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SBZ_Tobias  [developer] Nov 16, 2017 @ 1:50am
How to play PAYDAY 2: VR
PAYDAY 2: VR is a new way to heist.
Here you can learn how to master it!

You can find a diagram of the controls for HTC Vive here:
Dash + Direct Movement[]
Dash Only Movement[]

You can find a diagram of the controls for Oculus Rift here: Dash + Direct Movement[]
Dash Only Movement[]

You can find an example of the Inventory Belt here![]
You can find an example of the Tablet here![]

The first thing you need to do is choose your main weapon hand. The default setting is “RIGHT-HANDED” but can be toggled in the VR settings. Your weapon hand will for now on be referred to as MAIN HAND the non-weapon hand will be referred to as the OFF HAND. You can change witch hand weapon is in during gameplay. The MAIN HAND will always refer to the hand with the weapon. If you set your MAIN HAND on the left side the Inventory belt will switch to reflect this it place your weapons on the left side.

VR Settings
There are multiple new settings unique to VR. They can be found on the VR settings screen. This screen is located left of the main menu screen, the loadout screen or the pause menu screens.

There are two movement systems in the game, the dash movement, and the direct movement. You can either choose to play with the dash movement only or both combined. You can not play with only the direct movement since the dash movement is necessary to jump up on ledges and ladders.

In the VR settings, you can select between "Dash Only" and "Dash + Direct". It is set to “Dash Only” by default.

If you choose to play with the “Dash + Direct” system, both system are active at once and need to be aware of how both works. The reason for this is that the dash system is used when climbing ladders and jumping gaps or climbing ledges. If you want to customize how to switch between the two systems please check the segment below about “Direct Movement Dead zones”

    Dash Movement - Vive
    This system can be used on its own or together with the direct movement system for Vive.To move, you place your thumb on the thumb pad of your OFF HAND. This will cause the targeting line and circle to appear. Pressing down will make you dash to the selected location.In the VR settings, you can select between "Dash" and "Dash + Direct". It is set to “Dash” by default.You can find a diagram of the Dash Movement controls for HTC Vive here![]
    Dash Movement - Oculus
    This system can be used on its own or together with the direct movement system for Oculus.To move, you place your thumb on the joystick on your OFF HAND. This will cause the targeting line and circle to appear. Pressing down or moving the stick forward will make you dash to the selected location. You can also use the Y button on your OFF HAND to dash if you prefer.You can find a diagram of the Dash Movement controls for Oculus Touch here![]
    Direct Movement - Vive
    This system can only be used together with the dash movement system for Vive by selecting the Dash + Direct movement system from the in the VR settings menu.To move, you place your thumb on the thumb pad of your OFF HAND. This will cause the targeting line to appear. Moving your thumb forward will cause you to walk. This movement is relative to the direction you are pointing the controller. Pressing down on the thumb pad while walking will cause you to sprint.To strafe you can either move your thumb to the side of the thumbpad or aim the controller to the side.You can find a diagram of the Dash + Direct Movement controls for HTC Vive here![]
    Direct Movement - Oculus
    This system can only be used together with the dash movement system for Vive by selecting the Dash + Direct movement system from the in the VR settings menu.To move, you place your thumb on the joystick of your OFF HAND. This will cause the targeting line to appear. Tilting the joystick forward will cause you to walk. This movement is relative to the direction you are pointing the controller. Pressing down on the joystick while walking will cause you to sprint.To strafe you can either move your thumb to the side of the thumbpad or aim the controller to the side.You can find a diagram of the Dash + Direct Movement controls for Oculus Touch here![]

Direct Movement Dead zones
You can customize your experience by choosing different settings for the dead zones. A dead zone is the area of the touchpad that does not give input to the game.

The game uses two different zones, both zones are centered around the middle of the thumbpad surface. The first is called "Dash zone", it dictates how large the area is that will be dedicated to the dash movement system on the thumb pad when using the HTC Vive. Making this bigger increases the area you can place your thumb to get a targeting line and circle rather than instantly moving. When you thumb leaves the dash zone area you will move forward.

The second zone is called "Dead zone" it dictates how far back you need to move your finger towards the center of the thumb pad or joystick to cancel the movement. Making this bigger will make it easier to stop moving since the center of the button might be difficult to find while inside the HMD.

In the VR settings menu, you can turn "Dash in Deadzone" on or off. It is set to “On” by default. Turning this setting off will disable the ability to activate a dash when returning to the dead zone after a movement has once been activated. If the setting is turned off you need to lift the finger from the thumb pad or the joystick.

Automatic Dash Movement
Automatic Dash is an advanced setting can be turned on or off in the VR settings. You can keep dashing by holding down and holding the thumb pad on the Vive or the joystick or Y button on the Oculus. You will keep dashing in the direction of your targeting line.
In the VR settings, you can select between "Long" and "Short" jumps and "Off". It is set to “Long” by default.

On Oculus you can rotate yourself with the X and A buttons. In the VR settings, you can select between "45°" and "90°" to rotate. It is set to "45°" by default.

Shooting and Aiming
The trigger on your MAIN HAND is used to shoot your weapon. If you use akimbo weapons the trigger on your OFF HAND is used to fire the other weapon.
Some player likes to aim by using both hands to hold the weapon. You can activate this by pressing the grip or side button on the OFF HAND near the foregrip of the weapon, this position is different on every weapon and can also have multiple grip points.
In the VR settings, you can turn "Two-handed grip toggle" on or off. If this setting is turned off you need to hold the buttons pressed to keep the state active.

