuratively (and literally) Lili's mind painting over the "unpleasantness" around her. The same way everyone who wrongs her is a "friend" which is another painting over of reality.

As for everyone being at the asylum. You can take it a few ways. First that since the asylum seems to be nearby everyone who is crazy (such as the medium who is hanging out in some random graveyard talking to a flame and "communicating" with the dead) is probably destined to end up there. Or that she is a girl as we've seen with an all too active imagination.

Of course everyone could in fact be made up. Especially Harvey. Edna herself says she's really the girl everyone heard about. Which could imply her backstory whether fanciful or real or somewhere in between is just something passed along by the kids at the convent school.

With the ending I THINK we're supposed to view her as a delusional serial killer. Especially with everything the narrator adds (sometimes with the objection of Lili herself). Ending 1 and 2 with her either killing the doctor or accepting treatment proves this. Whether or not Edna or the cop is real.

However I happen to prefer the third ending where she tells everyone to shut up and that she is sick of being told what to do and think by others. Hearing her tell the narrator to shut up cracks me up. That's how I prefer to think of LIli. Particularly since even Edna is a bit of a bully always telling Lili what to do and never letting her get in a word.

Ostatnio edytowany przez: tagento; 20 października 2012 o 18:26
tanukitsune 21 października 2012 o 0:46 
True, I can believe people talking about Edna's escape since the asylum was so close, but the imaginary Edna knew HOW she escaped, right? I guess it's possible they figured it out and told everybody, but that seems unlikely.

As for the ending I guess it depends on how you view Lilli, is she just a psycho or is she just sick and never meant to hurt anybody? Frankly, I think she was sick AND wanted to hurt people, she just kept convincing herself she was too nice to do the awful things she thinks about.

I guess it also depends on whether there will be a sequel, Harvey is in the hands of the Mother Superior, which complicates things, Edna was never there and is likely to not even be in town, which complicates things...

Dr. Marcel dies in one of the three endings, which may or may not complicate things? Maybe Edna would actual come back to town if Dr. Marcel is dead and maybe she'll try to solve the mess made by Dr. Marcel having all the loonies out in town?

I doubt they'll her an imaginary friend again...

But the thing that bothered me the most about the sequel was finding out Edna is a minor! I didn't feel comfortable staring at her butt through the gown during the first game, but now I know it's a minor's butt? EWW! CREEPY!

I even started a thread on wondering how could she be a minor since she spent 10 years in the asylum and looked like a teen in the flashbacks. Oh well... *shrugs*
393Groover 22 października 2012 o 17:14 
As for the medium, she was probably an escaped inmate in the first place, seeing as how she's wearing the same clothes as Petra (haven't played the first game, but it seems logical), so she was probably the girl the men at the bridge in Chapter 2 were talking about and eventually capture.

Although the original Harvey noticing the (supposedly) imaginary Edna makes me think the ending was added in at the last second for the sake of having a twist ending.
tanukitsune 23 października 2012 o 2:15 
OH! I was wondering about the captured girl! It didn't make sense that they captured an imaginary friend! Now it makes more sense.
Pandoras_Homeobox 11 listopada 2013 o 18:04 
In response to Edna being a minor - she may not have been in the original but Lilli is a young girl surrounded predominantly by children. The only two adults she knows are unsympathetic authority figures. She probably just pictured Edna as around her own age so they could relate. Note that the police officer also looks and acts a lot like a kid.
anonymous316 13 listopada 2013 o 18:00 
No matter the ending I will always find Lilli super adorable <3
Suisight 17 listopada 2013 o 15:54 
I believe that Lilly as a person is not aware of the people she kills. The ending of the role play points that out very clearly. The player on the other hand is. Maybe not when he kills the first kid with the insects but definitely later on (tree, gargoyle, oven, clown (!) ...). So I picture the player as the psychological problem Lilly has, which controls her actions. I include the player as a person in this consideration because the narrator refers to him and I think of this as more than just a cheap joke but as a hint.

So Lilly is sick in a way that does not let her control her actions. In addition, and because she would not be able to endure the consequences of her actions, her mind suppresses the results which ends after the role play. If this theory is anything other than complete nonsense, the only sovereign decisions Lilly makes in the game is the third option at the end of the game which would make it even more the happy end I always felt it was, despite the narrator claiming otherwise (which he always does). Although I see that all three endings are chosen by the player which is indeed a point against this.

However, I myself was also questioning the missing gnomes after the first chapter.

