Elemental Survivors

Elemental Survivors

Sigvuld Nov 27, 2023 @ 12:01pm
A note for the developer(s)
So, I know this may not be all that interesting for anyone else to read, but still, I just really wanna say it here.

I've seen multiple examples now of you responding in a shockingly timely manner to issues players bring up, asking for details when necessary, and then BAM the next patch notes, or the ones after that at the latest, so often have that very same issue I read about listed as one of the fixed problems.

I know, I know, it's "their job" and blah blah, but seriously, I wanna show my appreciation for this - it's so nice to see the engagement from you whenever people are having problems, and acting on them as quickly as you are. I don't see devs doing that as often as I'd like, here, because of general toxicity, the devs just not caring enough to leave a single response saying "we're working on it, don't worry", or both.

In an industry full to the brim with uncaring, distant developers who love repeatedly saying "your feedback has been heard" while showing they barely even read it, if at all, this is so refreshing.

This game's an absolute keeper and I'm so glad I stumbled across it. Thank you for being lovely devs! Behavior like this is what locks in my purchase of the game you make after this, if any, down the line!
Last edited by Sigvuld; Nov 27, 2023 @ 12:04pm
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Samobee Games  [developer] Nov 28, 2023 @ 7:51am 
OMG I'm having trouble forming words to express my gratitude for this. Thank you thank you thank you. I love engaging with y'all here. You've been lovely and helpful and I can't wait to see where y'all help us take our game. We love what we do!!! <3 <3 <3 -Bee
bholz Nov 28, 2023 @ 10:55am 
You do indeed do a great job with communication -- both in terms of promptness and attitude. With so many toxic/negative communities, it's great to see a developer setting a good example.

If I can take the opportunity to drop a bit of feedback--I've seen recent comments that your near-term updates may focus on adding content. That's great, but please also cast an eye towards balance issues soon, if possible. As it stands, some weapons really seem to stand out dramatically against others in overall effectiveness, with others can seem comparatively lackluster. I think this has been noted elsewhere by others, so I don't really want to belabor the point, just to provide a nudge in that direction of upcoming efforts.

Overall, I wouldn't be taking the time to say that if I hadn't already been charmed by your game. Keep up the great work!
Samobee Games  [developer] Nov 29, 2023 @ 8:32am 
Originally posted by bholz:
You do indeed do a great job with communication -- both in terms of promptness and attitude. With so many toxic/negative communities, it's great to see a developer setting a good example.

If I can take the opportunity to drop a bit of feedback--I've seen recent comments that your near-term updates may focus on adding content. That's great, but please also cast an eye towards balance issues soon, if possible. As it stands, some weapons really seem to stand out dramatically against others in overall effectiveness, with others can seem comparatively lackluster. I think this has been noted elsewhere by others, so I don't really want to belabor the point, just to provide a nudge in that direction of upcoming efforts.

Overall, I wouldn't be taking the time to say that if I hadn't already been charmed by your game. Keep up the great work!
Thanks very much! We're working towards a big content update soon, but I'll be sure to dig into the attack evos that need some extra love.

Thanks for the feedback! <3 -Bee
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