Inventory Belt Layout
The belt inventory can be customized, the boxes can be moved around and rescaled in size. Additionally you can also move the belt in any direction and scale it.

To edit a box go into the interface section of the VR menu, click customize layout. You can grab the boxes and move them around or use both hands to scale them.

To reload your weapons you need to activate your MAIN HAND controller’s grip/side button.
During the reload we show the progress of your reload with a timer dial, once the timer has finished the weapon is reloaded.

To reload on the HTC Vive, use the grip button on your MAIN HAND.
On the Oculus, use the side button on your MAIN HAND.
If you use akimbo weapons, the MAIN HAND controller’s grip/side side button is used to simultaneously reload both weapons.

There are two reload systems in the game.
    Automatic Reload
    When your weapon is empty, it will automatically reload.You can also start a reload at any time, using the grip/side button on your MAIN HAND.
    Active Reload
    This setting is made for weapon enthusiasts and requires a series of actions.For this to work, we added a magazine box in your UI Belt.You have to manually start the reload by ejecting the magazine (empty or not) from your weapon by pressing the grip/side button on your MAIN HAND. Wait until the reload timer ends and either grab a new magazine from the magazine box with your OFF HAND and insert it in your gun, or move your MAIN HAND with your empty weapon into the magazine box.This setting also enables you to interrupt a reload, by grabbing a magazine from the magazine box before it is full. You can not use your MAIN HAND to interrupt the reload. Since this require more actions we reduced the total reload time.

The active reload system is an advanced setting can be enabled in the VR settings. It is disabled by default. You can not use both systems at the same time.
You can find an example of the Inventory Belt with active reload here![]

Fire Mode and Gadget
The thumb pad or joystick on the MAIN HAND can be used to turn gadgets on/off and switching fire mode.

    HTC Vive
    Placing your thumb on the thumb pad and moving it left or right will cause a small text to appear under the weapon panel that explains which action you are about to activate. Pressing down on that side will activate that action.
    Oculus Rift
    Placing your thumb on the joystick and move it left or right will cause the will action to activate.

The left side is the thumb pad is used to switch the fire mode.
The right side is used to turn gadgets on and off.

Switching weapon hand
There are two ways to switch weapon hand during gameplay.
    Inventory Belt
    Grabbing the weapon from the inventory belt with the OFF HAND will cause the MAIN HAND and OFF HAND to switch.You grab a weapon from the belt by holding the hand near the box on the belt and pressing the grip or side button on the hand you want to use to hold the gun.
    Swap Hand
    - Pressing the swap hand button will cause the MAIN HAND and OFF HAND to switch. The swap hand button is an advanced setting can be turned on in the VR settings. It is turned off by default. If the setting is turned on pressing up on the MAIN HAND thumb pad or joystick will activate a hand swap.

Interactions with objects, AI, enemies or civilians
To interact with anything around you hold the hand near the object and once your hand get a green outline press and hold the grip or side button on the controller. When interacting the interaction circle will appear in front of the hand.
The same button is used to shout at AI teammates, enemies or civilians. Press and hold the buttons when pointing at an AI teammate to order them to stop and defend a location.

Masking up
While in casing mode the mask will appear in your hand that is not assigned to have your table to avoid obstructing important gameplay information. Press and hold the trigger to put on the mask. You can also lift the mask near your head and press the trigger to mask up to instantly.

Throwables, Equipments and Bags
To use a throwing weapon or an equipment, find the appropriate icon in the inventory belt move your hand to the icon and press the grip or side button to equip the item in question to the hand.
Press the trigger to throw weapons and bags from your hand in the direction you are aiming. Press and hold to place an equipment on the ground where you are aiming. With an item equipped press the grip or side button to unequip the item.

When picking up a bag, it will be automatically equipped to the hand you used to pick up the bag with. Pressing the grip or side button the the same controller will place the bag in the inventory belt. You can find an re-equip the bag from the belt by holding the hand near the box on the belt and pressing the grip or side button on the hand you want to the bag in.

You can also use the quick buttons located on the MAIN HAND. Pressing up on the trackpad or joystick will place a deployable. Pressing down on the trackpad or joystick will quick throw and throwable or activate an perk deck.

The vehicles in the game are controlled by simply grabbing the steering wheel with the left hand and the accelerator (located by the handbrake) with you right hand. In PAYDAY 2 the cars are automatic, not manual. Push the right hand forward and off you go. The hand break can be activated with the right trigger for some sweet drifting.
The system works the same way for motorcycles and boats, except twist the throttle handle to accelerate.

To climb up a ladder you first need to get near to the ladder. When you aim with the targeting line to the base or top of the ladder, the line and targeting circle will then turn yellow. This will attach you to the ladder. Once attached you can aim the controller up and down to choose the direction you want to climb. In front of you, there will be two arrows that will highlight the directions you will climb once you press the thumbpad button on the Vive alternative pressing the joystick or the Y button on the Oculus. Longer ladders will take a few clicks to reach the top.

To navigate the menus in VR there is a laser that acts as your mouse cursor and the trigger will be used to activate options. You can scroll up and down on screens with lists using the trackpad or the joystick on the MAIN HAND. You can back out of menus quickly with the grip or side buttons.
Last edited by SBZ_Tobias; Mar 15, 2018 @ 12:24pm