Beyond Divinity
Too many game breaking bugs.
This game is loaded with so many bugs that soft lock the player it's terrible. It even says I played one minute when I already got to Act 2. Like what? Even the launcher is bugged. What the heck happened with this game? I loved DD and I love Original Sin. This isn't a matter of the game being different or not my cup of tea it's outright busted. Is there a fan patch by chance? If not I won't bother reinstalling this.
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Цитата допису Ratconned:
Sounds like a very odd threat, since no one particularly cares.

A guide I made listing every possible problem with the game and fixes.

If you want to say that you already said that you won't uninstall if there's no patch, don't bother. It is your very shaky words against the apparent lack of any details pertaining to the actual problems, unless the vague and non-descriptive rant was supposed to be details. I congratulate you, you have faced problems no one else, in this game version, has ever seemed to face. My guide is comprehensive and has almost everything (that almost is obligatory), because I was reached out to, to fill in what little I had missed or put inaccurately, when a player found otherwise.

Interesting guide because not only did I not alt tab even once, NPCs still went through walls. So I decided to boot the game again and tried it to free NPCs at my various save points and what do you know they didn't shift at all. The rest of your guide isn't that useful as I had not one of those issues, save for one and it didn't just happen on Act 4 as I had save issues starting from the beginning of the game. It's why I have so many saves, to help avoid the softlocks.

What's more is you don't seem to mention enemies that cannot be hit. I'm not talking about evasion either here, I'm talking you mouse over them and they cannot be targeted. You literally have to have some kind of AoE to hurt them.

Also I didn't say uninstall if there is no patch, it's already uninstalled and not getting reinstalled if I can't fix it. Though you made be go back on that just so I can check to see if your weird alt tab trick works since I'm a massive fan of in game jank being used to fix in game jank, sadly it does not work. I had to change settings to even make possible since alt tab initially did nothing when I reinstalled to check it out.

That guide is NOT comprehensive. Just a search online shows bugs you haven't covered in a forum post alone. Unless you couldn't reproduce them, but then I can't reproduce even half the issues you claim there are, like the doll crash or moving NPCs from alt tabbing, player characters going through walls (I only had that issue with NPCs), etc. My favorites being the graphics bugs and the resolution bug. Both of which crash the game. Couldn't reproduce the graphics bug but I could reproduce the resolution bug.

Besides what do you know anyways? I'm clearly the expert of this game here. I even made it to Act 2 in 1 minute. In fact I can even launch multiple instances of the game from Steam. Can you? That's what I thought you mere mortal.

Imagine seeing evidence of the game online full of bugs and seeing someone call it a comprehensive guide without mentioning those bugs. The fact that I can find better bug lists for this version of the game online in forums that are more accurate on multiple forums makes the claim jarring. Doubly so when they are game breaking.

You played yourself by being a turbo fan who takes personal affront to any criticism towards something they like. You even did the cliche thing and went so far as to spice it up. "Sounds like a very odd threat, since no one particularly cares.", ah yes, the no one cares line in a response that shows you care. You cannot make this stuff up.
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Опубліковано: 23 груд. 2023 о 12:21
Дописів: 1