As for Edna being a minor: Her age is irrelevant in this case since she clearly is not able to make reasonable decisions. Hence, the main quality of being adult is not given and she has the status of a minor regardless of her age. The number of years in existence is merely an social agreement, not a biological or psychological fact.
BiggerBoss 19 listopada 2013 o 17:41 
While these are all interesting thoughts and theories, I think it's a possibility Dr. Marcel was messing with Lilli's damaged psyche. I mean c'mon why would Edna just suddenly now show up in the room and tell her not to attack him after everything. Well either way it's all supposed to be ambiguous..much like Edna's fate in the first game...never totally revealed. I'll be surprised if we do get a third game...because it would be nice to have some closure, this game...while hilarious and amazing...just left more questions.
BatwingCandlewaxxe 23 listopada 2013 o 18:44 
Playing the first game is pretty important to fully understanding this one, particularly with regard to the ending. There were two endings in the original Edna & Harvey; one of which resulted in Edna pushing Dr. Marcel down the stairs. Since he is still suffering injuries from that, then that is clearly the canon ending; and makes it clear that Edna represents Lilli's id, her violence, irresponsibility, and general obliviousness to the damage she causes.

Edna's story is likely one that has become something of an urban legend in Lilli's world, probably told and retold, and embellished on, until Edna begins to symbolize the parts of Lilli's nature that are similarly chaotic.

Unlike Edna in the original game, Lilli's problems are not caused as much by trauma, but more by serious mental illness; and in both cases are exacerbated by abuse and trauma. Edna is very much that illness manifest; since, like Edna, Lilli doesn't seem to want to hurt people, she just doesn't really understand how damaging her actions are, she can't understand the impact they have. Once she does understand, she reacts pretty much as expected.

Thoughout the game, she seems to be slowly becoming more and more aware of herself and her nature, overcoming both the abuses she's been subjected to, and her own illness. To me, that would mean that the Defiant ending should be considered canon, as it represents Lilli's final move toward taking responsibility for her own life and actions; breaking free of Dr. Marcel's and the Convents repressive rules, and her own illness. Something Edna never really did.
SportyHeadShot 2 grudnia 2013 o 6:40 
"But the thing that bothered me the most about the sequel was finding out Edna is a minor! I didn't feel comfortable staring at her butt through the gown during the first game, but now I know it's a minor's butt? EWW! CREEPY!" - Kind of like F.E.A.R. 2 naked 16 year old who eventually rapes you........ gaming and some movies are getting a bit sad these days.

I kept looking for another alternate ending but found none, but I enjoyed how she finally talked in the end, perhapse everything was all in her head, and all of it was finally breaking free of being lost in her mind, I've been there before, coma, this game reminds me of some of my fragmented memories, which is why I really enjoyed it, such as silent hill 4.
Muscular Rabbit 29 grudnia 2013 o 6:04 
Początkowo opublikowane przez tanukitsune:
True, I can believe people talking about Edna's escape since the asylum was so close, but the imaginary Edna knew HOW she escaped, right? I guess it's possible they figured it out and told everybody, but that seems unlikely.

As for the ending I guess it depends on how you view Lilli, is she just a psycho or is she just sick and never meant to hurt anybody? Frankly, I think she was sick AND wanted to hurt people, she just kept convincing herself she was too nice to do the awful things she thinks about.

I guess it also depends on whether there will be a sequel, Harvey is in the hands of the Mother Superior, which complicates things, Edna was never there and is likely to not even be in town, which complicates things...

Dr. Marcel dies in one of the three endings, which may or may not complicate things? Maybe Edna would actual come back to town if Dr. Marcel is dead and maybe she'll try to solve the mess made by Dr. Marcel having all the loonies out in town?

I doubt they'll her an imaginary friend again...

But the thing that bothered me the most about the sequel was finding out Edna is a minor! I didn't feel comfortable staring at her butt through the gown during the first game, but now I know it's a minor's butt? EWW! CREEPY!

I even started a thread on wondering how could she be a minor since she spent 10 years in the asylum and looked like a teen in the flashbacks. Oh well... *shrugs*

Oh i would like to say that she was probably 8 years old? like alfed? or probably a few years younger because i thought of her being 18 years old adding in the 10 years
Muscular Rabbit 29 grudnia 2013 o 6:14 
Początkowo opublikowane przez BiggerBoss:
While these are all interesting thoughts and theories, I think it's a possibility Dr. Marcel was messing with Lilli's damaged psyche. I mean c'mon why would Edna just suddenly now show up in the room and tell her not to attack him after everything. Well either way it's all supposed to be ambiguous..much like Edna's fate in the first game...never totally revealed. I'll be surprised if we do get a third game...because it would be nice to have some closure, this game...while hilarious and amazing...just left more questions.

Just one of the things about this series like they say, you'll have to create the missing pieces your self XD or make your own theories one of the things I like about it , and ya Marcel was probably messing with her she had a damaged mind also scarred from realizing what she caused , also she might have till some of the hypnosis still in her with her damaged mind she might of ended up believing him then imagining the other Edna and Garret or they could be right that those two are just figments of her imagination.
Aelarin 29 stycznia 2014 o 15:41 

according to mother superior (I played it with the Original German voices), she´s so mentally unstable and doesn´t care for anyone but herself and her principles. She doesn´t even recognize childrens motivations and problems, she wishes them all to be gone (sometimes to be dead)... And the game is really odd, deadalic sometimes creates... let´s say SPECIAL stories and more special characters who always have psychologically problems :D If you ever played the Deponia games... you know what I mean.
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