Are there ever gonna be achievements for this game? Sure, it's satisfying to beat the game my first try in 4 hours without any help/guides, and 100% completing the game in 7 hours with minimal help (I couldn't find 3 signs I accidently walked passed without looking at): but it would be a lot more satisfying with at least some achievements. Just some simple ones that could be added: "Found All Signs", "Beat the Game", "Found all Dev Rooms", "Found All Guns", "Explored All Rooms", and "Found all Pink Cubes" (once they're fixed).
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its really good. totally worth $20
"it's satisfying to beat the game my first try in 4 hours without any help/guides, and 100% completing the game in 7 hours with minimal help", I already beat it, and got 100% completion in 7 hours. I'm asking if there'll ever be achievements.
There was another post a while back that asked for some, but I don't know if there will be any achievements or not. I'd like to see the same ones that you said, but I'd like to see a few more like:

1. Finished game in X amount of time Gold, Silver, and Bronze for different types of difficulty based on the community average from the speed runners.

2. Finished game in the worst time. Kind of like say 15 hours or something like that.

3. Fastest time to finish game in a leader board. Only 1 person for this title. The faster you are the longer you keep the title. Say for six months at a time, but have it set also on a permanent page. That way the person who made it can say look that was me, but every six months or so the title could be up for grabs again. This would be a working achievement (always in motion). Once a person got it they could get it back again if the got beat, but if no one beats them then in six months (3 months or any set time) then that person will go a a permanent wall and can try again for another title. (Or not be able to do so...What do you think?)

I fully support the idea and hope it will come sooner or later. I'd add a few more ideas, but you took all the good ones :) Take care and don't get lost in the chamber.....I did lol.
^Sounds like what you want are leaderboards, not achievements. Active achievements simply do not work in games. It has to be something possible for all players to get, it can't be extremely bottle-necked like that.

and, to be honest, I can't see leaderboards working at all in Antichamber. Yes, you CAN speed-run it: but it is not part of the game to do so. Very simple generic achievements WOULD work, but only the simple ones. If they try adding more complex achievements, it would actually cheapen the game.
I don't see how adding any achievement or leaderboard would cheapen the game. If anything it would (to me at least) add more value to it. I don't like leaderboards, because just a few people who don't really have anything else to do just sit around waiting to beat the next highest score. That to me beats the idea of the leaderboard. That is why I don't like them, or really believe in them at all. I tried to agree with and support your idea. Maybe we will see it happen...
No, I was pointing out that the "Achievements" you listed pretty much exactly described a leaderboard. and Adding achievements would add to the experience a great deal... but Too many achievements, or too obscure achievements would cheapen it a bit.
Pfft. I don't get what's the big deal with achievements. It's like you need something to show for doing stuff in a game. Good for highlighting things to do in a game, and for keeping track personally, but not very interesting otherwise. That said, UDK is fully capable of interfacing with Steam, so it's just a matter of figuring out what to put as achievements. (But I'm not in any hurry to get any.)
Some games benefit greatly from achievements. In those games, achievements can point out alternative methods to accomplish tast, open up new avenues of thought, and point players to visit the more obscure locations in the game. Other games, like Antichamber for instance, would not benefit at all, and in-fact, would be "spoiled" by them, as they would rip the player out of the percieved universe (when the achievement notification took place).

I guess some players like to have more challenges available, and achievements do make that possible. Antichamber isn't a game that needs that. It's more of an experience.
For me the achievements are something to work for. Some games don't offer anything. Every game on Steam should have them. It should be a requirement to have them. Just like I think every game on pre-order should list the system specs. Last time, I don't like leaderboards. If you read my last post I really tried to agree with you on what you started. I can see now you are trying to flame me for trying to agree with you. Take care....
Ultima modifica da Big Ben; 28 lug 2013, ore 22:22
When I beat the game, I was expecting an achievement. There wasn't one, and now I'm sad.
Messaggio originale di Amonopoly:
When I beat the game, I was expecting an achievement. There wasn't one, and now I'm sad.
Think of having every picture as an achievement. You don't get anything to show for it on your profile page, but at least you can take a screenshot of it.
Messaggio originale di Big Ben:
If you read my last post I really tried to agree with you on what you started. I can see now you are trying to flame me for trying to agree with you. Take care....
I'm not flaming you, I'm just saying that those did sound like leaderboards. I did get that you agreed with wanting achievements, and I'm happy for that. I wasn't trying to be rude, it's just that in my personal opinion: something like leaderboards would not work in Antichamber at all: same goes with achievements similar to leaderboards.

I was not aware that what I was typing in this discussion was coming off as rude, and I apologize for that.
Ultima modifica da Nihatclodra; 29 lug 2013, ore 10:50
Nice idea, and it would give me even one more reason to play through the game again, but I don't think the game actually needs achievements or may even take the fun out of the game, since it shouldn't be a game to see who can run through the fastest or not (the gold, silver, bronze idea which has already been mentioned), but if there were, I think something like beating the clock though in the main chamber would be nice.
Please developer, add achievements - it would add so much to the game !!!
Achievements would be awesome .... All games should have achievements... ( Maybe without MOBA :p )
Ultima modifica da MuerTHC; 19 feb 2014, ore 10:34
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