Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami

What's your favourite chapter?
My personal favourite is Assualt.
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For the plot, the last, which is able to give a logical connection at all, but for the gameplay, the best chapter is absolutely Deadline!
Ultima modifica da Venom Gryndel; 5 feb 2014, ore 11:15
Messaggio originale di Picche D4:
For the plot, the last, which is able to give a logical connection at all, but for the gameplay, the best chapter is absolutely Deadline!
Niceeeee.The biker boss fight level.
Messaggio originale di Harry the Wizard:
Messaggio originale di Picche D4:
For the plot, the last, which is able to give a logical connection at all, but for the gameplay, the best chapter is absolutely Deadline!
Niceeeee.The biker boss fight level.
The biker boss fight level was "Neighbors," which that's a good level too, but my favorite is "Full House" because there are so many achievements and secrets you can earn there.
Messaggio originale di wlayton27:
Messaggio originale di Harry the Wizard:
Niceeeee.The biker boss fight level.
The biker boss fight level was "Neighbors," which that's a good level too, but my favorite is "Full House" because there are so many achievements and secrets you can earn there.
whoops.My bad.
Hot & Heavy is probably my favourite chapter despite arguably being one of the hardest levels to A+ in the game. It's possible to get a 28x combo right from the start and I even enjoy clearing out the dreaded four glass rooms of doom.
The one where you save the girl.
Thats "Neighbors". Its great because you keep going through the entire building slaughtering everything that moves and just as you are at the peak of the insanity you are stopped abrubtly and shoved into a boss fight. (The biker boss level I mean)
Messaggio originale di noober98:
Messaggio originale di Picche D4:
For the plot, the last, which is able to give a logical connection at all, but for the gameplay, the best chapter is absolutely Deadline!
Niceeeee.The biker boss fight level.
Ultima modifica da PixelConglamorate (she/her); 7 feb 2014, ore 17:46
The second floor of the third level, Decadence, where you save the girl from the movie producer, is one of the best in my opinion.
Push it. The music, the atmosphere the difficulty using the rooster mask on that level. I have to replay it. My top 50 spot on the point ladder on vita has dropped :@
Messaggio originale di Kex:
The one where you save the girl.
that chapter is chapter 3 "Decadence"
I like the one with the SWAT teams
I like chapter 5. Just because I've spent so much time in the Full House for achievements and collectibles.
i hate assault :Pig:s
Assualt was a douchey level. I started off getting killed 15 times then only did good when I got the don juan mask and started camping near doors making sounds then barging in to get a insta kill from door.
Crackdown (because it has SWAT) tied with Deadline (because of the van crashing through the wall, reminded me of The Dark Knight) though i did get grossed out by Jacket's execution move, that was nasty
Ultima modifica da Nagumo-Stan; 26 mar 2014, ore 22:20
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Data di pubblicazione: 5 feb 2014, ore 5:59
Messaggi: 18